Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on August 7, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

I can not count the number of times that Bloggers on Joeuser use this response, “it is just Bush Bashing” to articles I have posted. It is a lame excuse and attempt to divert attention from the factual outcomes that result from the policies we are following.

I looked back over some of the hundreds of Blogs I have posted on this site. Almost ALL were all predicated on either a news story (stories) or factual information in a report from an agency of the government or a legitimate research institute.

The issue is not if the results I reported were intended to make Bush look bad but to report what is taking place. If I reported the Treasury data that clearly shows the large increase in the National Debt or a comprehensive study for the U.S. Conference of Mayors that show that average salaries for new jobs is 30% less then the average salary of jobs lost, the retort is the same I am just “Bush Bashing”. The truth is I have accurately reported the facts and have sighted the source of those results. If the results are negative it is the consequences of the policies we are following not Bush Bashing.

What is astounding to me is the number of articles and studies that appear almost daily that show negative results. It could be graduation rates (The Education President), Greater dependence on foreign oil, the millions of illegal’s that came across our unprotected border since January 2001. It is hard to believe so many areas present an ever growing series of problems for our country.

It is not Bush Bashing. It is a candid and accurate presentation of the sate of affairs in the United States.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 07, 2007
Reply By: CharlesCS1 Posted: Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Look again at post #2.

“Look at number 5. Look really good. Maybe you can learn a thing or 2. If you spent more time addressing the issues and the real guilty parties and less time blaming Bush for all of them maybe you might get some traction on this site.”

I looked at #5. I am not blaming Bush for the failures of all his subordinates and people in the various federal agencies. I am holding him responsible for the outcomes of policy issues that HE was responsible for and pushed through Congress. Look at the issues I raised in Post 2:

NAFTA. It was Bush who supported the expansion of this policy even though it failed for 8 years before he took office.

Bush pushed to attack Iraq and made it look like Saddam was connected to 9/11. He insisted on the War Resolution and then directed the invasion.

It was Bush who insisted on cutting taxes and it was HIS budgets that at the same time increased spending. Thus the deficit is a direct result of HIS policies.

It was HIS energy policy that did nothing to help make us less dependent on foreign oil.

He is the one that appointed the Social Security Commission and insisted on creating private accounts. Even today after the Social Security Trustees have said Private Accounts WILL NOT solve the problem of how to pay the benefits to the Boomers; Bush is still pushing private accounts.

Bush supported Part D without a way to pay the added cost that is now over $60 Billion per year and growing.

It is Bush that refuses to increase taxes to pay for Iraq War and Katrina etc.

These are the results of policy choices not the failures of some subordinates.

on Aug 07, 2007
I have not twisted ANYTHING. I report the results and many on this Blog site do not like what the results show.

Of coruse you have.  You twist and misrepresent headlines and reports all the time to make it more suit your agenda.  Myself and others have called you on this many times, but reading your others posts here, you just don't get it.

Look at how you are twisting your last post.  Bush never said Saddam was part of Sept. 11. We have debunked this how many times in your blogs, yet you still continue.  It's all just rehashed DNC talking points over and over.

It is Bush that refuses to increase taxes to pay for Iraq War and Katrina etc.

Good.  The problem is you don't want tax increases.  You want tax increases on a certain class of people. 

on Aug 07, 2007
Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Tuesday, August 07, 2007
I have not twisted ANYTHING. I report the results and many on this Blog site do not like what the results show.

Of course you have. You twist and misrepresent headlines and reports all the time to make it more suit your agenda. Myself and others have called you on this many times, but reading your others posts here, you just don't get it.

Show me ONE that is from a headline:

NAFTA. It was Bush who supported the expansion of this policy even though it failed for 8 years before he took office.

Bush pushed to attack Iraq and made it look like Saddam was connected to 9/11. He insisted on the War Resolution and then directed the invasion.

It was Bush who insisted on cutting taxes and it was HIS budgets that at the same time increased spending. Thus the deficit is a direct result of HIS policies.

It was HIS energy policy that did nothing to help make us less dependent on foreign oil.

He is the one that appointed the Social Security Commission and insisted on creating private accounts. Even today after the Social Security Trustees have said Private Accounts WILL NOT solve the problem of how to pay the benefits to the Boomers; Bush is still pushing private accounts.

Bush supported Part D without a way to pay the added cost that is now over $60 Billion per year and growing.

It is Bush that refuses to increase taxes to pay for Iraq War and Katrina etc.

You would make excuses for Satan
on Aug 07, 2007
on Aug 07, 2007

on Aug 07, 2007
(Citizen)COL GeneAugust 7, 2007 17:25:53

It is Bush that refuses to increase taxes to pay for Iraq War and Katrina etc.

You would make excuses for Satin

what's the matter with Satin? it feels silky against the skin, it breathes, it cleans easy with cold water. Although for ultimate comfort I prefer silk.
on Aug 07, 2007
on Aug 07, 2007
I looked at #5. I am not blaming Bush for the failures of all his subordinates and people in the various federal agencies. I am holding him responsible for the outcomes of policy issues that HE was responsible for and pushed through Congress. Look at the issues I raised in Post 2:

Of course you are, how can you even say that when you won't even mention the names of other people in most of your bloggs. Hell if anything you make it seem as if the entire US Gov't is coposed of a single man or even worse, you make it seem as if Bush is actually a dictator and Congress has no power what so ever.
on Aug 08, 2007
shame on you mm, you really do make excuses for satin. you're gonna sleep comfortably in hell.
on Aug 08, 2007
what's the matter with Satin? it feels silky against the skin, it breathes, it cleans easy with cold water. Although for ultimate comfort I prefer silk.

Heh, I guess Col has something against satin as well, its probably Bush's fault too.
on Aug 08, 2007

Reply By: CharlesCS1 Posted: Tuesday, August 07, 2007
I looked at #5. I am not blaming Bush for the failures of all his subordinates and people in the various federal agencies. I am holding him responsible for the outcomes of policy issues that HE was responsible for and pushed through Congress. Look at the issues I raised in Post 2:

Of course you are, how can you even say that when you won't even mention the names of other people in most of your bloggs. Hell if anything you make it seem as if the entire US Gov't is coposed of a single man or even worse, you make it seem as if Bush is actually a dictator and Congress has no power what so ever.

I blame Bush for the underlying policy choices. He is the one responsible for those choices and the results that flow from those choices are correctly placed on Bush!

NONE of YOU have addresses the basis issues which is a favorate tactic when you can not answer something. YES I had a TYPO. My point remains you would defend SATAN HIMSELF if he agreed with Bush!

DID any of you ever look at your posting? They are FULL of SPELLING ERRORS!

For example in this post:


on Aug 08, 2007

DID any of you ever look at your posting? They are FULL of SPELLING ERRORS!

For example in this post:


You're funny Col. Blogg is not an error to me. I have seen this word often as titles to websites and I just stuck with it. Coposed simply missed a letter that the keyboard didn't type and Favorate was written by you. But you don't miss letter, you misspell words, at times several times the same word within the same reply. It's one thing to miss a latter in an entire reply, it's another when you write the wrong wrong to begin with and then write the same wrong word over and over. I could have hit the letter a instead of the s since they are next to each other on the key board, but the i is no where near the a when you wrote satin.
on Aug 08, 2007
My point remains you would defend SATAN HIMSELF if he agreed with Bush!

Satan is all about hate.

now who on this site does nothing but spout hate
on Aug 08, 2007
I blame Bush for the underlying policy choices. He is the one responsible for those choices and the results that flow from those choices are correctly placed on Bush!

Lier, you blame Bush directly for the catastrophe. How is Bush's policies responsible for the bridge and the steam pipeline? The money was there, it was not taken. Inspections were done and problems determined. How did any of Bush's policies affect these problems? How come you don't place blame on those who are the ones who did not try to fix these problems? The Mayors, Governors, the department in charge of repairing the bridge.

If I go by your logic then I can blame you for anything you grandchildren do wrong, am I right? After all, it was you policies at home with you own children that probably led to your grandchildren doing something they shouldn't have (had they done something theoretically, you do know what this means right?)
on Aug 08, 2007
You're funny Col. Blogg

It is Blog or Blogs NOT "Bloggs". What about the other two? YOU ARE A REAL IDIOT!
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