Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on June 19, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics
Congress needs to tell Bush this will not happen.

Army Considers Longer Combat Tours Again
By ANNE FLAHERTY (Associated Press Writer)
From Associated Press
June 19, 2007 3:58 PM EDT
WASHINGTON - The Army is considering whether it will have to extend the combat tours of troops in Iraq if President Bush opts to maintain the recent buildup of forces through spring 2008.

Acting Army Secretary Pete Geren testified Tuesday that the service is reviewing other options, including relying more heavily on Army reservists or Navy and Air Force personnel, so as not to put more pressure on a stretched active-duty force.

Most soldiers spend 15 months in combat with a guaranteed 12 months home, a rotation plan that already has infuriated Democrats because it exceeds the service's goal of giving troops equal time home as in combat. In coming weeks, the Senate will vote on a proposal by Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., that would restrict deployments.

"It's too early to look into the next year, but for the Army we have to begin to plan," Geren told the Senate Armed Services Committee. "We have to look into our options."

Gen. David Petraeus, Iraq war commander, suggested Sunday that conditions on the ground might not be stable enough by September to justify a drop in force levels, and he predicted that stabilizing Iraq could take a decade. Earlier this year, Bush ordered the deployment of some 30,000 additional troops as part of a massive U.S.-led security push around Baghdad and the western Anbar province.

There are about 156,000 U.S. troops in Iraq.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 21, 2007
rules of war

rule 1 young men die

rule 2 there is nothing doctors can do to change rule 1
on Jun 21, 2007
Col just has not accepted that for the past 4 years we have been at war and that people die during wars. He thinks that mentioning every soldier that dies will somehow change that or change us. We know what happens during a war, while the death of our soldiers hurts us tremendously, it is what we gain from it that we want to hear. If our soldiers died for nothing that is tragic but if they die for something worth dying for than their deaths were not a waste. We may not have gone for all the right reasons, no one is debating that (except Col gene), but wer are already there and way as well make the best of it.
on Jun 21, 2007
It's time we tell klink....."Hell NO"!
on Jun 21, 2007
How interesting of someone who gets so excited posting only bad news.  No wonder I don't read this garbage anymore.

on Jun 21, 2007
How interesting of someone who gets so excited posting only bad news. No wonder I don't read this garbage anymore.

He has admitted that his articles are not accomplishing anything since he is now writing in bold.
on Jun 21, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Thursday, June 21, 2007
2500 Americans are killed June 6th conducting combat operations

Anyone smart enough to know what I am talking about I am sure the dictator col. gene isn't

D Day. That has NOTHING to do with the fact that the 3,500 dead and 25,000 injured in Iraq is for NO REASON. IT has NOT made us safer and we are NOT moving to quell the violence. It took about a YEAR from D Day until we defeated Hitler. We have been fighting in Iraq over 4 YEARS and are NO CLOSER to a VICTORY then when we started. In fact we are FURTHER from winning!

Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Thursday, June 21, 2007
How interesting of someone who gets so excited posting only bad news. No wonder I don't read this garbage anymore. That is the NEWS from Iraq. IT IS JUST ABOUT ALL BAD!!!!!!!

on Jun 21, 2007

When you have a one-sided view, of course it is.  Are you going to tell us that you take in both sides of the story, and that you look at the good news from Iraq.  Of course not, you just site back and wait for the headlines to come in so you can post them over and over, and when someone challenges you, you just resort to calling them an "idiot" or "stupid".  What a joke.

Once again, I'm done with this garbage.

on Jun 21, 2007
I still remember the night line story that was broadcast one year after they declared mission accomplished.

They had gone over there to prove how bad things were. They interviewed this lady who was having trouble getting the check that the new government had promised her.
While she was waiting for her check she was watching her brand new big screen tv with her brand new satilite dish in her brand new apartment. She told them that the power was only on half the time. Of course under saddam the power was only on a third of the time.
on Jun 22, 2007

Today there is very little Electric Service to power the Big Screen TV. There is a Lack of Fresh Water and gasoline and to leave your home is dangerous. Conditions today are worse then under Saddam and are NOT getting better. Without an END to the Violence, NOTHING else positive is of any real value! Over two Million Iraqi’s have fled their country because of the violence.
on Jun 22, 2007
Over two Million Iraqi’s have fled their country because of the violence.

if i had a war going on in my coutry and i didn't know who to back i would probable leave to

i believe that during world war 2 it was along the lines of 10,000,000 not counting the 6,000,000 dead and dieing jews.

when saddam was in command there were up to 104,000 deaths each year.

according to your sources during this whole war there has been less than 100,000 deaths.

so you tell me oh dictator col gene which would you rather live in

on Jun 22, 2007
“when Saddam was in command there were up to 104,000 deaths each year.”

I have NOT read anything like that number. The security situation in Iraq is FAR worse today then in 2002. They have no more Electric, Water and Gas. We were to improve the life of the Iraqi People. al Qaeda was not causing violence when Saddam was in power. By all measures, we have made Iraq more unstable with increased violence and have NOT improved the life of the average person in Iraq. As bad as Saddam was, 2 Million Iraqi’s DID NOT leave when he was in power. You could walk the street in safety. I am not saying Saddam was a good thing for Iraq, but we have made their lives WORSE and created millions of NEW terrorists that hate us to attack us in the future. Bush has enabled both a Civil War and al Qaeda to conduct daily attacks on both our troops and the Iraqi People because of our invasion.
on Jun 22, 2007
when Saddam was in command there were up to 104,000 deaths each year.”

that is becouse they weren't dieing in battle they weree starving to death so that he could furnish 22 palacies.

what do you think all of that food for oil was for.

and even it was only one year that that many people died of starvation that is still more than the war has done including american deaths.

on Jun 22, 2007
when Saddam was in command there were up to 104,000 deaths each year.”

I have NOT read anything like that number. The security situation in Iraq is FAR worse today then in 2002. They have no more Electric, Water and Gas. We were to improve the life of the Iraqi People. al Qaeda was not causing violence when Saddam was in power. By all measures, we have made Iraq more unstable with increased violence and have NOT improved the life of the average person in Iraq. As bad as Saddam was, 2 Million Iraqi’s DID NOT leave when he was in power. You could walk the street in safety. I am not saying Saddam was a good thing for Iraq, but we have made their lives WORSE and created millions of NEW terrorists that hate us to attack us in the future. Bush has enabled both a Civil War and al Qaeda to conduct daily attacks on both our troops and the Iraqi People because of our invasion.

Has anyone bothered to tell you how much you sound like a complete idiot? Someone "really" should!
on Jun 22, 2007
You could walk the street in safety. I am not saying Saddam was a good thing for Iraq,

unless he decided it was time for some to die

2 Million Iraqi’s DID NOT leave when he was in power

if they had tried they would have been killed

you have forgotten to tell us how he got everyone out to vote at every election and he got 100% of the vote. of course that was at a point of a gun
on Jun 22, 2007
“Has anyone bothered to tell you how much you sound like a complete idiot? Someone "really" should!”

IT IS you and all that continue to support Bush that are the real idiots. That support is down to about 25%. By the time this is all over, everyone will know just how big a mistake Bush made to get us involved in Iraq. Saddam was an evil person and the Iraqi People should have removed him from power. As far as evil dictators are concerned, the tyrants in Africa have caused FAR more death and misery then Saddam. We are not invading those countries-- Darfur and the Sudan for example. We were wrong and have turned Iraq into a battle ground with foreign terrorists helping to increase the fighting. Bush is an IDIOT as is ANYONE that supports his policies!

“you have forgotten to tell us how he got everyone out to vote at every election and he got 100% of the vote. of course that was at a point of a gun.”

Bush enabled an election that brought the same party as controls Iran to power. How GREAT is that. A government that can not control the killing in Iraq.
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