I wish every person who voted for GWB in 2000 or 2004 could have been taken on a trip into the future in a Time Machine so they would be able to see just what their support for him would do to our beloved country. Only those that place there precious tax cuts above all else would have supported Bush if they could have looked at what he has done to our nation.
Today I read an article about a bill working its way through the Senate to expand the SCHIP program which would add over 3 million children to this program and insure that they have proper medical care. The Bill would pay for the added cost with an increase in the Tobacco tax so it would not add to the budget deficit. This proposal, as would be expected, has met with a very high level of support. The vote in committee was 17-4. George W. Bush informed Congress he will VETO this proposed bill if it reaches his desk.
We have heard Bush state that his outlook is as a “Compassionate Conservative” We have heard many of his supporters say the same thing about Bush. I believe when George W. Bush said that he was a Compassionate Conservative he made another one of his many misspeaks. What Bush was saying is that he is Conservative with his Compassion! He reserves his Compassion for the wealthy and the big oil companies. He has compassion for those who have everything and more then they will ever NEED and says the HELL with all others. His threatened veto of this proposal says VOLUMES about the character of GWB. I wonder how he reconciles his position on this bill with the religion he wears on his sleeve. What is that Jesus Christ said about those who abuse the children- It would better that a mill stone was placed around their neck and cast into the depth of the ocean? To deny over 3 million health care is like abusing children.
When this bill is approved by Congress, as I believe it will be, I want to watch ANY Congressman or Senator up for reelection vote to sustain a Bush Veto of this bill. I would love to see how they would justify to voters that they would not cover these children in exchange for a higher tax on Tobacco.
I hope all that voted for George W. Bush are proud of this sorry excuse for a President!