Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Yesterday there was a fourth assassination attempt on the leader of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf since he began supporting the United States in the fight against al Qaeda when antiaircraft fire was directed at his airplane as it took off from an airbase in Pakistan.

There is a strong opposition within Pakistan for President Musharraf and his cooperation with the United States. Recent unrest developed when he removed the countries Chief Justice and this week there is the demonstration of 1,200 students who have taken refuge in the Red Mosque.

The reason this situation is so dangerous is because unlike Iraq, Iran or Syria, Pakistan has both nuclear weapons and the long range missiles with which to deliver them. Pakistan developed these weapons because of its disagreement with India over Cashmere. However just like when the Shaw of Iran was over thrown, we could find ourselves with another militant Islamic country that has the capability to use nuclear weapons. That would cause both Israel and the United States a catastrophic problem smack in the middle of a region that our policies have destabilized by the Iraq War. It would also complicate our operations in Afghanistan to deal with al Qaeda. We better pray that a future assassination attempt is not successful against President Musharraf.

on Jul 07, 2007
Gene, when I interviewed Congressman Wilson in June, we spoke at length about Pakistan. an exerpt...

KOB: How do you think Pakistan is going to pan-out as an ally on the war on terror? I’ve seen a lot of mixed reporting, about how Al-Qaeda is enjoying a safe-haven in Pakistan. And we’re sending a lot of money over there. You gotta wonder how much is ending up in their hands.
JW: My view is it’s sad. We found this out in Afghanistan, in Somalia and places in Iraq, that there are ungoverned areas of the world. Even in Latin America, and so, sadly, in Pakistan and Waziristan, there are ungoverned tribal areas. I believe for President Mussarif, it’s in his interest to reduce terrorism. In fact, he, himself, has been the target of numerous terrorist assassination attempts. And many people may question his sincerity, but I can tell you, anyone who’s dodged a bullet is going to be sincere.

KOB: So you do think he is a sincere ally?
JW: I believe he is a very sincere ally to the best of his ability. Sadly, the extremist philosophies have a high level of respectability in Pakistan. They shouldn’t, but they do. So he’s dealing with a public that I don’t think understands the negative futility of extremism.

full article here...WWW Link
on Jul 07, 2007

I agree. The fact remains that one bullet or bomb could alter our fortunes with Pakistan in a second!
on Jul 07, 2007
yeah, i just hope nuttin happens before i learn to spell musharrif correctly, lol.