The story by Ned Parker of the Los Angeles Times clearly shows why the Bush plan in Iraq has failed. Everyone has acknowledged that only through Political Resolution can the Violence in Iraq come under control. NOT the Surge and NOT the presence of 160,000 American Troops will end the Violence and when we leave the MOST likely scenario is that Iraq will face a more intense Civil War.
Mr. Parker described the relationship between Nouri al-Maliki and the other members of the Iraqi Government. Maliki is not viewed as a leader and for over a month did not even talk to the Vice President Tariq Hashimi, a Sunni and the second most powerful person in the Iraqi government. Maliki is isolated and out of touch with what is taking place in Iraq. He is unable to compromise and is not able to move the various power sharing agreements through the legislature to solve the political conflicts that exist. The members of the Iraqi government are more loyal to the faction they belong to then to the country of Iraq.
Another disturbing fact is that Maliki fled to Iran soon after Saddam took power and spent many years in exile in both Iran and Syria both of which are support the violence in Iraq. This is the leader GWB supported as the prime Minister of Iraq. This is the man that he is counting on to bring about the political compromise needed to stop the fighting in Iraq.
The old saying, “Birds of a Feather Flock Together” comes to mind. GWB and Maliki share many traits—Out of touch, unable to compromise and not a natural leader. No wonder Bush supports Maliki in Iraq. This is WHY there will NOT be the Political compromise needed to bring the violence to an end in Iraq. It will continue to fester and when the United States removes its forces from Iraq the Civil War and the bitter hatred between the factions in Iraq will become worse until one side forces an end to the fighting or Iraq splits into multiple countries! Bush has placed his ill conceived plan in Iraq on a foundation of SAND and it is failing and will fail in the end!