Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on March 6, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

Every politician that says we must CUT SPENDING to solve the fiscal problems of the U.S. should be required to list their top 10 spending cuts with the amounts they would propose to cut.

I am very tired of listening to the meaningless statement that we hear from most GOP candidates and some Democrats that we are spending TOO MUCH. Fine then tell us just WHAT and HOW MUCH you propose to CUT to solve our fiscal problems!!!

Comments (Page 8)
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on Mar 13, 2007
"Jesus did say 'render unto Caesar', but in a Democracy WE ARE CAESAR"

If you believe our country acts anything like Caesar you are a SAD excuse for an American! Better reread the Lazarus Parable. “In thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted and thou art tormented."
on Mar 13, 2007
I suggest the multi millionaires who are among the top 10% try living for a year on the average wage of the Bottom 10%. That might give them a different perspective of what it is like to be POOR in America!

I suggest YOU try it, Col, rather than demanding multimillionaires try it. You don't have any more of a clue then they do!
on Mar 13, 2007
I am not the one that is saying CUT the benefits to those IN NEED to balance the Budget. It is people like you and some others on this web site that want to protect the wealth of those that HAVE and deny HELP TO THOSE that NEED HELP!
on Mar 13, 2007
I am not the one that is saying CUT the benefits to those IN NEED to balance the Budget. It is people like you and some others on this web site that want to protect the wealth of those that HAVE and deny HELP TO THOSE that NEED HELP!


Let me say this again: You don't know SHIT about being poor in America, and your condescending attitude is an INSULT to those of us who do! You propose that we steal the fruits of someone else's labor to pay for the sloth of others. Well, sloth is a sin too, or didn't you know that with your multiple doctorates in economics, divinity, and law? The simple fact is the majority of the poor in America are poor because they are LAZY, not because of Joe CEO. Don't believe me? Go to any McDonald's and tell me what kind of shitty service you get! I have never gotten service that was worth having at McDonald's except when I worked there, and I have never had to work at those cesspools for long!

You wanted areas to cut, we gave you some. You then demanded that there is no place to cut in those budgets, and that we were selfish sinners for demanding that there was, even though there is no recorded event of Jesus addressing the Roman Senate, in the Gospels OR any apocryphal or secular texts (seems Jesus would have made the trip to Rome if that was His mission now, doesn't it?). Every time you are presented with facts, you counter with personal attacks, name calling and blame.

NOW LET ME PUT THE FACTS TO YOU, YOU SELF RIGHTEOUS, PIOUS SON OF A BITCH!!!! I make less than the median household income and I just GAVE away an $1800 car. That car ALONE came very close to representing a tithe for me for the year. I have NEVER turned anyone away hungry from my door, and have probably given away more in food over the past year than you have in a lifetime! I have given of time, money, AND property every time I have been able. Don't you EVER preach at ME when you don't know the facts...ESPECIALLY when your entire diatribe is meant to SELL A BOOK to LINE YOUR OWN POCKETS!

on Mar 13, 2007
"I do not believe there is anything like 90% overhead in government programs. That is an unsubstantiated statement to make people like you believe we should end them. "

As has been shown, several times over, this whole blog is an unsubstantiated statement. Not only have you NOT shown that there is no dross in the budget, you've admitted that you don't even know what IS in the budget.

"“In thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted and thou art tormented."

So sayest the Col, "Payest thou thine taxes, or thou shalt surely burn in Hell". You have shifted from moderately irrational to demented.
on Mar 13, 2007

“Simple fact is the majority of the poor in America are poor because they are LAZY.”

This is the LIE many wealthy use to justify their GREED! Some people are poor because they are LAZY. However many more work hard at jobs that pay nothing. Some are disabled or just old. Others got the shitty end of the stick like my son who has diabetes. Nothing changes the fact that so far as I am concerned it is far more important to help those that need help so long as they do what they can then to have the wealthy that have everything pay a little more in tax so the people of our country can live. Many wealthy were handed their wealth. Some got lucky in business. To assert that ANYONE is worth the huge salaries that many CEO's are being paid is simply untrue. Many of these CEO's that FAILED get golden parachutes that are obscene in their size. Guess what-- a LOT of poor and middle income people are paying more for the things they produce for them to get their wealth. Look at the way Gas prices have gone up again which harms every person and company in this country so a few oil companies can make ever increasing profits!

You have no idea of what I and my wife do to support people. I wrote my book to document the truth about the way this country is being run. If as you claim you earn less than median income and support the policies of Bush and the GOP, you have been mislead because those policies are destroying the future of this country. They are harming the low and middle income working families in America. They are mortgaging our children’s future!

on Mar 13, 2007
Who are you to say what people deserve? If you want to haggle over Senator's salaries, or the salaries of public servants, fine. They work for you. Private corporations can pay their employees anything they want, it's none of your business.

Punitive taxation doesn't take money out of their pocket, they just pass it on to the consumer, anyway. So you're just harming the 50% of the population that YOU say lives paycheck to paycheck.
on Mar 13, 2007
I think this whole thing really comes down to certain people wanting a welfare state.  Welfare programs and the like do not help this country, and I'm sure a pretty good arguement could be made that they actually hurt the country.

The "poor" in this country have it pretty good compared to other places in the world.  With obesity being a common problem among the poor they are certainly not starving in the streets as col would like to make people think.  People are poor for a variety of reasons, but I bet most are because of laziness and the dependency of welfare programs.  There is not one single reason one class of people should pay more in taxes just to ensure welfare programs, that is ridiculous.

on Mar 13, 2007

If you think I support Bush or the GOP's policies, you really ARE off your rocker!

Now, as to the poor being lazy: I've seen it. I've experienced it. I have NEVER, in my life, seen one person who wasn't mentally ill or mentally retarded that STAYED poor consistently, who wasn't extremely lazy.

As for the mentally ill or the mentally retarded...maybe we need to go back to the institutions.

I'm tired of you pimping the poor to sell a book, Col. You are the lowest of the low, the most shameless of the lot. All the poor are to you is a means to a livelihood.

And you call REPUBLICANS pitiful!
on Mar 13, 2007
The "poor" in this country have it pretty good compared to other places in the world.

But it's not enough for our poor to have color TV. They need plasma big screen TV's, Island Dog! They need to enjoy the fruits of hard work without actually having to put forth any effort! How dare you suggest they are unworthy!
on Mar 14, 2007

I suggest the multi millionaires who are among the top 10% try living for a year on the average wage of the Bottom 10%. That might give them a different perspective of what it is like to be POOR in America!

I did. It was called my childhood living with a single mother who worked a minimum wage job in which I lived in an apartment with a drug dealing neighbor. But through hard work and wise decisions on my mom's part, she eventually bought a house (saving $17 per week for years to build up enough for a house payment thanks to compounding interest).

I also put myself through college working multiple full time jobs DURING college (not just summer jobs).

So I think I have a much clearer perspective on what being poor is and what causes it.  And at no time did my mom ask for hand outs from the government.

If I showed some of my pictures from growing up, it would be pretty blatant that getting enough food was actually an issue. Water for drinking (or cool aid on occasions) with Bean soup, Chipped Beef on Toast, and lots of stews were what I grew up on.

So know what the hell you're talking about before you shoot your mouth off.  Some of us multi-millionairs know a lot mroe about being poor than you ever will. The best thing that could be done for the poor would be to eliminate welfare programs that rob people of the motivation to get out of the situation they're in.

on Mar 14, 2007
I'm sure Colonels in the military live hand to mouth, too...
on Mar 14, 2007

“Simple fact is the majority of the poor in America are poor because they are LAZY.”

This is the LIE many wealthy use to justify their GREED! Some people are poor because they are LAZY. However many more work hard at jobs that pay nothing. Some are disabled or just old. Others got the shitty end of the stick like my son who has diabetes.

Gene, there have been countless studies on this issue. We have a pretty good picture about the poor.

Most people in the bottom 10%tile in income do not work. I have posted census data on JU countless times over the years.

The % of people in the bottom 10% of income that work full time is almost non-existent.

Do you research anything at all or is it all based on emotion for you?

on Mar 14, 2007

This is the LIE many wealthy use to justify their GREED!

Are you stating that I am greedy, Gene? Say the word and I can help validate your claim by removing the free blog that I provide to you for free. I provide JU as a community service in its own way. It has no business justification whatsoever.

So if you're going to say that I'm greedy, Gene, then you are not invited to stay here.  I am willing to debate on any number of subjects, but I'm not about to have someone calling me greedy (unless there's any other multi-millionaires participating in this thread you'd like to point to) even as they make use of my property that I share with others freely. 

If you knew anything about me, my life, and what I do, you would realize how insulting it is for someone to argue that my opposition to having my earnings taxed into oblivion is based on greed.

If anyone ever needed to read Atlas Shrugged, it's you Gene. Read up on Philip Rearden from that book.

on Mar 14, 2007

“Simple fact is the majority of the poor in America are poor because they are LAZY.”

This is the LIE many wealthy use to justify their GREED! Some people are poor because they are LAZY. However many more work hard at jobs that pay nothing. Some are disabled or just old. Others got the shitty end of the stick like my son who has diabetes. Nothing changes the fact that so far as I am concerned it is far more important to help those that need help so long as they do what they can then to have the wealthy that have everything pay a little more in tax so the people of our country can live. Many wealthy were handed their wealth. Some got lucky in business. To assert that ANYONE is worth the huge salaries that many CEO's are being paid is simply untrue. Many of these CEO's that FAILED get golden parachutes that are obscene in their size. Guess what-- a LOT of poor and middle income people are paying more for the things they produce for them to get their wealth. Look at the way Gas prices have gone up again which harms every person and company in this country so a few oil companies can make ever increasing profits!

Hey col...you blew it right there. He said "majority" not all of them. And he is correct. The majority of the poor is because they're just plain lazy.
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