Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on March 22, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

The issue causing the violence in Iraq is for CONTROL. Political control and for control of the oil wealth. Reducing the violence for a time in Baghdad by this surge will not alter this basic objective. Both the Sunni’s and Shea want to control the future of Iraq.

We may see some reduction in attacks because of the increased military forces or because the factions want to lay low until U.S. Forces finally leave. However, what the Surge will not accomplish is to cause the factions to give up their desire to CONTROL the future of Iraq! That is the reason WHY this Surge in the END will FAIL! When the bulk of U.S. combat forces are removed, the battle for which faction controls Iraq will resume. We need to insure that fight for the control of Iraq remains within their borders and does not spill over into the surrounding counties.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Mar 24, 2007
Paladin: ColGene was in the Army, but never Artillery. He was a Nuclear Weapons Officer on Active Duty and a Finance Officer in the Reserves.

Now you see that is different than what he said in an article some time back. Keep in mind that the Army has nuclear arttillery shells. THey were used in the 1950's but like col have been mothballed ever since. Finance officer? You mean a disbursment clerk or payroll officer? How cute!
on Mar 25, 2007

You show your lack of knowledge with EVERY WORD you write.

The ONLY time a nuclear weapon was fired from Artillery by the U.S. was in a test and it was the 280 MM atomic cannon. The Army later developed a nuclear round for the 8" Artillery Howitzer but it was NEVER used. Everyone knew the 8" was nuclear capable but you!
on Mar 25, 2007
The ONLY time a nuclear weapon was fired from Artillery by the U.S. was in a test and it was the 280 MM atomic cannon. The Army later developed a nuclear round for the 8" Artillery Howitzer but it was NEVER used. Everyone knew the 8" was nuclear capable but you!

I will take your word on this as the only information I have was old news reels showing the cannon at work. The Marine Corps never had the thing we used other methods of putting nukes on target. Tell me col. Are you still PRP certified?

By the by you can refute information that is irrelevant to the topic but failed to challenge anything I wrote a few days ago. I guess they must be true and you can’t find a way around them so you ignore them. Good Job!
on Mar 25, 2007
By the by you can refute information that is irrelevant to the topic but failed to challenge anything I wrote a few days ago. I guess they must be true and you can’t find a way around them so you ignore them. Good Job! I have refuted with FACTS just about everything you have said!
on Mar 25, 2007
I have refuted with FACTS just about everything you have said!

Calling people names and insults is not refuting an argument with facts. It is name calling.

Try refuting me outside your head and on the blog, I want to see those facts. LOL
on Mar 25, 2007

I served in the Field Artillery (8” sp Unit) for two years. It was during that time I was a nuclear weapons officer in the 8” sp unit (2/75th). I completed Combat Intel, Command and General staff and the War College. I had three Commands and was promoted to 06 after 19 years commissioned service. I was nominated for Flag Rank three times.

So Col, I'll rub wings with Palladin and red legs with you.  Either way, I'm done with the blog cockfights.  See ya at the Old Vets Home...

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