Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Now the President’s security advisor, Fran Thompson admitted yesterday that the Bush agreement to support Musharraf plan to allow the tribal leaders along the border regions of Pakistan alone has allowed al-Qaeda to establish a stronghold in the region in conjunction with Afghanistan. The NIE said the same thing and we now have an expanded al-Qaeda.

As I suggested we need to more aggressively attack the real enemy which are the foreign terrorists and get our forces out of the Civil War In Iraq. I also pointed out the potential danger in Pakistan with my Blog of 7 July.

It does not seem that any of the Bush choices in fighting the War on Terrorism does anything but make our security problems worse.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 25, 2007
I suggested that ONLY if the Pakistani Government continues to FAIL to deal with al-Qaeda in their country!

no you didn't

you said that we should invade now and take out al queda.

you also said that you would have invaded 4 years ago.

the Pakistani army is in the area and dieing trying to take out al queda and big brother(you) want to go in and step on the parade.

it was/is bush(not bush himself) that suggested that we wait and see if they need our help. we also want the Pakistan government to know that we can provide artillery support from Afghanistan.
on Jul 25, 2007
No you idiot-- I DID NOT SAY INVADE Pakistan. I said attack the al-Qaeda operations in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. They are the people that attacked the U.S. We were not attacked by Saddam or the Sunni or Shea in Iraq. Our stupid and misguided President attacked a country that had NOTHING to do with 9/11 and after 6 years with a half hearted effort against the people who did attack us we find they have reconstituted themselves and expanded into two added countries. GREAT WORK Mr. Bush!

I'm an idiot and you just stated not to invade Pakistan but to attack Al-qaeda in Pakistan which would mean we would have to invade Pakistan against the Gov'ts wishes. You really are stupid, I hope your grandchildren are kept away from this stupidity of your, I would hate to think they would be tainted by it and turn out as stupid as you.
on Jul 25, 2007

YES a RAID not an Occupation like Iraq.

Who said occupation? No one but the idiot of the site, you. Man you are so stupid you make the Dumb and Dumber movie look like it came from the Discovery Channel.

As per Danielost:

1. raid: a brief, hostile, and usually sudden invasion of somebody's territory

1. invasion: attempt to conquer: a hostile entry by an armed force into a country's territory, especially with the intention of conquering it

Now, in order to raid something in another country who has not given you permission to enter you would have to invade the country, in other words do "a hostile entry by an armed force into a country's territory" and since doing this will most likely lead people to believe we are doing it "especially with the intention of conquering it" this would be a really bad idea no matter how you wanna call it. It would still require an illegal entry to a country we were asked to stay out of. We already have Iraq on our backs, we don't need to add Pakistan to the list.
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