Today Ambassador Crooker briefed Congress and his assessment is in stark contrast with some of the “Things look better in some areas” from our military. He told congress his assessment about Iraq is “ FEAR” He also said he does not believe the Iraq Government will meet the benchmarks for the needed political changes by September.
Most of the stories allude to the report by Gen. Petraeus. There is an equally important part of this report from Ambassador Crocker about the progress or lack of it by the Iraq Government.
From what Crooker is reported to have told Congress today his report will not show the surge has produced the desired results and the time hundreds of dead and injured Americans bought will not have been used by the Iraqi Government to move toward a solution of the political issues. If that is his report in September, Bush better tell the military to start packing. As we said in the Artillery—MARCH ORDER—which meant break camp and leave!