Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 21, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

The rupture of the 150 year old steam pipe in New York is an example of our failure to address the replacement of the aging infrastructure in our country. This is an issue I raised in my book where I sighted one survey that believes we have over a Trillion Dollars of needed repair or replacement of the major infrastructure in America.

YES, before someone tells me that this issue has existed long before GWB became President I will stipulate to that fact. The issue is Bush has wasted about as much on the Iraq war as the estimate I sighted said it would take to deal with the infrastructure in the United States. Again before someone tells me it is not the responsibility of government to replace these types of things then please tell me WHO should replace these essential elements of our country? The States, Cities nor private sources are replacing this infrastructure. When things like the steam pipe fail, they MUST be repaired or replaced. Some of the items in need of work would require years to fix and I wonder what will happen when a major system fails in a large city which would make living in that city impossible for an extended period of time. What would happen if a dam burst and destroyed communities in the path of the water? What if a major bridge failed that was essential for people to get to work or for the shipment of everything the effected community needed to exist?

The kinds of things we are ignoring include steam, water and sewer pipes, dams and bridges. The electrical grid in some locations needs work. To have spent what will most likely be a Trillion Dollars in Iraq and ignore the infrastructure repairs in America demonstrates the total lack of priorities shown by Bush. He attacks a country that presented NO DANGER to us while ignoring ESENTIAL facilities that enable people to live! Other presidents have also ignored the infrastructure but they did not waste a Trillion dollars that could have been used to rebuild and or repair these essential facilities.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 23, 2007
They are wearing out and the money that could have replaced then was wasted by Bush in Iraq! That is a Fact no matter what asinine statements you make!

You are trying to convince people that because of Iraq, things like this are not getting updated.....and that is false.  If we weren't in Iraq, things like this pipe incident still would have happened.  You seem to ignore everything that shows you otherwise, and still go back to Bush and Iraq.  It's amazing how obsessive you are over him.

on Jul 23, 2007
How a major area would be impacted if a Dam burst and swept away all the homes in the path of the water.

there is no dam in the usa in danger of failing in fact most of them are getting stronger.

We have been lucky so far in that they things that have failed did not impact massive numbers of people

you mean large parts of nebraska and kansas and parts of colorado and wyoming don't count as massive numbers of people. and three months doesn't count as a long period.

How would Chicago operate without a sewer system?

porta potties

on Jul 24, 2007
“If we weren't in Iraq, things like this pipe incident still would have happened.”

I said I agree with you. The point is the leadership from our President and Congress. We wasted a Trillion Dollars on a war that has made us LESS not MORE safe while we ignore the infrastructure that is ESSENTIAL for us to LIVE! That shows the President and the Congress is spending tax dollars on things that do not solve the problems that NEED to be solved. In addition, Bush BORROWED all the money we have spent in Iraq so we can continue to pay interest on the money we wasted on the Iraq War and at some point will have to repay the principal.
on Jul 24, 2007
Why do you insist that people can't find good paying jobs with benefits? I did, I have a decent paying job with great benefits.

That is great. However more and more companies are cutting or eliminating benefits especially health and retirement. The more jobs that do not have those benefits the more people will have jobs without benefits!

. How long ago was that col? Myself and others have shown otherwise.

The study covered 2001 thru 2005 and was completed for ALL 50 Stated for the U.S. Conference of Mayors. It showed the average annual wage for the jobs lost between 2001-2003 was $43,629. The average annual wags on the jobs created from 2004-2005 were $ 34,379. That is a 21% Reduction before inflation. After considering inflation the drop was 30%. This was a VERY comprehensive study completed for the non partisan U.S. Conference of Mayors. It also showed that in 18 States the jobs created did not offset the jobs lost during this period! The study also showed the newly created jobs have significantly less benefits especially Health and Retirement!
on Jul 24, 2007

Might as well blame Bush for not doing something to prevent a supervolcano from forming in Yellowstone, which may or may not happen, but could kill people and have a global impact if it does.

Federal Government financing private sectors to fix privately owned utilities?  That's a slippery slope, indeed!  I thought that we were a democracy, not communists.

on Jul 24, 2007
The study covered 2001 thru 2005 and was completed for ALL 50 Stated for the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

How surprising that gene takes one study from several years ago that agrees with his agenda, and ignores the rebuttals in the past about this issue.  LOL.

on Jul 24, 2007

I did not say the steam pipe break was a Dam. I was talking about the various infrastructure issues that need replacing and that are being ignored.

The only stupid ass here is you. The infrastructures are not being ignored. You can't just stop New York to fix thousands of feet of old pipelines. You are an idiot, you know nothing about how infrastructures work and they are repaired. Do you homework before you open your big mouth about a subject you know nothing about. These are old pipelines under New York that are inspected all the time but can not be replaced. They simply have to wait till they break in order to fix them or replace them.

ASCE New York

In the link above it shows how bad things are in New York (alone) which proves your point, but as usual you fail to see the big picture. This page also shows how much it will cost and let me tell you, New York alone would out due the war in Iraq 3 times.

Here's more: AOL News

This article shows how bad it is as well but also shows how unrealistic it is to actually repair the infrastructure of New York. Here are a few paragraphs of the article:

The American Society of Civil Engineers estimates it will take $1.6 trillion (1.2 trillion) over the next five years to get the nation's roads, bridges, dams, water systems and airports into good condition.

Cities and utilities are spending billions to replace their old parts, but fixing the problems is rarely easy.

In New York City, the subterranean landscape is a labyrinth of cables, tunnels and piping, often extending hundreds of feet down. Getting to all of those components can be difficult.

"The fact that all of this stuff is crowded together in a very small space can also make accidents worse," said Rae Zimmerman, director of the Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems at New York University.

New York is home to the largest steam system in the world. Steam is pumped through more than 100 miles (160.9 kilometers) of mains and service pipes, providing service to customers such as the Empire State Building and Rockefeller Center.

Consolidated Edison, the utility that operates the steam system, insisted its equipment is in good shape.

The company said it is spending $20 million (14.5 million) this year on upgrades, and has been removing older cast-iron components, eliminating asbestos from manholes and installing improved joints less likely to fail.

As you can see the concept of repairing these systems is unrealistic, it can't be done without harming the economy of New York and the US for that matter.
on Jul 24, 2007
That is great. However more and more companies are cutting or eliminating benefits especially health and retirement. The more jobs that do not have those benefits the more people will have jobs without benefits!

How exactly do you know this? Do you keep track of every company that is eliminating healthcare? Can you show me reports, facts, proof that everyday more and more companies or eliminating healthcare? And did it ever occure to you that if this is actually happening it may have something to do with all of these programs being created to give free healthcare to people? Why would I, as a business owner, waste money giving my employee healthcare benefits when the Gov't is paying for it? Do you not see this? We should not be telling the Gov't to give free benefits (which BTW it's not free its just being paid by someone else), instead we should be demanding businesses to keep or reacquire the benefits they had before. Don't you complain that most businesses make enough money to pay more taxes? So why can't they foot the bill for insurance as well? You really don't know how to stick to anything; you either against the Big Business or on their side, you can't have it both ways.
on Jul 24, 2007

you demand facts and links from gene.

yet when i provide them you chew me out for providing them
on Jul 24, 2007
you demand facts and links from gene.

yet when i provide them you chew me out for providing them

Because while he may be an idiot at times, he's an idiot with a point. His problem is he doesn't know how to stick to it. He hardly ever gives links or facts. His facts are always distorted but from legit places.

You on the other hand were arguing about the basic principles of spelling and grammar. You stated links of other peoples mistakes as proof that the word was spelled correctly but refused to acknowledge the fact that the word could not be found in any dictionary. You were bent on being right even if it killed you. That is why I placed you in the same category as Col gene. 1 misguided person was enough now we have 2, one on the left and one on the right. Talk about balance.
on Jul 24, 2007
I'm sorry buddy but while we may agree on many issues here, your style of proving things leaves very little to be desired. Just like Col gene, if he wasn't so obsessed with Bush many of his article could have been seen as legit and fair.
on Jul 24, 2007
my last post had nothing to do with spelling on my part.

and yes i went over board on the links because the other person wasn't reading anything i provided just like gene doesn't
on Jul 24, 2007
Oh I see what you are talking about. Still it is unnecessary to post a reply that took 5 seconds to get past it before the next reply. Let's be realistic, professionals and not fill the articles with garbage and unnecessary copy pasting like the ones you did.
on Jul 24, 2007
sorry i got mad about the toenail remark
on Jul 24, 2007
Reply By: CharlesCS1 Posted: Tuesday, July 24, 2007
That is great. However more and more companies are cutting or eliminating benefits especially health and retirement. The more jobs that do not have those benefits the more people will have jobs without benefits!

How exactly do you know this? Do you keep track of every company that is eliminating healthcare?

Look at the study I pointed to that was completed for the Conference of Mayors.
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