No loyal AMERICAN COULD ARGUE WITH THE OBJECTIVE IN Iraq Which is to make America Safer. Bush told us we were in mortal danger (mushroom Clouds) because of Saddam, and we needed to allow the Iraqi people to establish a democracy that would spread thought out the region and reduce the risk of future attacks of the U.S. lets look at the RESULTS after over 4 years of the Iraq war.
The Iraq war has not resulted in a more sable Iraq but has increase the instability in the region.
The Iraq War has been used by the radical Islamic factions to recruit millions of more people that are willing to attack America. That is what the NIE concluded when it said the Iraq War has made America LESS safe!
Bush claims that if we allow Foreign Terrorists to remain in Iraq when we leave that increases the possibility of them bringing the fight onto American Soil. The reality is that al Qaeda is now operating in numerous countries. Even if we were able to deny them a base of operations in Iraq, they could plan and launch future attacks from ANY of their other locations. In addition, we have not been able to prevent al Qaeda from operating in Iraq with 150,000 U.S. Troops in place. What makes anyone believe after we leave, when ever that takes place, that al Qaeda will not be able to operate in Iraq?
From EVERY aspect, the objective to maker America MORE secure has not been the result of our invasion of Iraq. There is no valid reason to continue to beat a “dead horse”. The Bush policy has failed as many warned that it might. Even if Iraq is able to achieve some stability in the future, the enemies the Iraq War has created will remain and the danger of future attacks will not be reduced. To think we have killed almost 3,300 troops, suffered over 25,000 injuries and will end up spending about a Trillion dollars to achieve these results shows just how disastrous the Bush policy has been to the future of our country. Anyone that can support what Bush has done is truly a very misguided American! As Bush tells us, JUDGE BY RESULTS. That is what I have done and the results show Bush has failed. It is time to end this war.