Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The Pentagon has admitted that only ½ of the added Iraq Forces sent as part of this new surge are reporting for duty. This is down from 85% that reported for duty when the surge started about a month ago. This clearly shows that the Iraqi Government is NOT keeping the promises they made as part of the so called NEW Bush plan in Iraq. The time has come to turn the fighting in Iraq over to the Iraqi Military and police. If they choose not to control the sectarian violence it will be because they failed to take responsibility for their country. We have removed Saddam, Trained their Military and Trained their Police. Our job is DONE. Time to declare that we achieved what we set out to do and redeploy some of our troops to U. S. Bases and some to Afghanistan to finish the job in that country!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 19, 2007
Gates said that the high absenteeism is related to the almost non-existent Iraqi banking system in Iraq, which forces soldiers to go back to their hometowns to deliver their checks to their families.

and how often is the "1st explanation" or rationalization of a problem totally wrong with these guys? feel free to take that position, time will tell.

Clinton appointee + Hilary Clinton running for President = says enough by itself

he was also a reagan appointee. (twice)
I don't recall arguing with you at all. As a matter of fact I tend to ignore you. I was commenting on something drmiler posted. I only read the Col's posts for a bit of comic relief.

reply #11...you quoted from my response....if you are gonna lie, at least pay attention so it's not so easily shown, lmfao!

on Mar 19, 2007
On Feb. 1, 2007, AP reported that the destruction of houses and the construction in the Iraqi capital of concrete blast walls topped with razor wire for "neighborhood bases" constituted "the first outward signs" of a "coming Baghdad security crackdown."[1] -- Steven Hurst, quoting "a senior Iraqi general" who preferred to remain unnamed, suggested that Iraqi security forces that were supposed to arrive from the Kurdish north, the Shiite south, or Fallujah, have not appeared. -- Numbers regarding Iraqi troop strength tend to be notional: "'Battalions that should contain 800 men usually have no more than 200-300, if that,' said retired Army Col. Douglas Macgregor
on Mar 19, 2007
Look at what the Iraqi People Think:

Poll: Fear, Anger, Stress Grip Iraqis

From another "poll".

And contrary to the beliefs of many analysts, most Iraqis do not feel their country is engulfed in civil war, the survey reveals.

Though opinion is divided along sectarian lines, only 27 percent think there is a civil war, compared with 61 percent who don't.

Still, 49 percent said they preferred life under Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to living under Saddam. And only 27 percent said their country is in a civil war.

on Mar 19, 2007

Tell me what % of our dead and injured are from the fighting between the factions in Iraq compared with those caused by foreign fighters

While 63 percent said they felt very safe in their neighborhoods in late 2005, only 26 percent feel that way now. How is this securing Iraq?

-The number of Iraqis who say their own life is going well has dipped from 71 percent in November 2005 to 39 percent now. How has the war improved the Iraqi's life?

About three-fourths of Iraqis report feelings of anger, depression and difficulty concentrating. This is progress!!!

Only 18 percent of Iraqis have confidence in U.S. and coalition troops, and 86 percent are concerned that someone in their household will be a victim of violence

The major cause for this sharp reversal in Iraqi attitudes is the continuing violence - bombings, attacks by roving gunmen and kidnappings - that has overwhelmed the country since the U.S. invasion four years ago this week.

on Mar 19, 2007
About three-fourths of Iraqis report feelings of anger, depression and difficulty concentrating. This is progress!!!

You gotta love these pollsters. That difficulty concentrating is what tipped the balance for me - I'm DONE supporting this war. As Gene would say, we're DESTROYING their ABILITY TO CONCENTRATE!!!!!!!

As if polling in Iraq is like polling in Palm Beach or something. Extrapolate answers by a little over 2000 Iraqis (or was it 1200?) to a set of loaded questions, as if that is representative of 25mil+, & cherry-pick the ones which advance the agenda. If the world had been ruled by polls in 1940, and people like Gene, we'd be speaking German now.

Like MasonM, I get a kick out of reading your stuff, Gene - keep it up.
on Mar 20, 2007

Take a look at my Blog today about the cost to provide Medicare by Private companies.

As to Iraq, Anyone that believes that Iraq is a success needs their head examined. I love it when Bush and Cheney say that knowing what we do today they would still invade Iraq. That is like saying I purchased a Lottery ticket and did not win. If some how you had a chance to go back and replay that same lottery and you would choose the same numbers that DID NOT win the first time. Anyone that would say, knowing what has taken place in Iraq, would do the same thing again is just beyond help. Every thing Bush and Cheney said would result in Iraq was WRONG. Every warning about the dangers of invading Iraq has come TRUE!
on Mar 20, 2007
Every thing Bush and Cheney said would result in Iraq was WRONG

as many know, i was against this war since before the invasion. but like most, i kept my mouth shut once "shock and awe" had begun.

and i can understand some early assessments needing "modifications" in a changing theater of battle.

but these guys have been wrong so many times, on so many levels, and so many "early reports" of good things and progress are all too often discredited that i can't understand how anyone can be "for this war" at this point.

al quaeda doesn't need a safe haven. it already has one, afghanastan. and now that haven has extended well into pakistan, where our "ally" has failed to do anything about it.

the domino theory of vietnam was bogus, just as the "theories" about iraquis suddenly swimming the ocean to get here are. iran and syria et al, have a much bigger problem with the 5,000,000 very real refugees that have crossed their borders.

i still think john mccain is a good man, but at this point, in the way he blindly has supported everything about this war and the way he is running his campaign, i am seriously starting to question his intelligence and his judgement. his loyalty for the military seems to have trumped his common sense.
on Mar 20, 2007

I have no problem with McCain's loyalty to the military. My problem is his loyalty to the Invasion of Iraq which was a mistake both in concept and execution!

He also ignores the fact that Bush was warned by very knowledgeable people about the likely adverse consequences of the U.S. Invading Iraq. Almost EVERY one of those warning has proven correct.
on Mar 20, 2007
My problem is his loyalty to the Invasion of Iraq which was a mistake both in concept and execution!

i agree. that loyalty has caused him to be blind to the facts. i can respect his position more than some others because of his experience, but i still think he is digging a hole he should have stopped and climbed out of a long time ago.
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