Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on February 28, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

Last night Seymour Hersh was on Hardball. The discussion was about the consequences of the Bush policy in Iraq. Before some of you get ready to explain what was said was “Opinion”, understand the discussion was about “Results” not “Opinion”.

Mr. Hersh listed the results of our invasion of Iraq. The results are:

Enabled the People of Iraq to select a government.

The new government is dominated by the majority Shies.

The new government is closely allied with the faction that makes up Iran.

The Arab Sunnis are not happy with the Shea controlled government in Iraq.

The age old sectarian hate in Iraq has erupted into a civil war.

The Cliff Notes Version—We helped create a government in Iraq that is allied with our enemy Iran and is the arch enemy of the Islamic countries that we have been working with in the past. Iraq is less not more stable and now foreign terrorists like al Qaeda have begun operating in western Iraq.

on Mar 01, 2007
I see none of your Bushies have been able to refute ANY of these statements. I guess that is because they are TRUE!
on Mar 01, 2007

I see none of your Bushies have been able to refute ANY of these statements. I guess that is because they are TRUE!

LOL.  Col just the fact that you are quoting two left wing loons is reason enough not to take the time to bother posting to you.

How many threads about the good news and progress from Iraq do you ignore?  I guess that means they are true since you ignore them.  See how your logic works?

on Mar 01, 2007

Again you attack the people but you have not refuted the the statements. Which statements are not correct?
Enabled the People of Iraq to select a government.

The new government is dominated by the majority Shies.

The new government is closely allied with the faction that makes up Iran.

The Arab Sunnis are not happy with the Shea controlled government in Iraq.

The age old sectarian hate in Iraq has erupted into Civil War.

on Mar 01, 2007
Mr. Hersh listed the results of our invasion of Iraq. The results are:

What a surprise that a left wing nut points to a far left wing nut to support his views. Too bad there are no facts to go with the statements.

Enabled the People of Iraq to select a government.

Is this a bad thing in your eyes col?

The new government is dominated by the majority Shies.

What is wrong with that unless you have some religious hatred of Shies?

The new government is closely allied with the faction that makes up Iran.

As well as the British, US, Spain, Russia, France, and a few dozen other nations that are members of the UN. Are you saying that the nation of Iraq does not have the right to choose its friends?

The Arab Sunnis are not happy with the Shea controlled government in Iraq.

Right just like the south was not happy when they lost the war but they are mostly over it after a hundred years.

The age old sectarian hate in Iraq has erupted into a civil war.

Not yet a civil war or you would see violence all over the nation instead of just a few places scattered around one third of the nation.
on Mar 01, 2007
“Is this a bad thing in your eyes col?”

“The new government is dominated by the majority Shies.”

The Shies are in control of Iran and Bush tells us Iran is dangerous. This makes it a problem.

Since the governments we have dealings with in that area are Sunnis and hate Iran and the Shies, what we have done is brought to power a faction in Iraq that the countries we have been able to deal with hate.

I have yet to see how you have disproved ANY of the statements made on Hardball!!!

Face it, the policy Bush has followed in Iraq has FAILED in every possible way!

on Mar 01, 2007
“Is this a bad thing in your eyes col?”

“The new government is dominated by the majority Shies.”

The Shies are in control of Iran and Bush tells us Iran is dangerous. This makes it a problem.

Since the governments we have dealings with in that area are Sunnis and hate Iran and the Shies, what we have done is brought to power a faction in Iraq that the countries we have been able to deal with hate.

I have yet to see how you have disproved ANY of the statements made on Hardball!!!

Face it, the policy Bush has followed in Iraq has FAILED in every possible way!

The age old sectarian hate in Iraq has erupted into a civil war.

Not yet a civil war or you would see violence all over the nation instead of just a few places scattered around one third of the nation

During our Civil War, there were many areas in our country where there was NO fighting.
on Mar 01, 2007
“The new government is dominated by the majority Shies.”

You are surprised by this? they make up the majority of the nation.

The Shies are in control of Iran and Bush tells us Iran is dangerous. This makes it a problem.

You have screamed that Mr. Bush is a liar and can't be trusted but now you wish to believe what he says. LOL You are a good political hack.

Since the governments we have dealings with in that area are Sunnis and hate Iran and the Shies, what we have done is brought to power a faction in Iraq that the countries we have been able to deal with hate.

You sir have no understanding of the nation or its make-up.
There are the Kurds, Shia, and sunnis that make up Iraq. The majority of the nation is Shia, followed by the Kurds and last the Sunnis so yes the Sunnis are not happy with the fact that they lost power and don’t have a majority to get it back. Sounds like the Democrats. The oil wealth is with the Kurds, The political wealth is with the Shia, that leaves the Sunnis sucking hind tit. You sir are not informed.

During our Civil War, there were many areas in our country where there was NO fighting.

This is true there were states that did not want to be bothered with the war and opted out. Once the areas were occupied by the north the area quieted down. Yet even today I see bumper stickers that say the South will rise again. By your standards the civil war must still be going on because there are people that still support the ideals of the South. The only real fighting now is from the Sunnis that want to get control back and are supported by the Shia in Iran, just like they support the Shia in Iraq. Play both sides for fools and Iran wins.
on Mar 01, 2007

The issue is not if the Sunnis are happy but about the fact that our invasion has brought to power a government that is close to the government in Iran who we can not deal with. It is the issue that our invasion has destabilized this country. Our Invasion has enabled the radical Moslems to recruit others that hate us and allowed al Qaeda to establish operations in western Iraq. Which of these results of our invasion of Iraq has made us safer?

You, like Bush, have no clue as to what we are doing in Iraq and that area of the world!.
on Mar 02, 2007
The issue is not if the Sunnis are happy but about the fact that our invasion has brought to power a government that is close to the government in Iran who we can not deal with.

I see no proof of this, but seeing as the largest Shia nation is Iran who would you think they would be close to? You just love to notice the obvious.

It is the issue that our invasion has destabilized this country.

Yes, that was the purpose of the invasion. Good of you to admit that it worked.

Our Invasion has enabled the radical Moslems to recruit others that hate us and allowed al Qaeda to establish operations in western Iraq.

Well since they already had three bases in Iraq before we invaded I guess that now that they are down to only one base is a good thing.

Which of these results of our invasion of Iraq has made us safer?

All of them, silly.

You, like Bush, have no clue as to what we are doing in Iraq and that area of the world!.

Sir you fail to understand basic taticts or operational planning. Your ignorance ot choice to ignore the facts proves you are only interested in being a political hack not one interested in debating the facts.
on Mar 02, 2007

You see no proof that Iraq and Iraq are moving toward each other? Where have you been? There have been meetings between the new Government in Iraq and the Government in IRAN. The Saudis have expressed their displeasure at the actions of the Shea against the Sunnis and have pledged to support the Sunnis against the Shea.

It is the issue that our invasion has destabilized this country.

“Yes, that was the purpose of the invasion.”

WHERE do come up with the BS you post on this web site? The object was to STABILIZE Iraq and the region not destabilize it.

There is nothing like what al Qaeda is doing in Iraq today before we invaded. We have added to those that hate us and would be willing to conduct another 9/11. Our intelligence agencies have said the Iraq war has made us LESS not more safe.

You are not qualified to carry my brief case into a meeting to discuss either military tactics or strategy. You are the guy at the end of the chain in which people like me gave the orders. No military officer has said the tactics employed in Iraq were correct. Bush and Rummy screwed up just about every aspect of this war and we see the results of his policies EVERY DAY!!!
on Mar 02, 2007
There are leprechauns dancing on the sun.

Now prove me wrong.
on Mar 02, 2007

Iraq is not on the Sun. If you are saying that the Iraq war has been handled properly, you are just as much in the dark as Bush. We have been in Iraq LONGER then in WWII. We are not even close to ending the violence in that country. We allowed the violence to spiral out of control because Bush did not listed to those who knew what would happen if we invaded that country. He was warned of JUST what is taking place today. Then after making the mistake of invading Iraq he failed to allow the military send the resources needed to prevent the sectarian violence from getting to the point it is today. ANY one that supported Bush or continues to support him is partially responsible for the violence and killing that goes on every day in Iraq!
on Mar 02, 2007
Try to demonize everyone else all you want, Gene. Doesn't make you any less of a loon.

And you still haven't proven me wrong.
on Mar 02, 2007
You see no proof that Iraq and Iraq are moving toward each other?

Nope, In fact Iraq can't move any closer to Iraq. LOL I know it was a type-o but could not let it slied. col Gene, you have said that Iraq was not a threat to us, and following your logic Iran must not be a threat to us either. So why do you care if they become frineds?

WHERE do come up with the BS you post on this web site? The object was to STABILIZE Iraq and the region not destabilize it.

No, the object was to stop Saddam from giving safe haven to our enemies. Stop Saddam from supporting our enemies. To do this the nation has to be destabalized. Then out of the mess grows order. Just like with our nation when we started. our best friend was France and our hated enemy was Great Briton a few years later our biggest enemy was France because they now wanted our country and tried to make it fall. See how it happens all through history?

There is nothing like what al Qaeda is doing in Iraq today before we invaded. We have added to those that hate us and would be willing to conduct another 9/11.

Really, instead of attacking American civilians on our soil they are attacking American servicemen thousands of miles away from our soil. You say that is bad but I disagree.

Our intelligence agencies have said the Iraq war has made us LESS not more safe.

You are good at quoating that one report but you ignore the reports previous to that one and after that one that say we are winning or all we need to win is not to give up. Even the one you parcially site says we are not losing yet you claim we are losing. Do you just site the parts you like and ignore the rest?

You are the guy at the end of the chain in which people like me gave the orders.

Right, lets see, planning staff for 9th marine amphibious brigade writing war plans for the west pacific. Planning staff for 2nd marine amphibious force coming up with war plans for Europe. Operations planning staff RDJTF McDill This was before SoCom, and my plan for the hostage rescue in Iran made it all the way up to the pentagon before it was shot down for eagle claw which failed. How many war strategies have you been involved in as an arterially officer?
on Mar 02, 2007

There is no purpose in addressing your idiotic statement. It has no meaning.

The issues I posted about the results of our Iraq policy are nevertheless correct. All of this is unfortunately true and shows just how inept a leader we have in the White House:

Enabled the People of Iraq to select a government.

The new government is dominated by the majority Shies.

The new government is closely allied with the faction that makes up Iran.

The Arab Sunnis are not happy with the Shea controlled government in Iraq.

The age old sectarian hate in Iraq has erupted into a civil war