Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on August 5, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

This morning the front page reports that in 2007 the Federal Highway Trust Fund, which is the source of the Federal Funding for road and bridge repair, is not collecting as much tax revenue as the amount required for the approved repairs. In addition the repairs that are needed are far greater then those that have been approved.

The Philadelphia Inquirer story makes the comparison of the fiscal problems of the highway trust fund with the fiscal problems of Social Security. The problem is that the increasing number of highways that we built starting in 1956 means there is an ever increasing amount of aging roads and bridges that require maintenance. The trust fund is funded by an 18.4 cent per gallon Federal gasoline tax. That has gone up with the increased number of gallons used but has not produced enough added revenue to meet the increasing maintenance requirements from the larger number of roads and bridges.

I must admit I was unaware of this problem which Washington has been ignoring. Now faced with the bridge collapse and the fact that we need far more maintenance then we have agreed to undertake, we have yet another major fiscal crises that we can not ignore. I want someone to explain just how we are to meet the essential needs of this country and continue to refuse to increase the funding by tax increases.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 05, 2007
how about 1 the start using the funds for what they were meant to be used for. not use them for pork like the did social security.
on Aug 05, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Sunday, August 05, 2007
How about 1 the start using the funds for what they were meant to be used for. Not use them for pork like they did social security.

The no SOCIAL SECURITY MONEY WENT TO ANYRTHING BUT THOSE ELIGABLE FOR SOCIAL SECURITY. The Sociaol Security Funds borrowed are in a TRUST FUND and secured by Federal Bonds. You are just full of excuses. As to the Highway trust fund, the money has ONLY been used to build and maintain roads and Bridges and does not change the fact it is running out of money at a time when more money will be required!
on Aug 05, 2007
As to the Highway trust fund, the money has ONLY been used to build and maintain roads and Bridges and does not change the fact it is running out of money at a time when more money will be required!

Was the bridge to nowhere on that list, Col?

There are plenty of pork projects in the highway department alone and you know it. But, naaah, begging for the rich to pay higher taxes is your bread and butter, it helps you pimp your book that not even the Dems will buy!
on Aug 05, 2007
col one thing is you didn't tell us the true gas tax. the fed. gov. is collecting .18 per gallon but the states are collecting enough to bring it up to .50 to .60 per gallon.

and i didn't say who was using it for other reasons. in this case it is the states
on Aug 05, 2007
“Was the bridge to nowhere on that list, Col?”

If you mean the Bridge in Alaska to the island where 50 people live-- YES it was an Earmark to the Highway Trust Fund projects added by the GOP Senator that is under investigation for taking money from an oil company. However no actual money was spent on that project. If you mean the bridge that collapsed, it was scheduled to be replaced in 2020.

We have two distinct problems—some money that has been spent from the trust fund was for pet highway and bridge projects. Second, we have not provided enough money in the trust to meet the magnitude of projects that MUST be addressed. The increasing miles of roads plus age of the Interstate highways demands far more resources then we provided even if all the pet projects had NOT been undertaken. Thus we need to reevaluate where the money NEEDS to be spent and determine that actual amount needed over the next 10-20 years and then decide how to provide the amount needed. However in addition to road and bridge repairs we have dams, Sewer/water systems, rail lines and bridges and the electric grid. We have a MASSIVE issue along with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, National and homeland defense, Energy. Health and Education. This is WHY The Comptroller General is talking about Bankruptcy in the future for the United States!!!!! If we continue to live in the land of denial, the future will be a very unpleasant place for Americans!
on Aug 05, 2007
I want someone to explain just how we are to meet the essential needs of this country and continue to refuse to increase the funding by tax increases.

This is how you are a textbook liberal. 

You think everything will be solved by raising taxes.  Although you left it out, I'm sure you feel only certain people should be paying extra taxes as well.

Gideon is right that there is so much pork and useless spending in the government period, that just increasing taxes will not solve anything.  The entire system needs an overhaul and we should start by elminating useless welfare and entitlement programs.

I would go on, but this isn't about road, or budgets.  This is just another pathetic excuse to raise taxes on one group of people while giving a free pass to another. 

on Aug 05, 2007

i have an infrastructure question for you.

the last time you made repairs on your house was after it broke or before and be honest.
on Aug 05, 2007

Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Sunday, August 05, 2007
I want someone to explain just how we are to meet the essential needs of this country and continue to refuse to increase the funding by tax increases.

“This is how you are a textbook liberal.”

“You think everything will be solved by raising taxes. Although you left it out, I'm sure you feel only certain people should be paying extra taxes as well.”

NO I am a realest-- I Know we must both look at how and what we are spending our current resources on and be prepared to increase the resources to MEET the NEEDS!

YOU can call that anything you like!
on Aug 05, 2007
NO I am a realest-- I Know we must both look at how and what we are spending our current resources on and be prepared to increase the resources to MEET the NEEDS!

YOU can call that anything you like!

You are nothing near a "realist".  As I said you are a textbook liberal who thinks raising taxes on successful Americans will solve all the problems, and as usual.....you are wrong.

on Aug 05, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Sunday, August 05, 2007

i have an infrastructure question for you.

the last time you made repairs on your house was after it broke or before and be honest.

GOOD Question:

I replaced the ROOF BEFORE I had a problem.

I rewired my home before we had a fire or other serious electrical problem.

I replaced the 40 year old heater BEFORE it failed on a cold winter day.

I replaced the tries on my van before they went flat or I had an accident.
on Aug 05, 2007

Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Sunday, August 05, 2007
NO I am a realest-- I Know we must both look at how and what we are spending our current resources on and be prepared to increase the resources to MEET the NEEDS!

YOU can call that anything you like!

"You are nothing near a "realist". As I said you are a textbook liberal who thinks raising taxes on successful Americans will solve all the problems, and as usual.....you are wrong."

You are delusional idiot that would not know the truth if it were three feet in front of you and you had your eyes wide open!
on Aug 05, 2007
I rewired my home before we had a fire or other serious electrical problem.

i bet that this happened after you had a problem with it.

I replaced the 40 year old heater BEFORE it failed on a cold winter day.

the same here.
on Aug 05, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Sunday, August 05, 2007
I rewired my home before we had a fire or other serious electrical problem.

i bet that this happened after you had a problem with it.

I replaced the 40 year old heater BEFORE it failed on a cold winter day.

the same here.

As Usual you do not know what you are talking about. That is not the answer you want so you make one up. YOU are JUST LIKE BUSH!
on Aug 05, 2007
I replaced the 40 year old heater BEFORE it failed on a cold winter day.

Yet you gambled for 40 years on it lasting. What if it had blown out at 39? Would you blame Bush? Of course you would. Because if you're predictable for nothing else, you're predictable for that. Bush, the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent being is probably preparing to smite us as we speak.

Oh, btw...I'm preparing some "WWGD" (What would George Do?) bracelets for you in honor of your newfound deity, if you're interested!
on Aug 05, 2007
You are delusional idiot that would not know the truth if it were three feet in front of you and you had your eyes wide open!

Once again an insult.  Is this common when you can't back up your ridiculous claims anymore?

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