Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on August 12, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

The pictures this week of the leaders of Iraq and Iran walking hand in Hand shows just how big a mistake Bush has made in Iraq. In Iraq entire neighborhoods are being cleansed of all Sunnis. The Sunni members of the Maliki cabinet have resigned and we see the Iraqi PM moving closer to the leader of Iran. This is what our invasion of Iraq has created which is a government in Iraq that is doing just what Saddam did –eliminate any opposition and we have expanded the influence of the Shiites who we have been unable to deal with in Iran for almost 50 years and who Bush claims are responsible for supplying weapons used to kill our troops.

Our policy in Iraq is a failure and it is time to get out!

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Aug 16, 2007
What the Hell does 200 dead, 200 injured, destruction of a major bridge, death of an Iraqi governor and the second largest number of Iraqis killed have to do with hatred of Bush or the headlines? This is what is going on in Iraq NOW!

Because you have a one-sided view, do you deny this?  Are you telling me you take an objective look at things that happen in Iraq, are you fair?  Of course you are not.  It seems to be me you actually get excited when you can report Iraqi deaths. 
2 Pages1 2