Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on March 6, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

Every politician that says we must CUT SPENDING to solve the fiscal problems of the U.S. should be required to list their top 10 spending cuts with the amounts they would propose to cut.

I am very tired of listening to the meaningless statement that we hear from most GOP candidates and some Democrats that we are spending TOO MUCH. Fine then tell us just WHAT and HOW MUCH you propose to CUT to solve our fiscal problems!!!

Comments (Page 9)
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on Mar 14, 2007

“The "poor" in this country have it pretty good compared to other places in the world.”

The problem with that is that to live in America it costs a lot more then in other countries. If you are saying the poor should be glad they live better then some in Africa for example so the rich can pile up more money, you are just GREEDY and heartless. We can and SHOULD do better in America. We should be helping people who do their part or are unable to feed for themselves. It would be nice if all these needs were met by charity. The truth is they are NOT MET by charity. The social programs after welfare reform are for the most part needed. Life is Choices-- One choice is give tax cuts to the wealthy with a SURPLUS that NEVER EXISTED and continue to go deeper into debt so we mortgage the future OR increase the taxes for those that can afford a little more to help protect the financial future of America and protect the help to people that NEED that HELP!


You are an IDIOT that does not have the slightest idea of what you are talking about. The proof of that is you support for a President and Congress that is destroying the low and middle income families of our country. You support a president that has mortgage the future of this country by refusing to balance the budget. You support a President that LIED about the Danger Saddam posed to our country and sent our military to an UNNEEDED and UNJUSTIFIED WAR that has caused great harm to our country and Iraq. You support a President that has been a TOTAL FAILURE as President just like during the rest of his life.
“I'm sure Colonels in the military live hand to mouth, too...”

No but privates and sergeants’ and Lieutenants do!

“Most people in the bottom 10%tile in income do not work. I have posted census data on JU countless times over the years.
The % of people in the bottom 10% of income that work full time is almost non-existent”.
I have not scene any valid data on what % of the lowest 10% do not work. However you would also have to know how many of that bottom 10% can not work—Age, disability etc. You would also have to know if there are JOBS available. To say people are POOR because they want to be poor is just BS!


This is the LIE many wealthy use to justify their GREED!
Are you stating that I am greedy, Gene?

What I said that people with real wealth like people in the top 20% that would put their own wealth above the needs of the poor are GREEDY. The wealthy do not NEED the money that a slight tax increase would cost them and it would not impact their families. On the other hand, eliminating the benefits you suggested would devastate the bottom 20%. I agree with the position of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet when they wrote to Bush in 2001 and said, “DO NOT CUT TAXES FOR THE WEALTHY. OUR COUNTRY HAS MORE URGENT NEEDS FOR THAT MONEY!” They understood the GREATER good and need of our country. That stands is stark contract to what you and others have suggested.

If you block me from JoeUser it will be because you fear the TRUTH. Nothing you can say or do changes the fact that the wealthy will not suffer from returning the pre 2000 tax rates. Nothing you can say will change the fact that to cut the benefits as you suggested to the poor will not create great harm to millions of Americans.
on Mar 14, 2007
If you block me from JoeUser it will be because you fear the TRUTH. Nothing you can say or do changes the fact that the wealthy will not suffer from returning the pre 2000 tax rates. Nothing you can say will change the fact that to cut the benefits as you suggested to the poor will not create great harm to millions of Americans.

No, "if" he was to ban you from JU it would more than likely be because....he got tired of reading your exact same mindless drivel over and over again! I can go back through all your articles and lay them one on top of the other and there'd be no telling the difference. It would be "Bush bad!" and more taxes are good.
on Mar 14, 2007
They understood the GREATER good and need of our country. That stands is stark contract to what you and others have suggested.

Spoken like a true socialist.

on Mar 14, 2007

I can not help the fact that every day more and more information comes to light that shows that Bush does not know what he is doing! What I post is new information. The problem for you Bushies is that it continues to document that he is inept!

They understood the GREATER good and need of our country. That stands is stark contract to what you and others have suggested.

"Spoken like a true socialist." I bet Gates and Buffet would disagree with you!
on Mar 14, 2007
"Spoken like a true socialist." I bet Gates and Buffet would disagree with you!


Do you want a welfare state col?  Be honest for once.

on Mar 14, 2007

No I do not favor added welfare programs. In fact I said that if we were to add a prescription Drug plan it had to be funded with new revenue which is what Bush and the GOP Controlled Congress FAILED to do. That plan will add to the funding issues of Medicare which are greater then the problems with Social Security and will be a problem much sooner. So what did Bush do? He tried to address Social Security that is a far smaller problem and much further out in time while ignoring Medicare and adding to that problem with the LARGEST NEW ENTITLEMENT program since the 1960's.

However I do favor FULLY FUNDING the programs we have promised people they will have upon retirement. I favor FULLY funding the existing programs to help the poor with housing, heat, food and medical care. Bush and the GOP have done more to add to entitlements that anyone in 40 years! Bush and the GOP have increased PORK more then the Democrats. Bush and the GOP have taken Earmarks from1,400 per year to 14,000 last year. I think it is pure BS when I hear the so called conservatives blast the Democrats for increased spending! Bush and the GOP have out spent the Democrats by a wide margin! In addition they Borrow the added spending and cause MORE spending in the form of added interest. The increased debt that Bush and the GOP have added since 2000 has increased the interest on the debt by $150 Billion dollars per year. By the time Bush retires he will have added $200 Billion per year to the interest we must pay on the national Debt!
on Mar 14, 2007
I favor FULLY funding the existing programs to help the poor with housing, heat, food and medical care.

So the answer is yes then. 
on Mar 14, 2007
Island Dog

The answer is NO.

There is nothing Socialistic about a society where 51% of the wealth is held by 1% of the population. Or 90 % is held by the top 10%. That is the opposite of socialism! Helping the POOR and the DISABLED has nothing to do with socialism but with humanity and compassion!!!!!
on Mar 14, 2007
Helping the POOR and the DISABLED has nothing to do with socialism but with humanity and compassion!!!!!

Helping the poor is not the job of the federal government or anybody for that matter.  You keep advocating for "rich" people to support poor people for the "greater good".  What do you call that?

Amazing how someone who constantly whines about budgets has no problem giving money to wastefull welfare programs. 
on Mar 14, 2007
You are an IDIOT that does not have the slightest idea of what you are talking about. The proof of that is you support for a President and Congress that is destroying the low and middle income families of our country. You support a president that has mortgage the future of this country by refusing to balance the budget. You support a President that LIED about the Danger Saddam posed to our country and sent our military to an UNNEEDED and UNJUSTIFIED WAR that has caused great harm to our country and Iraq. You support a President that has been a TOTAL FAILURE as President just like during the rest of his life.
“I'm sure Colonels in the military live hand to mouth, too...”

I must have missed it, Col. Please remind me when we had a Libertarian president or a Libertarian majority Congress?
on Mar 14, 2007
“Helping the poor is not the job of the federal government or anybody for that matter. You keep advocating for "rich" people to support poor people for the "greater good". What do you call that?” Compassion and Humanity!

Providing help to the poor and disabled is a responsibility that our elected Congress has accepted by creating the very programs you want to cut. YOU may want these poor and disabled to just starve or go without medical care but that is NOT what the government we elected wants to do by the fact they have enacted programs to help these people.

“Amazing how someone who constantly whines about budgets has no problem giving money to wasteful welfare programs.”

The budget problems I sight is the unwillingness to PAY for the PROGRAMS that have been established by those we have elected! I do not consider programs that provide medical care to those that need care and can nor afford it wasteful. I do not consider programs wasteful that help feed people that need help or to help them heat their homes or provide help so they have a place to live. I believe these are FAR more important than tax cuts to the wealthy so they can pile up their surplus a little higher.
on Mar 14, 2007
You keep avoiding the basic point.  It's not the responsibility of the federal government to provide for the poor.  
on Mar 15, 2007
Island Dog

You are the one that refuses to understand that Congress has enacted programs like Medicaid, Food Stamps, Section 8 Housing etc to help those that need help. That means those we have elected believe that it is the responsibility of the Federal Government to help people. You may not agree but the majority of those we elected to govern our Republic think otherwise!
on Mar 15, 2007
You are the one that refuses to understand that Congress has enacted programs like Medicaid, Food Stamps, Section 8 Housing etc to help those that need help. That means those we have elected believe that it is the responsibility of the Federal Government to help people. You may not agree but the majority of those we elected to govern our Republic think otherwise!


I understand that completely, but it doesn't make it right.  As I said the federal government has no responsibility to fund the poor. 

If you believe welfare and section 8 are actually helping our society then you have no clue about reality.

on Mar 15, 2007
Island Dog

"I understand that completely, but it doesn't make it right.” Yes it is right berceuse our elected representatives have created these programs and the fact that you do not approve of them does not make them wrong. Those programs are the LAW of the LAND. That is the way our constitution established our government.

"If you believe welfare and section 8 are actually helping our society then you have no clue about reality." My step son would not have a place to live without section 8. You are the one that does not know what you are talking about. That program helps millions to have a place to live!

Before you tell me that we could provide him a home let me inform you that would terminate his medical coverage under Medicaid and we could not provide for his health needs without that program. His diabetes is very severe and has plagued him for over 32 years. You are full of BS. There are millions of people who could not live without these Federal Programs!

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