Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 17, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

I took a look at the Senators whose terms end at the end of 2007. Just by the numbers the GOP must be having Heartburn. There are 34 Senate seats up for election—33 in regular elections and one special election to fill out a term in Wyoming. The GOP has 22 (21 regular and one special election) members and the Democrats 12. “OUCH”

There is an outstanding Web site that provides in-depth information about the Senate election in 2008. That sight is:


After reading this information I believe the GOP will be in a REAL FUNK because they appear to be in BIG trouble in 2008! If the Democrats can elect a President all they need is the 60 Senate Votes to be able to pass the new agenda that most Americans appear to want.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 18, 2007
They are willing to increase taxes on the wealthy to where they were under Clinton --only those who are too stupid to realize it is the CONSUMER who will ultimately foot the bill! BULL S**T
on Jul 18, 2007
The issue is the 46 Million with NO Health Insurance.

You mean the 46 million who most likely chose not to educate themselves to get better jobs with health care, you mean the 46 million who mostly are on welfare, you mean the 46 million who most are just plain lazy. You mean 46 million out of 300 million Americans, right? And you want me to give them more than what we already give? No wait, you want the rich people to pick up the tab. Yes, I create a business, I eventually become a million thru my own sweat and now that I have millions I should be responsible for providing health care, money, food and transportation for all those lazy ass, uneducated, selfish, drug using, alcoholic Americans, you know, the majority of the 46 million you speak of. Because I highly doubt that we have 46 million handi-cap people in this country without health care. Then we would really be the cruelest nation in the world. Get a education and then get a good job you bunch of lazy asses.

Given the NIE and the growing danger, we may have to reinstate some sort of a draft. The Army failed to meet their recruiting goals for the past two months and we are lowering the standards and increasing the incentives and still have not met the needs. To increase the military may not be possible with just volunteers.

Oh so now we need a draft so that we can send more soldiers to fight a war you say can not be won? And you are still relying on a documents that actually says mostly the opposite of what you claim it does. What a genius.

That is another NON answer from Bush. It would take 10 years and the amount of oil that is estimated in less then 3% of our needs. We would be better off with increasing MPG by) ONE mile then all the oil in Alaska. Bush has not allowed the Cafe Standards to be updated and applied to SUV's and Trucks.

LOL, you really are stupid. What do you think would happen if they raised the MPG? That would be applied to new cars and would take years before we see the differences which probably wouldn't matter cause we would still be dependent on oil. And with all the used vehicles, because according to you there are a lot of poor people and the economy is not doing too good, on the streets the CAFE Standards would make no difference cause it would only affect new cars.

You're a funny guy Col, you don't think that helping 3 million out of 46 million is any progress at all but are willing to settle for a few cars on the streets with a better MPG since not every car in the country is bought brand new everyday.
on Jul 18, 2007
“Oh so now we need a draft so that we can send more soldiers to fight a war you say can not be won?”

The war that can not be won is the Civil War in Iraq where the VAST majority of our military are fighting. We had success in Afghanistan until we diverted our efforts into Iraq where al-Qaeda was not a problem. Bush points to al-Qaeda operating in Iraq now- that is because our invasion allowed them to set up operations in Iraq. Again even if we eliminated al-Qaeda from Iraq, they have reestablished their operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan according the NIR released yesterday. The problem is the way Bush has chosen to fight the War on terrorism is wrong. We committed the majority of our force to battle against the WRONG group of Moslems!
on Jul 18, 2007
, you really are stupid. What do you think would happen if they raised the MPG? That would be applied to new cars and would take years before we see the differences which probably wouldn't matter because we would still be dependent on oil.”

It is a step that should be taken to reduce our dependence on oil and at the same time we need to move ahead with alternate propulsion systems for our cars. If Bush had done this 5 years ago we would have millions of cars on the road using LESS gasoline! You the IDIOT!

We need to move foreword with Hydrogen and electric powered cars. We need to provide more power generation that does not use oil. We need to expand natural gas exploration that is controlled by the U.S. Bush has done NONE of these things. Some OIL men we elected. Their idea of helping the energy needs are to give BIG OIL $12 Billion in tax breaks. The original plan Cheney came up with in 2002 would have given Big Oil $60 Billion.

Here is WHY your BS about higher taxes on the wealthy harming the average person is not true-- In the 1990's we had the higher tax rates for the wealthy and these was NO evidence that the low and middle income Americans were harmed. In fact the after inflation disposable income of the poor and average workers what higher then today. ONLY the wealthy are better off under Bush! Your argument is the same old lame smoke screen the rich put up to try and stop from paying higher taxes.
on Jul 18, 2007
We need to move foreword with Hydrogen and electric powered cars. We need to provide more power generation that does not use oil. We need to expand natural gas exploration that is controlled by the U.S. Bush has done NONE of these things. Some OIL men we elected. Their idea of helping the energy needs are to give BIG OIL $12 Billion in tax breaks. The original plan Cheney came up with in 2002 would have given Big Oil $60 Billion.

"YOU'RE" the idiot! Where do you think the electricity comes from to recharge the cars OR to create the hydrogen fuel? Hydrogen is created by the electrolysis method which uses electricity. And "most" electricity in the USA is created by burning hydro-carbon fuels. Which means OIL!

We already "have" an alternative method. Tell the greenies and the dems to pull their collective thumbs out of their butts, and let build more nuclear plants! And before you bother to run you yap as per usual....the USA hasn't been allowed to build "any" new plants for over 20 years.
on Jul 18, 2007
ONLY the wealthy are better off under Bush! Your argument is the same old lame smoke screen the rich put up to try and stop from paying higher taxes.

Many people are much better off than in the 90's.  The government doesn't create your success, the individual does, which is something democrats like yourself don't want.  You want government to mandate how much you make and you are a clear advocate of class warfare.

on Jul 18, 2007
It is a step that should be taken to reduce our dependence on oil and at the same time we need to move ahead with alternate propulsion systems for our cars. If Bush had done this 5 years ago we would have millions of cars on the road using LESS gasoline! You the IDIOT!

So was the plan that would have given health care benefits to 3 million out of 46 million people who don't have health care benefits. But what was your response to this?

The Bush plan of giving tax credits to pay for private insurance only solved the problem for 3 of the 46 million-- SOME SOLUTION!

Some solution, that's what you said. You would rather have all 46 million without health care than to use a plan that could have given help to a part of them for starters. Better to have 46 million with no health care than to start off with a few right? All or nothing. But you don't apply that to our dependency of oil. That we can start small and work our way up right? And you call me an idiot.
on Jul 18, 2007
"YOU'RE" the idiot! Where do you think the electricity comes from to recharge the cars OR to create the hydrogen fuel? Hydrogen is created by the electrolysis method which uses electricity. And "most" electricity in the USA is created by burning hydro-carbon fuels. Which means OIL!”

You are truly DUMB! This is what I said: “We need to provide more power generation that does not use oil.” Drmiler - You are a STUPID ASS!!!!!!!!! Go back to sleep!
on Jul 18, 2007
“Many people are much better off than in the 90's.”

That is NOT true. People at the top of the economic ladder are the people that are better off. The salaries of the low income workers have not changed and they have to deal with higher Food, Energy and health costs. The After Tax and after inflation disposable income of Most middle income working families is lower. Wealth distribution has shifted to the higher income people. Personal debt is at an all time high. Mortgage foreclosures are becoming a major issue and they all are adversely impacting the low and middle income Americans. The average equity that middle income families have in their homes has dropped. Home values, the largest asset for middle Americans has fallen. The net worth of the top 10 % has grown faster then in almost any other period. The Bush tax policies and economic policies are adding to class warfare by taking money from low and middle income working families and shifting it to the top 10%. 80% of the Bush tax cuts have gone to the top 10% of Americans.
on Jul 19, 2007
GOP Senators that need to be removed in November 2008. These are the members of the Senate that voted to continue KILLING our military in the Civil War in Iraq:

Jeff Sessions – Alabama
Ted Stevens – Alaska
Wayne Allard – Colorado
Saxby Chambliss – George
Larry Craig – Idaho
Par Roberts – Kansas
Mitch Mc Connell – Kentucky
Norm Coleman – Minnesota
Thad Cochran – Mississippi
John Sununu – New Hampshire
Pete Domenici – New Mexico
Elizabeth Dole – N. Carolina
Jim Inhofe – Oklahoma
Gordon Smith – Oregon
Lindsey Graham – S. Carolina
Lamar Alexander – Tennessee
John Cornyn – Texas
John Warner – Virginia
Mike Enzi – Wyoming
John Barrasso – Wyoming ( Special Election)
on Jul 19, 2007
These are the members of the Senate that voted to continue KILLING our military in the Civil War in Iraq:

You mean the ones who think we should live up to our beliefs and finish what we started rather than turn tail like cowards and leave the Iraqi's to their own demise. I find it amazing you want us to be so inhumane about the situation in Iraq. Why not just request to bomb and level the entire country. It would be a better use of our resources. That way we kill the bad guys all at once and then we can leave and let the Iraqi's decide (the ones who survived anyways)if they wanna keep fighting or rebuild. BTW, you are a coward.
on Jul 19, 2007
"You mean the ones who think we should live up to our beliefs and finish what we started rather than turn tail like cowards and leave the Iraqi's to their own demise."

People that refuse to understand we are in the middle of a Civil war we can not militarily win.

People who will support a president that has screwed up almost every aspect of the Iraq War.

People who ignore what the vast majority of Americans want - our involvement in Iraq to end and turn the fighting over to the Iraqi Military we have spent 4 years and hundreds of Billions training!
on Jul 19, 2007
GOP Senators that need to be removed in November 2008. These are the members of the Senate that voted to continue KILLING our military in the Civil War in Iraq:

What a shameful and false statement.

on Jul 19, 2007
People that refuse to understand we are in the middle of a Civil war we can not militarily win.

Understand or believe that there's a Civil War? Those are 2 different views there. Remember the Civil War idea is your opinion and not a fact.

People who will support a president that has screwed up almost every aspect of the Iraq War.

If so why did you only list GOP Senators considering that Dems also supported Bush when they voted to go to Iraq? Your hypocrisy is showing again.

People who ignore what the vast majority of Americans want - our involvement in Iraq to end and turn the fighting over to the Iraqi Military we have spent 4 years and hundreds of Billions training!

I thought you said the the vast majority of Americans wanted us to leave Iraq regardless if they were ready or not? I thought Bush said we would leave when Iraq was ready? Now they want us to leave because Iraq is ready? And I thought you said we wasted billions in Iraq, sounds to me like money well spent if we managed to train a brand new military and police force in 4 years. And last I checked the Democrats, with their terrible approval ratings in Congress, have not exactly been doing the will of the people either. They still have not approved the fence to be built in Arizona considering the bill was approved and the money is just sitting there waiting to be used.

Keep trying Col, I've got a bullet for every plate you throw at me.
on Jul 19, 2007
Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Thursday, July 19, 2007
GOP Senators that need to be removed in November 2008. These are the members of the Senate that voted to continue KILLING our military in the Civil War in Iraq:

“What a shameful and false statement.”

What is SHAMEFUL is the Vote of those GOP Senators. What they did will result in the death of more of our troops for NO Valid reason.
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