The speech Bush gave to the Veterans of Foreign Wars yesterday shows our President is totally out of touch with events of today as well as events from the past. His analogy of not learning the lesson from Vietnam when we withdrew is totally the wrong lesson. What we learned from Vietnam is that we should not have become involved in that war and we sent our military into what became a quagmire with no way to win. The issue was not how we got out as Bush suggested, but the mistake of our getting into Vietnam. The irony is that Bush himself understood, “DO NOT GO to Vietnam", and his father arranged to keep him out of Vietnam by getting him a Commission in the Texas Air National Guard.
The depth of the President’s lack of understanding that was demonstrated by his speech yesterday is astounding. The stupidity of raising Vietnam before the VFW and to misapply the lessons learned shows just how unqualified GWB is to be the leader of this country. Bush also forgot that we were told that if we left Vietnam the “domino effect” would bring the entire region down. That was shown to be a totally wrong as well. He sighted the Killing Fields which, for the most part, took place in Cambodia not Vietnam. Yes, many will die after we depart Iraq, no matter when that takes place. These deaths will be the result of not how we depart from Iraq but because we invaded Iraq and were unable to prevent the growth of the violence that has and will kill the Iraqi people.
I hope all that voted for the Idiot currently in the White House understand just how big a mistake they made in 2000 and 2004! I have a feeling the Bushies are just like Bush himself and will never learn from their past mistakes!"