Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Today Ambassador Crooker briefed Congress and his assessment is in stark contrast with some of the “Things look better in some areas” from our military. He told congress his assessment about Iraq is “ FEAR” He also said he does not believe the Iraq Government will meet the benchmarks for the needed political changes by September.

Most of the stories allude to the report by Gen. Petraeus. There is an equally important part of this report from Ambassador Crocker about the progress or lack of it by the Iraq Government.

From what Crooker is reported to have told Congress today his report will not show the surge has produced the desired results and the time hundreds of dead and injured Americans bought will not have been used by the Iraqi Government to move toward a solution of the political issues. If that is his report in September, Bush better tell the military to start packing. As we said in the Artillery—MARCH ORDER—which meant break camp and leave!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 19, 2007

You are the best progandist the Terrorist have Gene. They should be paying you for all the good press you give them and all the doom and gloom you give America. For shame gene! Maybe when this war is finally over you can have a nice picture of you taken with your friend Bin Laden, smiling and laughing together over a cup of tea, that's if he would have a cup of tea with an infidel, or have you finally changed your religion to Islam so you can be closer to your friends and compatriots in Iraq, Iran, Afganistan, Sudan?


on Jul 20, 2007
From what Crooker is reported to have told Congress today his report will not show the surge has produced the desired results and the time hundreds of dead and injured Americans bought will not have been used by the Iraqi Government to move toward a solution of the political issues. If that is his report in September, Bush better tell the military to start packing. As we said in the Artillery—MARCH ORDER—which meant break camp and leave!

he also said that the bench marks were unrealistic
on Jul 20, 2007
The part Col failed to mention in his article that Ambassador Crooker said was the bench marks set by "The Democrats" in Congress were unrealistic. That the Iraqi Gov't could not accomplish anything based on the bench marks set by Congress. In other words, the bench marks set by The Democrats in Congress do not fit the reality of Iraq and the Iraqi people. It's like asking lions to become vegetarians over night. So of course they won't accomplish much. But hey, what can we expect from a guy who's only real concern is that he may lose his SS because of all this. That is Col gene's true agenda behind all this Bush bashing and Bush hatred.
on Jul 20, 2007
“They should be paying you for all the good press you give them and all the doom and gloom you give America.”

I just reported what Crooker said. Every time anything is said that does not reflect well on the policy we are following you attack the messenger. Attack the policy that has caused the BAD NEWS!
on Jul 20, 2007
“He also said that the bench marks were unrealistic.”

Now the benchmarks are unrealistic. BS! Everyone has agreed that without political change the sectarian violence in Iraq will not end. NOT A SINGLE POLITICAL ISSUE HAS BEED ACCOMPLISHED! The Bush Spin is at work now that it is clear the NEW Bush plan is not working (by the way we had three surges before that did not work).

Guess what-- Every day our troops die and are injured and we are spending $12 Billion per month so the Iraq government can accomplish NOTHING and now they are going on recess while our military continue to be killed and injured. Anyone that supports more time is also supporting KILLING and INJURING our military FOR NO GOOD REASON and are TRATORS!!!!!!!
on Jul 20, 2007
I have still not heard a single reason WHY we should remain in Iraq and sustain the causalities and injuries as well as spend $12 Billion per month since the Iraqi PM has said his military can defend Iraq?

Regardless of progress or the lack of it, the head of this great new democracy Bush has helped create now says his military and police can defend Iraq!
on Jul 20, 2007

I just reported what Crooker said. Every time anything is said that does not reflect well on the policy we are following you attack the messenger. Attack the policy that has caused the BAD NEWS!

Is that a fact? Then maybe you can explain to me how come you failed to point out that Ambassador Crooker said this:

"The longer I am here, the more I am persuaded that progress in Iraq cannot be analyzed solely in terms of these discrete, precisely defined benchmarks," Crocker told the committee. He said this was because "in many cases, these benchmarks do not serve as reliable measures of everything that is important -- Iraqi attitudes toward each other and their willingness to work toward political reconciliation."{/quote]

Let's see how you gonna weasel yourself out of this one.

From what Crooker is reported to have told Congress today his report will not show the surge has produced the desired results

Oh really? That's not what he said according to this:

"Both Crocker and Odierno asserted that the surge has had a significant impact on al-Qaeda in Iraq, the group held responsible for most of the spectacular suicide bombings in the country. And they said a potentially crucial phenomenon in Anbar province, where Sunni Arab tribes have turned against al-Qaeda, is spreading to parts of the capital and other provinces"

Seems to me that we are not only giving Al-qaeda a run for their money (which you claim we are ignoring) but we are getting the tribes to join in and fight against Al-qaeda as well. Anything you would like to add? I'm sure you have something stupid to add. Not a problem, still got bullets for you dirty dishes Private Gene.
on Jul 20, 2007

Guess what-- Every day our troops die and are injured and we are spending $12 Billion per month so the Iraq government can accomplish NOTHING and now they are going on recess while our military continue to be killed and injured. Anyone that supports more time is also supporting KILLING and INJURING our military FOR NO GOOD REASON and are TRATORS!!!!!!!

LOL, I thought you said their military and police were ready. How can this be when you are also saying the Iraqi Gov't has accomplished nothing? Then again they did manage to accomplish 8 out of the 18 benchmarks set for them, by who? You guessed it The Democrats. Even when the Ambassador said they were very unrealistic. Wow, not bad for a Gov't who's been told they are useless. Oh and by the way, as much as I hate losing soldiers to these bastards, they are in the military and at war and people die in wars. But what would you know, you never went to any major engagements.
on Jul 20, 2007
“Let's see how you going to weasel yourself out of this one.”

The Bottom line is that the violence in Iraq continues. It has been reduced in some areas and has increased in others. Michael Ware a CNN reporter has been in Iraq over 4 years and has had a chance to observe what has changed. He has no ax to9 grind and has clearly said the violence is not been reduced overall just shifter from one place to another.

I think is amazing that for six months all agreed we would review the progress of the NEW bush policy by both the progress in the political changes as well as the violence. Now that neither is better we want more time and the agreed changes are no longer important. What is important is that our troops continue to die and be injured and we are spending $12 Billion per month on that rat hole.

It matters that the PM of Iraq has said his military and police can now defend his country. That to me means TIME to bring the troops out of the sectarian battle and concentrate on al-Qaeda and alike in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan!

I have still not heard a single reason WHY we should remain in Iraq and sustain the causalities and injuries as well as spend $12 Billion per month since the Iraqi PM has said his military can defend Iraq?

Regardless of progress or the lack of it, the head of this great new democracy Bush has helped create now says his military and police can defend Iraq!
on Jul 20, 2007
The Bottom line is that the violence in Iraq continues. It has been reduced in some areas and has increased in others. Michael Ware a CNN reporter has been in Iraq over 4 years and has had a chance to observe what has changed. He has no ax to9 grind and has clearly said the violence is not been reduced overall just shifter from one place to another.

LOL, you are taking the words of a reporter that stays as far as possible from the bullets and bombs that riddle Iraq over our military offices that have bullets flying by them life rain? You really are pathetic. You couldn't even respond to my post instead you wrote this sad excuse for a paragraph.

I think is amazing that for six months all agreed we would review the progress of the NEW bush policy by both the progress in the political changes as well as the violence. Now that neither is better we want more time and the agreed changes are no longer important. What is important is that our troops continue to die and be injured and we are spending $12 Billion per month on that rat hole.

Hello, anyone home? They have till September you idiot. You are pre-judging everything 2 months in advance. And can you stop with the soldier dying and 12 billion dollar crap. We all know you don't really care about the soldiers and your only real concern is the money because you fear losing you SS.

It matters that the PM of Iraq has said his military and police can now defend his country. That to me means TIME to bring the troops out of the sectarian battle and concentrate on al-Qaeda and alike in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan!

Again from the Gov't you called a failure. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite.

I have still not heard a single reason WHY we should remain in Iraq and sustain the causalities and injuries as well as spend $12 Billion per month since the Iraqi PM has said his military can defend Iraq?

You need but one. Because we started this and it is our duty as Americans to finish what we started.But what would you know about this, you never started anything worth finishing.

Regardless of progress or the lack of it, the head of this great new democracy Bush has helped create now says his military and police can defend Iraq!

Blah blah blah.
on Jul 20, 2007
, you are taking the words of a reporter that stays as far as possible from the bullets and bombs that riddle Iraq over our military offices that have bullets flying by them life rain? You really are pathetic.

What Michael Ware said is confirmed by the fact that last quarter the U.S. suffered the largest number of casualties of the war! How do you explain away that?
on Jul 20, 2007
-“Hello, anyone home? They have till September you idiot.”

No you’re the IDIOT. How the political issues to be solved since the Iraqi government is have not done a thing and will be on vacation in August? If you believe there will be calm by September you can follow the white rabbit with the gold pocket watch down the little hole!

Bush is already setting up the excuses—We need more time. The political benchmarks that were not achieved do not matter. What a load. I guess all the dead and injured troops do not count! I guess the $ 24 Billion we will spend over the next two months does not count. Bush can threaten to veto help for the health of our children but has spent ½ Trillion on an unneeded war that has created a Civil war.
on Jul 20, 2007
“Again from the Gov't you called a failure.”

From the Government that Bush says he has confidence in and that our troops are being killed for as the do NOTHING! That Government you ASS.
on Jul 20, 2007
The Bottom line is that the violence in Iraq continues.

there have been more people killed in the usa becouse of road accidents than has been killed in iraq. i know not a good example but. i didn't know the actual number before but 8 out 18 sounds pretty close to 50% to me.

the reality is gene YOU WANT US TO LOSE THIS WAR becouse if we don't you will look like more of an idiot than you already do.

the democrats want us to lose so they can get a man/woman(any one but that idiot hillary) in the white house.
on Jul 21, 2007
“The reality is gene YOU WANT US TO LOSE THIS WAR.”

The Reality we have LOST this Civil War. The reality is we had no business invading Iraq as it did not pose a danger to the U.S. The Reality is that when Bush chose to invade Iraq, against the advice of people who had the foreign policy experience, he ignored the military as to what it would take to not only depose Saddam but prevent the sectarian violence and foreign terrorists from taking over Iraq. The Reality is that without solving the political issue there will not be an end to the fighting. Those are the realities that you and Bush refuse to accept. They are the Realities never the lass and WIN this Civil war will not happen. When we leave the fighting will continue and most likely escalate and ALL the dead and Injured Americans will have been for naught!
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