Last night Seymour Hersh was on Hardball. The discussion was about the consequences of the Bush policy in Iraq. Before some of you get ready to explain what was said was “Opinion”, understand the discussion was about “Results” not “Opinion”.
Mr. Hersh listed the results of our invasion of Iraq. The results are:
Enabled the People of Iraq to select a government.
The new government is dominated by the majority Shies.
The new government is closely allied with the faction that makes up Iran.
The Arab Sunnis are not happy with the Shea controlled government in Iraq.
The age old sectarian hate in Iraq has erupted into a civil war.
The Cliff Notes Version—We helped create a government in Iraq that is allied with our enemy Iran and is the arch enemy of the Islamic countries that we have been working with in the past. Iraq is less not more stable and now foreign terrorists like al Qaeda have begun operating in western Iraq.