Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Now the President’s security advisor, Fran Thompson admitted yesterday that the Bush agreement to support Musharraf plan to allow the tribal leaders along the border regions of Pakistan alone has allowed al-Qaeda to establish a stronghold in the region in conjunction with Afghanistan. The NIE said the same thing and we now have an expanded al-Qaeda.

As I suggested we need to more aggressively attack the real enemy which are the foreign terrorists and get our forces out of the Civil War In Iraq. I also pointed out the potential danger in Pakistan with my Blog of 7 July.

It does not seem that any of the Bush choices in fighting the War on Terrorism does anything but make our security problems worse.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 23, 2007
the nie wants to work with Pakistan. you want to invade Pakistan
on Jul 23, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Monday, July 23, 2007
The NIE wants to work with Pakistan. You want to invade Pakistan

Fran Thompson said yesterday that the U.S. would consider using military force against al-Qaeda in Pakistan to include air attacks and the Predator Drone with the hellfire missile just as I suggested earlier. You are all so full of BS it comes out of your ears. The simple fact is that the Bush policy which was to agree with the President of Pakistan to allow the local Tribal Chiefs alone has backfired and allowed al-Qaeda to become entrenched in Pakistan as well as to become stronger in Afghanistan. Our invasion in Iraq has also allowed al-Qaeda to set up operations in Iraq even though we have 160,000 troops in Iraq and trained 350,000 Iraqi Military. The way Bush has been fighting the war on Terrorism has allowed the foreign terrorists that are responsible for 9/11, the attack on the Cole and the first twin tower attacks to regroup and expand into two new countries. If any of the idiots who support the Bush policy are saying that is an effective way to fight and win this war on Terrorism you have lost you minds!
on Jul 23, 2007
he also said if the pakistan government can't do it themselves and for now we were going to sit and watch
on Jul 24, 2007
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Reply By: danielost Posted: Monday, July 23, 2007
“He also said if the Pakistan government can't do it themselves and for now we were going to sit and watch”

That is what we have been doing as al-Qaeda set up operations in Pakistan. The way bush is fighting the War on Terrorism is NOT WORKING!
on Jul 24, 2007
That is what we have been doing as al-Qaeda set up operations in Pakistan. The way bush is fighting the War on Terrorism is NOT WORKING!

and we have found out that your way is no different than bushes except you would invade a friendly nation. at least the government is friendly.

and you through a big puff about bush alienating friendly nations.
on Jul 24, 2007
“And we have found out that your way is no different than bushes except you would invade a friendly nation. At least the government is friendly.”


Show me where I said I would invade another country?

I said I would attack al-Qaeda Cells with Air power, Drones and Boots in the ground for short incursions if essential. I did not advocate what Bush has done in Iraq. That was a mistake and should not be repeated! It sounds as if you now agree our invasion of Iraq was a mistake!
on Jul 24, 2007
I said I would attack al-Qaeda Cells with Air power, Drones and Boots in the ground for short incursions if essential. I did not advocate what Bush has done in Iraq. That was a mistake and should not be repeated! It sounds as if you now agree our invasion of Iraq was a mistake!

i don't care what you call it. it is still an invasion of a friendly nation
on Jul 24, 2007
I don't care what you call it. It is still an invasion of a friendly nation

I guess you suggestion is to do what Bush has been doing and allow al-Qaeda to continue to grow and plan attacks against the U.S. Pakistan has not controlled the border areas.

on Jul 24, 2007
Pakistan has not controlled the border areas.

maybe maybe not but right now they are in the area dieing
on Jul 24, 2007

I guess you suggestion is to do what Bush has been doing and allow al-Qaeda to continue to grow and plan attacks against the U.S. Pakistan has not controlled the border areas.

I guess you are suggesting to do what Bush has done in Iraq, invade a country against it's will. I mean how can you "attack al-Qaeda Cells with Air power, Drones and Boots in the ground for short incursions if essential" without invading Pakistan? You really have lost you mind. You can't win Col, you either follow in Bush's footsteps and swallow your words or we let Al-qaeda continue and you, again, have to swallow your words.
on Jul 24, 2007
"I guess you are suggesting to do what Bush has done in Iraq, invade a country against it's will."

No you idiot-- I DID NOT SAY INVADE Pakistan. I said attack the al-Qaeda operations in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. They are the people that attacked the U.S. We were not attacked by Saddam or the Sunni or Shea in Iraq. Our stupid and misguided President attacked a country that had NOTHING to do with 9/11 and after 6 years with a half hearted effort against the people who did attack us we find they have reconstituted themselves and expanded into two added countries. GREAT WORK Mr. Bush!
on Jul 24, 2007
An incursion is NOT an invasion that is intended to occupy. It is to destroy a cell of al-Qaeda in conjunction withy air power and armed drones. Any Boots on the Ground would be removed when the specific mission was complete. That is a tactic of Special Forces and would only be employed IF the Pakistani forces fail to destroy the al-Qaeda Cells.
on Jul 24, 2007
in·cur·sion [ in kúr'n ] (plural in·cur·sions)



1. raid: a brief, hostile, and usually sudden invasion of somebody's territory

2. unwelcome intrusion: the act of flowing, running, or intruding into something, usually with unpleasant or damaging effects ( formal )

[15th century. Directly or via French< Latin incursion- "a running in" < incurrere (see incur)]

in·cur·sive [ in kúrssiv ] adjective

on Jul 25, 2007

YES a RAID not an Occupation like Iraq. I suggested that ONLY if the Pakistani Government continues to FAIL to deal with al-Qaeda in their country! That is just what the National security Advisor said was the BUSH policy toward al-Qaeda operating in Pakistan!YOU are such an IDIOT!
on Jul 25, 2007
Insulting people is a great way to get your point across col.

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