Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The Senate Intelligence Committee voted yesterday to include the previously secret advice given Bush as to the probable consequence of our invading Iraq! This information is part of the 229 Page report from the Senate Intelligence Committee and the vote by committee members still had 5 GOP members voting to keep this advice from the public.

The formerly classified intelligence given to Bush said al-Qaeda would see U.S. Military action as an opportunity to increase its operations and that Iran would try to shape a post Saddam Iraq. The advice went on to say that to establish democracy in Iraq would be a “long and difficult and probably turbulent process”.

The significance of this information is that it clearly documents that Bush was warned BEFORE he invaded Iraq as to the most likely results of such an invasion. This is not “Monday Morning Quarterbacking”. The advice given Bush by our intelligence staff has proven 100% correct and almost everything Bush told us about the consequences of invading Iraq has been proven WRONG!

At his news conference yesterday Bush was asked about the formerly classified Intelligence advice that predicted the disaster we see today in Iraq, and Bush restated he took the right action by invading Iraq. The President is just as disconnected from reality today and he was in 2002-2003. For all that voted for Bush in either 2000 or 2004 look at what you have done to our country! This president will go down in history as the worst president in our history in just about every aspect of his policies—Foreign and domestic. I am so glad I did not vote for George W. Bush!!!!!

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 29, 2007
. Col, you have already decided the war is lost, so your opinion about the surge is nonsense as usual.

What is nonsense is looking at ever increasing casualties and say the Surge is bringing the violence under control. In addition, the number of Iraqi dead continues day after day. Today about 40 more bodies were found. It is hard to believe we have some people like many on this Blog site that are so stubborn and refuse to see the situation in Iraq as it is and not as they would like it to be. Anyone the asserts we are winning with ever increase violence after 4 1/2 years of fighting is just lost. One of the most fundamental flaws in Bush and many who support him is the inability at accept when a mistake has been made and move on. They should put “ Stay the Course” on the grave stone of GWB.
on May 30, 2007
What is nonsense is looking at ever increasing casualties and say the Surge is bringing the violence under control. In addition, the number of Iraqi dead continues day after day.

Because you are completely one-sided.  When is the last time you looked at the progress and good news from Iraq?  You seem only interested in headlines of destruction and failure, and nothing about the other side of the story.  Talk about stubborn......LOL.

And don't act like you care about the Iraqis and their toll, you would leave them right now to be completley slaughtered. 
on May 30, 2007
Because you are completely one-sided. When is the last time you looked at the progress and good news from Iraq? You seem only interested in headlines of destruction and failure, and nothing about the other side of the story.

Without security, there is no real progress in Iraq. Over 700 people turned up dead this month. The people continue to leave Iraq. There is no progress on the political agreements that are causing the violence between the factions. It appears that the police are involved in some of the violence. We have failed to rebuild Iraq, unemployment is as high as 40%. Electric, water and gas is in very limited supply. Many of the schools have closed. Death Squads continue to torture and kill people and dump their bodies in the streets. How anyone can say Iraq is resolving its problems is just NUTS!
on May 30, 2007
As I said.  Do you take an objective look at Iraq, and look at the progress that has been made?  The answer is obvious.

on May 30, 2007

Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Wednesday, May 30, 2007
As I said. Do you take an objective look at Iraq, and look at the progress that has been made? The answer is obvious.

I am not the one living in a dream world. Just what progress do you believe has taken place? We have removed Saddam, enabled an elected government that can not control Iraq and we have trained over 300,000 troops and police that can not control the violence even with 160,000 of our military. With all that we have record deaths and attacks in many parts of Iraq. If there is such great progress then lets turn this over to the Iraqi People and end our part in this war!
on May 30, 2007

Where is your list of progress we have made in Iraq?
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