Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 25, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

Yesterday President Bush released what he claims was formerly classified information that proves that al-Qaeda in Iraq is linked to al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He then made his old argument that we can not leave Iraq until al-Qaeda in Iraq has been destroyed. As usual Bush choose to make his assertions at a military base before a captive audience.

Most intelligence and military leaders accept the link between al-Qaeda in Iraq and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan/Pakistan. It is also true that although al-Qaeda did not operate in Iraq when we invaded Iraq the fact is they are there now. Where the President’s argument breaks down is that the majority of the 160,000 U.S. Military fighting in Iraq are NOT fighting al-Qaeda. The majority, about 85-90%, is being employed in the major population areas and is in the middle of the fighting between Sunni and Shea factions in Iraq. Thus if the REAL danger, as Bush stated again yesterday, is the Foreign Terrorists like al-Qaeda, we need to END the use of American Forces in the sectarian conflict and redirect our forces to destroy al-Qaeda and other foreign terrorist elements.

That is what several of the plans coming out Congress have called for. That would enable the majority of the American Forces to be redeployed either to Afghanistan or back to the U.S. for rest and retraining. What Bush said yesterday does not justify continuing the Surge. The fight to deal with the Iraq vs. Iraq fighting must be turned over to the Iraqi military and police we have trained. It is time for Congress to force a change in our policy to insure the MAJOIRITY of our military forces are being employed against the REAL enemy in Afghanistan, Pakistan and in Iraq. We must end the involvement of American troops in the sectarian conflict in Iraq.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 25, 2007
No matter what you and some of the idiots on this Blog site say, Bush and his policies have harmed America and will take decades to correct!

Can you respond to anyone without an insult? 

Most of the things you have listed have been argued against you before, and as usual, you came out on the losing side.  As I said, you refuse to ignore things such as how strong the economy is, and just keep repeating the typical DNC talking points over and over. 

Typical democrat, just complain, complain, and complain more.  What are you beloved democrats going to do about the border col, tell us that!  

on Jul 25, 2007
you see that is the only plan the democrats have is to cry about how bad it is. and spend money on things that they shouldn't be spending money on.

why is social security in such bad position because the democrats spent the money when they controlled congress for forty years. also because they made it illegal to invest that money in non-voting stocks in the fortune 500 companies. because they wouldn't be able to control the money.

why do you think dictator gene demanded that dregnil give me the money i asked gene for.
on Jul 25, 2007
“Can you respond to anyone without an insult?”

I am responding to all the insults that are used by those that can do nothing but defend Bush on this Blog Site. GO back and look at the continual stream of insults that have been used against me.

No matter what source I sight. No matter what factual information I post, if it does not reflect well on Bush the first tactic is to attack me. That is just how Bush and his minions act toward anyone that publicly says anything Bush does not like or disagrees with his policy. Look at Wilson as an example of how Bush and Cheney reacted to what has been proven is the accurate report Ambassador Wilson made about the false statements made by Cheney and Bush concerning Saddam attempting to purchase Yellow Cake in Africa. This was so blatant that Tenet himself face to face told Bush that was a lie. Then three months later Bush used that lie it in his State of the Union Speech. When Wilson said the very same thing, the Bush administration including Cheney, Rove, and Libby identified a CIA agent which put in jeopardy any contact Valery Plame had in the past as a CIA agent!
on Jul 25, 2007
Bush concerning Saddam attempting to purchase Yellow Cake in Africa.

i believe when someone on here told you that they had found yellow cake in iraq you said it didn't matter at all.

I am responding to all the insults that are used by those that can do nothing but defend Bush on this Blog Site

so now it is an insult to defend bush.

No matter what factual information I post, if it does not reflect well on Bush the first tactic is to attack me.

the problem with most of your facts is that they are fake/false/or only designed to be used against bush
on Jul 25, 2007
“I believe when someone on here told you that they had found yellow cake in Iraq you said it didn't matter at all.”

I pointed out the yellow Cake you are talking about had NOTHING to do with the claim of the attempt to purchase Yellow cake that Bush put into his State of the Union Address. The Yellow cake that was found in Iraq was acquired long before the incident Bush talked about and Wilson reported. The Statement Bush made was a LIE as Tenet told him and as Wilson correctly reported!
on Jul 25, 2007
“No matter what factual information I post, if it does not reflect well on Bush the first tactic is to attack me.

The problem with most of your facts is that they are fake/false/or only designed to be used against bush”

The facts are correct. Your problem is that they make Bush look bad and you will not accept that.

“So now it is an insult to defend bush.” NO JUST STUPIDY!
on Jul 25, 2007
lets see i stand against home land security

so no i don't back bush on everything but i also will not attack him before the jury is in.

clinton on the other hand didn't do anything the whole time he was in office. except say he was sorry we were in their way.
on Jul 26, 2007
I will still stack up my accomplishments against you. No matter what you and some of the idiots on this Blog site say, Bush and his policies have harmed America and will take decades to correct!

I'm sorry, what do you accomplishments have anything to do with anything? Why won't you stack up your accomplishments with Bush. Do you have President of the US in your resume?
on Jul 26, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Wednesday, July 25, 2007
“Let’s see I stand against home land security

So no I don't back bush on everything but I also will not attack him before the jury is in.”

The Jury is in on the deficit-- Go to the U.S. Treasury sight.

The Jury is in on how Bush handled Katrina

The Jury is in on how Bush helped our energy dependence on Foreign Oil.

The Jury is in on the failure of Bush to protract our borders and ports.

The Jury is in on How Bush added to the funding problem of Medicare with Part D and
no way to pay for another $60 Billion per year.

The Jury is in about the failure of Bush to move us toward solving the Social Security
funding issue. His suggestion made the problem WORSE.

The Jury is in about the increased trade imbalance-- Just go to the Dept. of Commerce
Web Sight.

The Jury is in about the failure of “No Child Left Behind”

The Jury is in about the ineffective way Bush has fought the War on terrorism.

The Jury is in about the Iraq war.

I am not sure which Jury you are waiting for?
on Jul 26, 2007
Look at Wilson as an example of how Bush and Cheney reacted to what has been proven is the accurate report Ambassador Wilson made about the false statements made by Cheney and Bush concerning Saddam attempting to purchase Yellow Cake in Africa. This was so blatant that Tenet himself face to face told Bush that was a lie. Then three months later Bush used that lie it in his State of the Union Speech. When Wilson said the very same thing, the Bush administration including Cheney, Rove, and Libby identified a CIA agent which put in jeopardy any contact Valery Plame had in the past as a CIA agent!

LOL.  Do you even read anything that is ever posted to you?  We have debunked this several times over and you still post the same cut and paste nonsense.

on Jul 26, 2007
The Jury is in about the ineffective way Bush has fought the War on terrorism.

The Jury is in about the Iraq war.

no it isn't

The Jury is in on how Bush handled Katrina

yes the jury is in bush did his job actually he did more than he was supposed to do,

The Jury is in on how Bush helped our energy dependence on Foreign Oil.

democrats won't allow drilling in the usa

The Jury is in on the failure of Bush to protract our borders and ports.

don't forget the failure of the democrats on this one.

The Jury is in on How Bush added to the funding problem of Medicare with Part D and
no way to pay for another $60 Billion per year.

The Jury is in about the failure of Bush to move us toward solving the Social Security
funding issue. His suggestion made the problem WORSE.

which the democrats started

The Jury is in about the increased trade imbalance-- Just go to the Dept. of Commerce
Web Sight.

another 40 year old problem

on Jul 27, 2007

Reply By: Island Dog

. Do you even read anything that is ever posted to you? We have debunked this several times over and you still post the same cut and paste nonsense.

YOU have done nothing of the sort. Tenet has confirmed the Yellow cake story was a LIE and told Bush directly it was not true. That is just what Wilson reported. I will believe Tenet and Wilson over you!
on Jul 27, 2007

The Jury is in on how Bush handled Katrina

yes the jury is in bush did his job actually he did more than he was supposed to do, YOU ARE NUTS!!!

"democrats won't allow drilling in the usa "

Drilling is NOT the answer. We need solutions other then OIL! Many Republicans do not want to drill in Alaska.
on Jul 27, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Thursday, July 26, 2007
The Jury is in about the ineffective way Bush has fought the War on terrorism.

The Jury is in about the Iraq war.

no it isn't

Dream ON. 70% of Americans do not agree with you! The results on the Ground do not agree with you.
on Jul 27, 2007
The Jury is in about the failure of Bush to move us toward solving the Social Security
funding issue. His suggestion made the problem WORSE.

which the democrats started

YES the Democrats started Social Security. It is the Baby Boomers that have caused the problem and the Bush private accounts would not only fail to solve the existing issue but would make it worse.

Social Security is solvent taday it is only the large number of Boomers that have caused the funding problem!!!!!
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