Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 17, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

I took a look at the Senators whose terms end at the end of 2007. Just by the numbers the GOP must be having Heartburn. There are 34 Senate seats up for election—33 in regular elections and one special election to fill out a term in Wyoming. The GOP has 22 (21 regular and one special election) members and the Democrats 12. “OUCH”

There is an outstanding Web site that provides in-depth information about the Senate election in 2008. That sight is:


After reading this information I believe the GOP will be in a REAL FUNK because they appear to be in BIG trouble in 2008! If the Democrats can elect a President all they need is the 60 Senate Votes to be able to pass the new agenda that most Americans appear to want.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jul 20, 2007
Reply By: drmiler Posted: Friday, July 20, 2007
“Clean coal electric plants doesn’t exist!”

YES there is- It requires scrubbers to remove the pollutants from the air! No Matter Bush does not care about the environment!

“No President has done anything like that in recent history, if ever. Although I see you can't help but blame this all on Bush”.

That is correct. But remember back to 2001-- How the former Oil Men were to help solve the energy issues-- BUSH DID less then Clinton because he would not renew the Cafe Standards which made us MORE dependent then ever. All he did is make a gift to BIG oil!
on Jul 20, 2007
clean coal electric plants

Doesn't exist!

actually they can exist there is a type of coal when you burn it. it doesn't pollute. it is called soft coal. there are two deposits of it in the world. southern Utah and Indonesia. we can't mine the stuff in southern Utah because Clinton made the area a presidential monument. and then collected/received 100,000 dollar contribution from Indonesia.(i could be wrong he might have gotten the contribution first.)
on Jul 21, 2007
YES there is- It requires scrubbers to remove the pollutants from the air! No Matter Bush does not care about the environment!

NO, there isn't. No amount of scrubbing will remove all the pollutants, just some of them.

And maybe you should do a little research. Scubbers are used to reduce "particulate" emissions, they have no effect on the gaseous emissions.
on Jul 21, 2007
NO, there isn't. No amount of scrubbing will remove all the pollutants, just some of them.

They can remove most of the emissions. Also Wind and Solar are available which Bush has ignored. We also have the improved gas mileage which Bush has also ignored. All he wants to do is drill for oil and give tax credits to BIG OIL. Bush sat on his ass and has done nothing to help the energy situation!
on Jul 21, 2007
Also Wind and Solar are available which Bush has ignored

don't forget that clinton also ignored it. and ever other democrat and republican in washington has ignored it.
on Jul 21, 2007
Don’t forget that Clinton also ignored it. And ever other democrat and republican in Washington have ignored it.

YES he did but Clinton was not the BIG Oil Man that Bush was! We also had the other Big Oil Man Draft Dogger Dick Cheney!

TWO SORRY EXCUSES FOR HUMANBEINGS like anyone the supports them!
on Jul 21, 2007
Don’t forget that Clinton also ignored it. And ever other democrat and republican in Washington have ignored it.

YES he did but Clinton was not the BIG Oil Man that Bush was! We also had the other Big Oil Man Draft Dogger Dick Cheney!

TWO SORRY EXCUSES FOR HUMANBEINGS like anyone the supports them!

I'm tired of argueing with an IDIOT!
on Jul 21, 2007
poor poor gene he isn't as rich as bush is. come here gene you can cry on my shoulder.
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