Iraq Government is in Crises!
The Sunni members of the Maliki government have pulled out of the government which means the Iraqi government is unable to function. This insures the inability of the Iraqi Government to resolve the issues that are the reason for the sectarian fighting. No matter what the military situation may be in September, the situation in Iraq is getting worse.
Today there were four terrorist attacks in which 70 Iraqis were killed. So much for the Surge controlling the violence. At best the Surge has enabled our forces to reduce the violence in the areas where the added troops are operating. However, the overall situation has not improved and as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs nominee said yesterday to Congress, without a political settlement the surge will not work. Adm. Mullen also told Congress the U.S. Army can NOT support the Bush Surge past April 2008. They simply do not have the manpower to rotate the forces in Iraq at the 160,000 level!
It is time for the Pentagon to be preparing the plans to withdrawal from Iraq!