The White House has violated two laws by using non-government e-mail accounts to transect government business. Twenty-two Top White House Officials, including Karl Rove, were regularly using RNC e-mail accounts they established and conducted federal government business using these RNC accounts the White House admitted. The RNC deleted their e-mail every 30 days which violated the law that REQUIRES all government e-mails to be preserved. This was not an accident because these 22 White House officials were using an illegal account in the first place for government business. They broke the law every time they sent an e-mail about government business on the RNC accounts!
The claim that some e-mails have been lost due to the RNC practice of deleting their e-mails does not hold water because there are traces of e-mails on the various servers they pass through. It is time to use the vast technical resources available to recover these e-mails. White House spokesman Scott Stanzel admitted yesterday that the some of the missing e-mails may deal with the firing of the U.S. Attorneys’. There is also some suspicion that some of the missing e-mails deal with the Abramoff scandal.
Regardless of what may eventually be found of the missing e-mails, the Bush Administration has violated two more laws of this country. What ever happened to the oath taken by Bush and his appointed officials to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the United States? What happened to the pledge by GWB that his administration would avoid even the appearance of improper actions? This is the MOST corrupt administration since Nixon!