Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The problem with unsafe food coming into the United States is growing. Recently there has been a flurry of health alerts from tainted food much of which is coming from China. The Bush trade policy is more interested in boosting foreign imports then in the safety of the American consumer.

For the past several years Bush has been CUTTING the funding for food inspections which has resulted in a reduction in the number of inspectors at a time when there is an increased level of imported food. The FDA has admitted they are overwhelmed and can not provide the necessary inspections. In addition to reductions in the food inspectors, Bush also cut the funding request for Drug inspections.

In 2006 Bush cut the Food inspection funding by 5%, drug inspection funding by 5.8% and the funding to inspect Blood by 4.7%. Similar cuts were also made in the 2007 Bush Budget. Why would a President of the United States CUT funding to insure the safety of the food and drugs that enter our country in the face of increased imports and the continued incidents of dangerous products that are being brought into the U.S.?

Please some one tell me that Food and Drug inspection is not a responsibility of the President! Before anyone does that better look on the organizational chart for the Executive Branch?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 25, 2007
give us some links for these cuts or leave it alone
on Jul 25, 2007
Ask and you shall receive:

This is the 2006 Cuts. Another source was Lou Dobbs tonight which talked about the 2007 cuts.

Budget Slashes Enforcement at FDA, EPA

The White House's fiscal year 2006 budget submission will mean big cuts in food and drug safety inspection as well as state enforcement of environmental protections.

Amidst mounting concern over the safety of our food supply from threats such as mad cow disease and bioterrorism and after a storm of criticism about FDA's botched inspection of British flu vaccine facilities, which led to a vaccine shortage this winter, FDA's budget proposes cuts to nearly all of its inspection programs.

The new FDA budget proposes major cuts in both foreign and domestic inspection programs, including significant spending reductions in the following areas:

5 percent for domestic food safety inspections, 5.8 percent for foreign drug plant inspections, and 4.7 percent for inspections of national blood banks.

According to an agency statement given to USA Today, FDA will stretch its meager budget by targeting inspection towards only high risk cases:

Intelligent, risk-based inspections are more important than absolute numbers of inspections. Still, overall inspections will drop significantly if the proposed budget is approved. Despite FDA promises to Congress to increase vaccine plant inspections from once every two years to once a year in response to the flu vaccine debacle, the number of drug plant manufacturing inspections will drop from 1,430 this year to 1,355 next year. Inspections of foreign drug plants will fall from 515 to 485 per year.

The $1.9 billion budget provides a 4.5 percent overall increase in the FDA budget. FDA has taken the hint from the storm of public outrage over Vioxx and has asked for increased funding for drug safety reviews. The budget also includes an expansion of bioterrorism food safety programs.

Considering the controversy surrounding FDA this past year, the budget cuts for inspection are particularly ironic. Last fall, contamination at a British flu vaccine plant left the U.S. scrambling for vaccines weeks before the flu season. Congressional hearings and news media coverage revealed that the FDA had failed to frequently inspect the plant, which accounted for half of the U.S. flu vaccine supply.
on Jul 25, 2007
sorry 2006 was two budgets ago
on Jul 25, 2007
Considering the controversy surrounding FDA this past year, the budget cuts for inspection are particularly ironic. Last fall, contamination at a British flu vaccine plant left the U.S. scrambling for vaccines weeks before the flu season. Congressional hearings and news media coverage revealed that the FDA had failed to frequently inspect the plant, which accounted for half of the U.S. flu vaccine supply.

funny i thought this happened in 2000 after clinton set a top amount that we would pay for it
on Jul 25, 2007
what are you going to write about when Bush is gone? Please Please tell me you will stop blogging entirely or will move your blog to a site more conducive to your politics like the Daily Kos or the Democratic Underground.
on Jul 26, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Wednesday, July 25, 2007
"Sorry 2006 was two budgets ago"

The Budget cuts continued into 2007 and the FDA has said it does not enough staff TODAY to inspect the food, drugs and Blood that is coming into our country in ever increasing amounts. YOU ARE A TOTAL IDIOT. Bush and the GOP controlled Congress are DEAD WRONG to have cut this funding. Bush has also cut Cancer research funding in 2006 and 2007 as well. This is the Lance Armstrong issue that was on Chris Matthews last night. Face it- Bush is a horrible leader who could care less for the welfare of this country. All he cares about is Big business and the wealthy!

Reply By: Moderateman Posted: Wednesday, July 25, 2007
What are you going to write about when Bush is gone? Please Please tell me you will stop blogging entirely or will move your Blog to a site more conducive to your politics like the Daily Kos or the Democratic Underground.

I will follow how we will correct all the things that Bush has destroyed in this country. That should take decades to accomplish!
on Jul 26, 2007
Here is another Bushism from my calendar:

"But Iraq has-have got people there that are willing to kill, and they're hard-nosed killers. And we will work with the Iraqis to secure their future”

Washington, D.C. April 28, 2005. Bush is unbelievable. Anyone who defends or supports this man is a sad excuse for a human being!!!!!
on Jul 26, 2007
Ask and you shall receive:

So you are basing this as a fact on a website called OMB Watch? Especially one who has "USA Today" as one of its sources of information on it?

LOL, what happened to the Gov't agencies you are so fond of? The ones you one day claim to be under Bush's control and will say what he wants them to say and then the next day claim them to be accurate and truthful?
on Jul 26, 2007
BTW, here's the link you asked for danielost.

OMB Watch

That's how you do it Col.
on Jul 26, 2007
No I did not predicate my comments on a single source . It was also on CNN Lou Dobbs last night. LOOK:

Between 2003 and 2006, FDA food safety inspections dropped 47 percent, according to a database analysis of federal records by The Associated Press.
FDA ‘just can't manage the job’
That’s not all that’s dropping at the FDA in terms of food safety. The analysis also shows:
• There are 12 percent fewer FDA employees in field offices who concentrate on food issues.
• Safety tests for U.S.-produced food have dropped nearly 75 percent, from 9,748 in 2003 to 2,455 last year, according to the agency’s own statistics.
After the Sept. 11 attacks, the FDA, at the urging of Congress, increased the number of food inspectors and inspections amid fears that the nation’s food system was vulnerable to terrorists. Inspectors and inspections spiked in 2003, but now both have fallen enough to erase the gains.
Getting worse
“The only difference is now it’s worse, because there are more inspections to do — more facilities — and more food coming into America, which requires more inspections,” said Tommy Thompson, who as secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services pushed to increase the numbers. He’s now part of a coalition lobbying to turn around several years of stagnant spending.
The Bush administration’s budget request for 2008 includes an additional $10.6 million for food safety at the FDA; the lobbying group said 10 times that increase is needed. Even though the FDA increased its overall spending on food between 2003 and 2006, those increases failed to keep pace with rising personnel costs.
“It’s not just outsiders like us who have been watching it for a while. People who worked in the Bush administration are coming out and saying the agency is not working at its current resource levels. It just can’t manage the job,” said Caroline Smith DeWaal, director of food safety at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, an advocacy group.
Members of Congress also have renewed the focus on the safety of the nation’s food supply amid highly publicized recalls sparked by food poisoning, including last year when E. coli was found to taint fresh spinach sold coast to coast. That outbreak killed three people and sickened nearly 200.
The Associated Press
By ANDREW BRIDGES and SETH BORENSTEIN Associated Press Writers
WASHINGTON Feb 26, 2007 (AP)
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The federal agency that's been front and center in warning the public about tainted spinach and contaminated peanut butter is conducting just half the food safety inspections it did three years ago.
The cuts by the Food and Drug Administration come despite a barrage of high-profile food recalls.

"We have a food safety crisis on the horizon," said Michael Doyle, director of the Center for Food Safety at the University of Georgia.
Between 2003 and 2006, FDA food safety inspections dropped 47 percent, according to a database analysis of federal records by The Associated Press.
That's not all that's dropping at the FDA in terms of food safety. The analysis also shows:
There are 12 percent fewer FDA employees in field offices who concentrate on food issues.
Safety tests for U.S.-produced food have dropped nearly 75 percent, from 9,748 in 2003 to 2,455 last year, according to the agency's own statistics.
on Jul 26, 2007
CNN? LOL, your suppose to go up the barrel not scrapping the bottom of it.
on Jul 26, 2007
CNN, the same channel where I saw a section that claimed teen leaning Democrats on the issues from the Democratic Presidential debate the other day but out of the 6 teens they were asking questions only 2 of them had Democratic leaning responses while the other 4 actually defended Bush on many responses. And they say I need to work on my research abilities.
on Jul 26, 2007

Reply By: CharlesCS1 Posted: Thursday, July 26, 2007
“CNN? , your suppose to go up the barrel not scrapping the bottom of it.”

I have provided three sources. As I said the type of people that continue to ignore the facts and defend Bush are a sorry group of people. Bush and the GOP controlled Congress did cut the funding for FDA and Cancer research. Bush saying he will Veto the bill to give 3.3 million children health care under SCHIP. Bush is the idiot who is spending $12 Billion dollars per month on an unjustified war.
on Jul 26, 2007
Bush saying he will Veto the bill to give 3.3 million children health care under SCHIP.

of which and this is a guess on my part. 1.3 million don't need it.

Bush is the idiot who is spending $12 Billion dollars per month on an unjustified war.

ok so we will just stop funding the troops then.

I have provided three sources.

these sources are 2 to 4 years old.
on Jul 26, 2007
Bush saying he will Veto the bill to give 3.3 million children health care under SCHIP

A bill that will not only give children healthcare, but to also give adults and middle-income people healthcare as well. It is called the CHIP or SCHIP, the C stands for children, not adults. The plan was designed to help low-income families who make too much to qualify for Medicaid not for adults and middle income people who make more than enough and probably work for companies that do offer benefits. Instead of criticizing the fact that Bush is vetoing the bill you should try looking the reasons why he is doing it. Sure, some kids will be affected but blame the Democrats for trying to make a universal healthcare plan out of a plan designed to help children. Shame on them for playing around with children's benefits just to stick it to Bush and scream foul just like you are doing.

Bush is the idiot who is spending $12 Billion dollars per month on an unjustified war.

And will you stop throwing in the war crap when we are talking about a bill that has nothing to do with the war. Can't you stick to one issue long enough? It's because of this kind of posting that people get numbers confused. Talk about the bill, not about the war. Leave the war to it's own thread.
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