Last night Gen. Powell spoke in SW Florida and was asked about Iraq. Gen. Powell said that mistakes made by the Bush Administration allowed the insurgency to develop into a Civil War in Iraq. He also admitted that Bush does not like him to call the situation in Iraq a “Civil War” but that is what he believes.
That brief comment clearly demonstrates the difference between these two men. Bush and his side kick Cheney talk about how they did the right thing in Iraq even though there is a never ending series of failures. We have the assignation attempt of the second most powerful leader in Iraq and the attempt on the life of the UN. Secretary General both which took place in the most secure area in Iraq. We had stories of how Iraq is unable to produce enough safe water because of the continued violence. We see stories that over 2 million Iraqi’s have fled Iraq because of the violence. We see stories of how the police have been infiltrated by death squads. We are told that just another 20,000 to Baghdad will do what 150,000 U.S. Troops and almost 400,000 Iraqi military and police have not been able to accomplish which is CONTROL the violence between the factions that want to control Iraq.
Bush looks at the world as he wants it to be. That is clear when he refuses to acknowledge that Iraq is, for the most part, a Civil War. It is clear when he said even if he knew in 2002 what we know today he would have invaded Iraq. Powell understands what the reality is in Iraq even though he would rather we had stability in Iraq and that the U.S. Forces were home. Powell acknowledges the mistakes that were made and would LEARN from those mistakes. Bush and Cheney would repeat the VERY SAME mistakes a second time.
The difference between Bush and Powell is that Bush was handed every job or opportunity he got by virtue of his father and the contacts his father developed. Powell started with nothing and produced his accomplishments by his own efforts. Powell is someone that is a leader that can look at the real world situation and relish his successes and learn from his errors. Bush is a product of privilege that lives in the world he wants not in the world that exists. Bush will not admit mistakes much less learn from his mistakes! Americans made a BIG mistake by allowing Bush to become President, and those that continue to support him are like Bush in that they can not accept the situation for what it is and refuse to learn from their mistakes!