Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 25, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

Yesterday President Bush released what he claims was formerly classified information that proves that al-Qaeda in Iraq is linked to al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He then made his old argument that we can not leave Iraq until al-Qaeda in Iraq has been destroyed. As usual Bush choose to make his assertions at a military base before a captive audience.

Most intelligence and military leaders accept the link between al-Qaeda in Iraq and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan/Pakistan. It is also true that although al-Qaeda did not operate in Iraq when we invaded Iraq the fact is they are there now. Where the President’s argument breaks down is that the majority of the 160,000 U.S. Military fighting in Iraq are NOT fighting al-Qaeda. The majority, about 85-90%, is being employed in the major population areas and is in the middle of the fighting between Sunni and Shea factions in Iraq. Thus if the REAL danger, as Bush stated again yesterday, is the Foreign Terrorists like al-Qaeda, we need to END the use of American Forces in the sectarian conflict and redirect our forces to destroy al-Qaeda and other foreign terrorist elements.

That is what several of the plans coming out Congress have called for. That would enable the majority of the American Forces to be redeployed either to Afghanistan or back to the U.S. for rest and retraining. What Bush said yesterday does not justify continuing the Surge. The fight to deal with the Iraq vs. Iraq fighting must be turned over to the Iraqi military and police we have trained. It is time for Congress to force a change in our policy to insure the MAJOIRITY of our military forces are being employed against the REAL enemy in Afghanistan, Pakistan and in Iraq. We must end the involvement of American troops in the sectarian conflict in Iraq.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 25, 2007
This is where the majority of American Troops are being used under the Bush policy and it will not work:

Sunnis Suspends Iraqi Gov't Membership
By QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA (Associated Press writer)
From Associated Press
July 25, 2007 5:38 AM EDT
BAGHDAD - Iraq's largest Sunni Arab bloc said Wednesday it has suspended its membership in Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's coalition government, dealing a serious blow to the Shiite leader's efforts to achieve national reconciliation.
If the Iraqi Government can not work together, we can not end the secterian fighting with our troops!
on Jul 25, 2007
Reading from a prepared statement, al-Elyan said the front's demands included a pardon for security detainees not charged with specific crimes, a firm commitment by the government to human rights, the disbanding of militias and the inclusion of all parties in the government in dealing with the country's security situation.

guess what i agree with everyone of their demands because those are our demands.

how ever i don't see how any of this is bushes fault.
on Jul 25, 2007
Poll shows troops in support of war
By Robert Hodierne, Army Times
Despite a year of ferocious combat, mounting casualties and frequent deployments, support for the war in Iraq remains very high among the active-duty military, according to a Military Times Poll.
Sixty-three percent of respondents approve of the way President Bush is handling the war, and 60% remain convinced it is a war worth fighting. Support for the war is even greater among those who have served longest in the combat zone: Two-thirds of combat vets say the war is worth fighting.

But the men and women in uniform are under no illusions about how long they will be fighting in Iraq; nearly half say they expect to be there more than five years.

In addition, 87%% say they're satisfied with their jobs and, if given the choice today, only 25% say they'd leave the service.

Compared with last year, the percentages for support for the war and job satisfaction remain essentially unchanged.

A year ago, 77% said they thought the military was stretched too thin to be effective. This year, that number shrank to 66%.

The findings are part of the annual Military Times Poll, which this year included 1,423 active-duty subscribers to Air Force Times, Army Times, Navy Times and Marine Corps Times.

The subscribers were randomly surveyed by mail in late November and early December. The poll has a margin of error of +/—2.6%.

Among the poll's other findings:

• 75% oppose a military draft.

• 60% blame Congress for the shortage of body armor in the combat zone.

• 12% say civilian Pentagon policymakers should be held accountable for abuse at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

Contributing: The independent Military Times Media Group consists of four newspapers published by Gannett

you see even a vast majority of us troops disagree with you

WWW Link
on Jul 25, 2007
More blah blah blah. You really are not worth the time and effort but I will at least post my feelings just so you don't go around saying that because we do not respond that we agree with you.
on Jul 25, 2007
What is different in this post than the other?  The same old Bush bashing.  Move on.
on Jul 25, 2007
“How ever I don't see how any of this is bushes fault.”

The issue is that what Bush said we must do prior to leaving Iraq is DESTROY al-Qaeda. We have most of our troops doing things that HAVE NOTHING to do with fighting al-Qaeda. We need to stop our involvement in the sectarian fighting, turn that over to the Iraqi military and Police and concentrate on al-Qaeda!

The issue with the Iraqi Government is that they continue to move away from settling the issues that can end the sectarian violence. We can not keep our military patrolling the streets in the middle of a Civil War while the Iraqi Government fails to settle the issues that prolong the fighting between the Sunni and Shea in Iraq!
on Jul 25, 2007

Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Wednesday, July 25, 2007
“What is different in this post than the other? The same old Bush bashing. Move on.”

The issue is that Bush has defeated his own argument for keeping large numbers of our troops in Iraq. You can call it Bush Bashing- It is the truth!

on Jul 25, 2007

Reply By: CharlesCS1 Posted: Wednesday, July 25, 2007
More blah blah blah. You really are not worth the time and effort but I will at least post my feelings just so you don't go around saying that because we do not respond that we agree with you.

YOU are a BLIND FOOL following another FOOL-- GWB!
on Jul 25, 2007
You see even a vast majority of us troops disagree with you

Ask those same questions of the American public and I BET you will not get results that are even close to the results of that poll!
on Jul 25, 2007
YOU are a BLIND FOOL following another FOOL-- GWB!

The only fool I seem to be following is you. For that I admit to being a fool for not staying away from you articles. Funny though, you are calling me a fool for following Bush but you have been spending that past year or so of what is left of you pathetic old life following everything Bush does in order to express what you call "Bush Truth" when it should be tittle "Bush Truth According to Col Gene". And you dare call me a fool.
on Jul 25, 2007
You see even a vast majority of us troops disagree with you

Ask those same questions of the American public and I BET you will not get results that are even close to the results of that poll!

What the hell are you talking about?
on Jul 25, 2007

Reply By: CharlesCS1 Posted: Wednesday, July 25, 2007
YOU are a BLIND FOOL following another FOOL-- GWB!

“The only fool I seem to be following is you. For that I admit to being a fool for not staying away from you articles. Funny though, you are calling me a fool for following Bush but you have been spending that past year or so of what is left of you pathetic old life following everything Bush does in order to express what you call "Bush Truth" when it should be title "Bush Truth According to Col Gene". And you dare call me a fool.”


I will put my accomplishments up against you any day. Everything I have said about Bush and the impact of his policies on this country are correct. They may not reflect well on GWB because what he has done has created great harm that will continue for many years after he is a BAD memory!
on Jul 25, 2007

I will put my accomplishments up against you any day.

The only thing you have accomplished is to make a fool of yourself on this site. For a guy who claims to have smarts when it comes to business you real are stupid, uneducated and a bad speller.
on Jul 25, 2007
Everything I have said about Bush and the impact of his policies on this country are correct.

No, your opinions.  You are a typical gloom and doom liberal who does nothing but tell us how bad everything is, and refuses to acknowledge any good that goes on.
on Jul 25, 2007

Reply By: CharlesCS1 Posted: Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I will put my accomplishments up against you any day.

The only thing you have accomplished is to make a fool of yourself on this site. For a guy who claims to have smarts when it comes to business you real are stupid, uneducated and a bad speller.

I am not a great speller and an even worst typist. I will still stack up my accomplishments against you. No matter what you and some of the idiots on this Blog site say, Bush and his policies have harmed America and will take decades to correct!

Anyone that can look back on Iraq, The deficit, lack of solutions for Social Security, Medicare, energy, education, border protection, the Bush response to Katrina, his inept appointees, trade, protecting American Jobs, health care and say Bush has done ANYTHING but made ALL these worse, is not being honest and is living in total denial.
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