Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on August 7, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

I can not count the number of times that Bloggers on Joeuser use this response, “it is just Bush Bashing” to articles I have posted. It is a lame excuse and attempt to divert attention from the factual outcomes that result from the policies we are following.

I looked back over some of the hundreds of Blogs I have posted on this site. Almost ALL were all predicated on either a news story (stories) or factual information in a report from an agency of the government or a legitimate research institute.

The issue is not if the results I reported were intended to make Bush look bad but to report what is taking place. If I reported the Treasury data that clearly shows the large increase in the National Debt or a comprehensive study for the U.S. Conference of Mayors that show that average salaries for new jobs is 30% less then the average salary of jobs lost, the retort is the same I am just “Bush Bashing”. The truth is I have accurately reported the facts and have sighted the source of those results. If the results are negative it is the consequences of the policies we are following not Bush Bashing.

What is astounding to me is the number of articles and studies that appear almost daily that show negative results. It could be graduation rates (The Education President), Greater dependence on foreign oil, the millions of illegal’s that came across our unprotected border since January 2001. It is hard to believe so many areas present an ever growing series of problems for our country.

It is not Bush Bashing. It is a candid and accurate presentation of the sate of affairs in the United States.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 08, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Wednesday, August 08, 2007
My point remains you would defend SATAN HIMSELF if he agreed with Bush!

Satan is all about hate.

"now who on this site does nothing but spout hate."

To answer that LOOK at the things some of you post about me, my military service just because I post facts that you do not want to see because it makes Bush look bad. When I use similar terms it is in response to similar terms first used by someone on this site toward me.
on Aug 08, 2007
Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Brilliant Response!!!!!!!
on Aug 08, 2007
my military service just because I post facts that you do not want to see because it makes Bush look bad.

i know what i have posted and non of it is hate.

on Aug 08, 2007
as for bush i have said this before and will say it agian. he was the lesser of two evils both times
on Aug 08, 2007

Lier, you blame Bush directly for the catastrophe. How is Bush's policies responsible for the bridge and the steam pipeline?

By the way, “Lier” is one who lies down; a person who tells lies is “Liar”

SHOW ME WHERE I BLAMED BUSH FOR THE FAILURE OF THAT BRIDGE! What I said is he is not leading to rebuild the infrastructure in this country and has wasted a Trillion Dollars in Iraq which could have been used to rebuild our infrastructure. Now we have another Trillion in debt which adds $50 BILLION PER YEAR TO THE BUDGET for interest.
on Aug 08, 2007
You're funny Col. Blogg

It is Blog or Blogs NOT "Bloggs". What about the other two? YOU ARE A REAL IDIOT!

Well looky who's calling the kettle black.
on Aug 08, 2007
Now we have another Trillion in debt

i thought it was 4 trillion. you can't even keep your lies straight
on Aug 08, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Now we have another Trillion in debt

i thought it was 4 trillion. you can't even keep your lies straight

PAY ATTENTION-- I will write more slowly so you can understand:

The $1 Trillion was JUST what Bush spent in Iraq as I stated above. The $4 Trillion is the total Bush will have added to the National Debt during his 8 years in office! See I did not tell ANY LIES!
on Aug 08, 2007
It is Blog or Blogs NOT "Bloggs".

Who gives a dam, that's like phat, it's a word that can be written both ways. Here's an example:


What about the other two? YOU ARE A REAL IDIOT!

And you call me an idiot? You didn't even read what I wrote, here I'll past it for you again you moron.

Coposed simply missed a letter that the keyboard didn't type and Favorate was written by you

You wrote favorate not me. The only idiot on this website is you.

By the way, “Lier” is one who lies down; a person who tells lies is “Liar”

You can't even get a joke. I did that on purpose you ding dong. Stupid fits you better.

SHOW ME WHERE I BLAMED BUSH FOR THE FAILURE OF THAT BRIDGE! What I said is he is not leading to rebuild the infrastructure in this country and has wasted a Trillion Dollars in Iraq which could have been used to rebuild our infrastructure. Now we have another Trillion in debt which adds $50 BILLION PER YEAR TO THE BUDGET for interest.

From your own words on you own article:

The money we have spent in Iraq would have rebuilt most of the infrastructure in this country. We will have spent almost a TRILLION dollars on Iraq before this is done and we will be less secure then when we started! Some say it is not the Federal Governments responsibility to rebuild the infrastructure. Since when is it the Federal Governments responsibility to invade Iraq? We were not attacked by Iraq nor were they capable of attacking the United States. Even if Saddam had the WMD Bush and Cheney said they had they would not have been any more of a threat then North Korea, Iran, Syria, China or Russia all of whom most likely have the WMD that Bush said Saddam, possessed.

We diverted our military resources from the people who caused 9/11 and today they are back to where they were before 9/11 and now operate both Iraq and Pakistan. HOW has that made us safer? How has the investment of 3,600 lives, 26,000 injuries and a Trillion Dollars been a good investment?

Now you tell me that you are not stating that because Bush used money to fund the war that the bridge was not fixed. Here I showed you, now explain.
on Aug 08, 2007
Here's more:

However, we would have a TRILLION less in Debt and would be better able to deal with issues like this bridge. They have now discovered a report in 1990 and in 2001 that showed corrosion and NOTHING was done about it. The Trillion Dollars that Bush added to the debt from the Iraq War will add $50 Billion EVERY year in interest. That $50 Billion could be used to repair things like bridges, tunnels, water, sewer systems. This is the Very TIP of the Ice Burg!

According to you it is Bush's fault that we have this "Trillion dollar" deficit and because of this we did not deal with this bridge issue. How exactly is this not blaming Bush for the bridge again? You want more? Let me know cause you gave me enough ammo on that one article alone to bury you so deep you won't write another article for months.
on Aug 08, 2007
No more, I will not waste my time trying to prove that which has already been proven. You can continue to exercise your right to believe what you want. I need not to prove myself to you, I did what I came to do and no CAPS in this world can save you from it.
on Aug 08, 2007

I wish I had your command of the English language!

This is one of your most common responses, Col, and it negates any positive impact you may have. You can't find two people much further apart ideologically than you and I, Col, yet I am willing to concede many of your more credible points about Bush. But I can't get past stuff like this. You're as bad as what you criticize when you chastise everyone who disagrees with you as being an "idiot".

By the way, here's my compromise on your books. I can understand why you wouldn't want to just give them away to an average schmoe like me. So here's my deal: If you will donate one copy each of your books to the library in the community nearest us, I will read them. Sounds like a win/win proposition if you ask me. Your books reach a wider audience, and I don't have to pay for something I may not like.

What say you?
on Aug 08, 2007
Too bad my library has a moratorium on accepting donations.

Do you think the library will actually accept those books? And, do you think you won't be locked up as a terrorist if you check them out? Good luck!
on Aug 08, 2007
Too bad my library has a moratorium on accepting donations.

I'm not sure if the local library has a moratorium on accepting donations, but if they don't I can guarantee one will show up within seconds of the donation of Cols books.

On a more serious note:

By the way, here's my compromise on your books. I can understand why you wouldn't want to just give them away to an average schmoe like me. So here's my deal: If you will donate one copy each of your books to the library in the community nearest us, I will read them. Sounds like a win/win proposition if you ask me. Your books reach a wider audience, and I don't have to pay for something I may not like.

What say you?

I may see myself taking a look at the books myself. I would love to give a review of it here to see how it stacks up with whats going on in the US.
on Aug 08, 2007
“Now you tell me that you are not stating that because Bush used money to fund the war that the bridge was not fixed. Here I showed you, now explain.”

I DID NOT SAY BUSH WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT BRIDGE COLLPSING. I said he has wasted a Trillion Dollars that is now not available to do things like rebuild our infrastructure which is true.
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