Hardly a day goes by when evidence of just how inept the Bush Administrations has been in almost every area of their responsibility.
Today the Congressional Commission evaluating the National Guard released its report. That report said 88% of National Guard Units are ineffective. The Iraq war has destroyed the effectiveness of the Guard units which are not capable of being deployed in combat and are unable to perform their state missions to deal with natural emergencies. They lack equipment, manpower and the extent of the damage done to 88% of National Guard units has never existed to the extent it does today. They have not been funded and the president’s 2008 Budget does not come close to addressing the needs of the National Guard.
On the same day a memo from the deputy Commander of Walter Reed Hospital dated 6 months ago told of the conditions that came to light this week. One of the major causes is the policy of the Bush Administration to privatize support services in the military. This is something Bush has done in both combat and non-combat zones. The company that was awarded the contract to maintain Walter Reed is IAP whose CEO was a former senior official of Halliburton. IAP reduced the hospital maintenance staff from 300 when it was run by the Army to 60 one year later. It now appears that at least some of the maintenance problems at Walter Reed are because of the Bush insistence that support services be taken out of the military and placed into the hands of private contractor who is more interested in their PROFIT then doing the job. It also turns out that IAP is the same company that was unable to deliver the needed ice after Katrina.
It is time for Congress to look at all areas of this government. The mismanagement and out right malfeasance in office of Bush and those he has appointed to run our government is beyond belief.