Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Hardly a day goes by when evidence of just how inept the Bush Administrations has been in almost every area of their responsibility.

Today the Congressional Commission evaluating the National Guard released its report. That report said 88% of National Guard Units are ineffective. The Iraq war has destroyed the effectiveness of the Guard units which are not capable of being deployed in combat and are unable to perform their state missions to deal with natural emergencies. They lack equipment, manpower and the extent of the damage done to 88% of National Guard units has never existed to the extent it does today. They have not been funded and the president’s 2008 Budget does not come close to addressing the needs of the National Guard.

On the same day a memo from the deputy Commander of Walter Reed Hospital dated 6 months ago told of the conditions that came to light this week. One of the major causes is the policy of the Bush Administration to privatize support services in the military. This is something Bush has done in both combat and non-combat zones. The company that was awarded the contract to maintain Walter Reed is IAP whose CEO was a former senior official of Halliburton. IAP reduced the hospital maintenance staff from 300 when it was run by the Army to 60 one year later. It now appears that at least some of the maintenance problems at Walter Reed are because of the Bush insistence that support services be taken out of the military and placed into the hands of private contractor who is more interested in their PROFIT then doing the job. It also turns out that IAP is the same company that was unable to deliver the needed ice after Katrina.

It is time for Congress to look at all areas of this government. The mismanagement and out right malfeasance in office of Bush and those he has appointed to run our government is beyond belief.

on Mar 02, 2007
I will say this once, and *only* once:


on Mar 03, 2007

CNN, MSNBC last night.
on Mar 03, 2007
This is one story about IAP at Walter Reed;

IAP Wins Base Support Contract for Walter Reed Medical
Posted 13-Feb-2006 02:01 | Permanent Link
Related stories: Americas - USA, Bases & Infrastructure, Contracts - Awards, Corporate Innovations, IT - General, Medical, Other Corporation, Procurement Innovations, Support & Maintenance, Support Functions - Other

Purple Heart
(click to view full)The U.S. Army has awarded IAP Worldwide Services a base operations support services contract for Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) in Washington, DC. The five-year contract is valued at more than $120 million. IAP will support administrative, managerial, and operational support services at WRAMC. These services include support services at the garrison headquarters, safety office, and environmental support, transportation functions; community activities; military personnel services; information management; logistics; and public works.

IAP notes that it has has successfully made the transition of government workforces at Ft. Gordon, Ft. Meade, Ft. Lee, Ft. Dix and other government installations as part of its facilities management services. The competitive A-76 contract award decision becomes final upon conclusion of a brief public review period.

The National Guard story is all over the news.
on Mar 03, 2007

CNN had rounded the numnber to 90%. The actual Finding of the Commission is that only 88% of the Guard units are not able to perform their missions.
on Mar 03, 2007

CNN News headlines just covered the story about contracting maintenance at Walter Reed and the cut in the maintenance staff from 300 to 60. They also reveled that two years ago Bush approved the base closure of Walter Reed that prevented the needed maintenance on that facility. This was in the face of increase demand on Walter Reed from Iraq. Bush is a TOTAL IDIOT! Now he appears all concerned. Where was that concern when he approved the closing of that hospital despite the increased demand for its services? Where were his concerns when he allowed private maintenance contracts that put their Profit ahead of needed maintenance?
on Mar 06, 2007

If you are willing to blame Bush for a beauracracy that has been a major problem for 50 years, then you must blame every president, member of congress or high ranking military official for the last 50 years.  If you aren't willing to do that, you are just another whiner.

You were a full bird Colonel. In your military career you had troops who were given the same substandard treatment that you blame Prs. Bush for now.  Did you once EVER confront any Medical officers about the substandard treatment?



I didn't think so.


on Mar 07, 2007

First, it is the policy of the Bush administration to contract out to profit making companies services that support the military. I have documented how in combat areas that has added to our cost not lowered them. In this case Bush approved the closing of Walter Reed at a time when the War he insisted we fight was creating more need for Walter Reed then at anytime since Vietnam. Then the maintenance was contracted out and the staff went from 300 to 60. There were reports of the conditions and the resources needed to correct the problems were not made available. Resource allocation is made at the top levels not at the unit level.

We can not have it both ways. We can not on one hand tell our troops how much we appreciate their service and then do what was done at Walter Reed. I believe we will discover that Walter Reed is just the first of similar problems. The money Bush is adding to the veterans Affairs will not come close to meeting the increased needs caused by the Iraq war. Bush and his subordinated prepare the budget request and say what we need to run the military. This year the COS of the Army, the hand picked general by Bush, refused to sign the budget before going to congress because he said it did not have enough money to run the Army! Did Bush add funding to the budget request? NO. He told the Army COS to go to Congress to make his own case for more money! Some Commander-In-Chief!!!!!
on Mar 07, 2007
This thread was inevitable. To a hammer all the world is a nail.
on Mar 07, 2007
First, it is the policy of the Bush administration to contract out to profit making companies services that support the military.

This is a lie. I is the policy of the US. Congress to shut down Walter Reed Hospital back when the Democrats controlled congress the last time. The reasoning was that since the cold war was over we could save money by shutting down military hospitals around the nation as well as cutting the total military personnel levels and use the money for social programs. Walter Reed was supposed to be shut down in another year or two by order of congress so no one bothered to reverse congressonal law ordering the hospital shut down. Why pour money into a hospital that will be shut down in 24 months? Now because funding has been cut for the hostpital you want to blame the Bush administration. If you bother to look at the root cause you will be able to trace it back to Mr. Clinton and his administration and the democrat controlled congress. Yes, even when the Republicans were in the majority they Democrats mande sure they ran things. The Republicans are now doing to the Demcrats did to them and for some reason the Democrats think it is unfair. Even political hacks like col Gene are demanding that the Republicans respect the majority because they now have the majority but for 12 years they did everything they could to negate the majority.
on Mar 07, 2007

Bush approved that closure knowing it would be needed because of the war he insisted we fight. It was a Bush initiative to contract out services and he requested congress to approve this process to save money. Problem is that in Combat areas it has added to the cost and at Walter Reed you see the results!
on Mar 07, 2007
It was a Bush initiative to contract out services and he requested congress to approve this process to save money

Yes, the hospital was to be closed it was easier and cheaper to contract it out until a new hospital could be built to replace Walter Reed. Has Congress gottne off their ass and even picked a replacement hospital? It is the responsibility of Congress to provide the replacement. Remember that only the Congress spends the money. Your guys are in the MAJORITY why have they not done anything aobut it yet?
on Mar 08, 2007

Bush approved that closure knowing it would be needed because of the war he insisted we fight. It was a Bush initiative to contract out services and he requested congress to approve this process to save money. Problem is that in Combat areas it has added to the cost and at Walter Reed you see the results!

WRONG, on ALL counts!!! Get your facts straight.

Replacement proposal in 2005

President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush visit Sgt. Patrick Hagood of Anderson, SC on October 5, 2005.As part of a Base Realignment and Closure announcement on May 13, 2005, the Department of Defense proposed replacing Walter Reed Army Medical Center with a new Walter Reed National Military Medical Center; the new center would be on the grounds of the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, seven miles (11 km) from Walter Reed's current location in Washington, D.C. The proposal is part of a program to transform medical facilities into joint facilities, with staff including Army, Navy, and Air Force medical personnel.

On August 25, 2005, the BRAC Committee recommended passage of the plans for Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

The transfer of services from the existing to the new facilities will be gradual to allow for continuity of care for the thousands of service members, retirees and family members that depend upon Walter Reed AMC. The final closure of the current WRAMC facility has been set for September 2011.


He may have approved the closure, but it was done on the grounds that a different facility was going to be used to take it's place. Has the Congress done that? NO! Have the democrats pushed it? NO! Even the republicans are shown bad in this. But it was most assuredly NOT GW's fault!
on Mar 08, 2007

No The Military Hospital system is part of DOD and Bush is the Commander-in-chief as he likes to tell us. HE IS RESPONSIBLE. Bush did not request the added resources but sought to reduce the cost despite the fact that his war was causing a drastic increase in the need for medical service. You must live on a different planet!
on Mar 08, 2007
I got my facts wrong. Sorry.
on Mar 09, 2007

No The Military Hospital system is part of DOD and Bush is the Commander-in-chief as he likes to tell us. HE IS RESPONSIBLE. Bush did not request the added resources but sought to reduce the cost despite the fact that his war was causing a drastic increase in the need for medical service. You must live on a different planet!

YOU'RE the one living on a different planet fool! Walter Reed was scheduled to CLOSE! Bethesda was supposed to take over as the main hospital! "Why" allocute funds to something that's scheduled for closure?

[edit] Replacement proposal in 2005

President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush visit Sgt. Patrick Hagood of Anderson, SC on October 5, 2005.As part of a Base Realignment and Closure announcement on May 13, 2005, the Department of Defense proposed replacing Walter Reed Army Medical Center with a new Walter Reed National Military Medical Center; the new center would be on the grounds of the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, seven miles (11 km) from Walter Reed's current location in Washington, D.C. The proposal is part of a program to transform medical facilities into joint facilities, with staff including Army, Navy, and Air Force medical personnel.

On August 25, 2005, the BRAC Committee recommended passage of the plans for Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

The transfer of services from the existing to the new facilities will be gradual to allow for continuity of care for the thousands of service members, retirees and family members that depend upon Walter Reed AMC. The final closure of the current WRAMC facility has been set for September 2011.


Now do you understand? Or do I need to write it in crayon for you?