Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Two of the most important domestic initiatives of the Bush Presidency are the Economy and Education. We continue to hear how great a job the Bush policies have done in these two areas. This week we have definitive data on the results of the past 6 years on how well the economy has impacted most Americans and how well the Public Education system is performing (No Child Left Behind).

First the Census Bureau has just released the data on the Economy and health Care in America. Here are the results from the past 6 years:

Average Annual wage after Inflation is down for both men and women workers.

Median Family Income after Inflation is below the level at the start of 2000.

Number of people without health coverage jumped from 44.8 Million in 2005 to 47 Million in 2006.

One out of every nine children has no health care and Bush threatens to VETO a bill to add health coverage to another 3.3 Million Children.

SAT scores in Math and Reading are down for the 8th year in a row.

NO MORE BS about how the Bush Policies have impacted the Economy, Health Care and Education. The results are in and Bush gets an “F”. The sources are The Educational Testing Service for the SAT scores and for the economic and health care results we have the U.S. Census Bureau!

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on Aug 30, 2007
Just wanted to put my two cents worth in about the US census. True the US census publishesa report every tex years. However, the census bureau has people working constantly collecting data on people residing - legal, illegal, naturalized and born in the US.

I work for the State I live in and do the research for the Status of Women. This means I visit all Federal and State data sites. The information is correct as stated. Since healthcare is a big issue for women - the rising cost of healthcare is making it very difficult for the average person to purchase good healthcare insurance. Most small to mid-size companies cannot afford to cost share healthcare coverage anymore and most opt out not because they don't want health coverage, they just can't afford it. If you don't believe me check out the cost of insurance for a family of four. Put yourself in the place of the employer and then as the employee (young person just starting out) average median income of $40,000 a year.

Also, yes we do have few people living in total poverty, but we also have a large gap between the "Haves" and the "Have Nots". The middle is shrinking and this will cause greater problems in the future.

First the Census Bureau has just released the data on the Economy and health Care in America. Here are the results from the past 6 years:

Average Annual wage after Inflation is down for both men and women workers.

Median Family Income after Inflation is below the level at the start of 2000.

Number of people without health coverage jumped from 44.8 Million in 2005 to 47 Million in 2006.

One out of every nine children has no health care and Bush threatens to VETO a bill to add health coverage to another 3.3 Million Children.

SAT scores in Math and Reading are down for the 8th year in a row.
on Aug 30, 2007
3.3 Million Children.

most of these are not children.

SAT scores in Math and Reading are down for the 8th year in a row.

according to the company that does this test they say it is a good thing. don't remember why.
on Aug 30, 2007
Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Thursday, August 30, 2007

So I take it you agree then that anyone who has those things is not considered poor?
NO People are poor when they can not afford food, clothing, health care, transportation and place to live. Some people make bad choices when they purchase some things they may not need. That does not mean they are NOT POOR.

on Aug 30, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Thursday, August 30, 2007
3.3 Million Children.

most of these are not children.
on Aug 31, 2007

Today the Editorial in the Philadelphia Inquirer documented that Bush is up to his old tricks-- Cherry Picking information to make him look good. Just like with the intelligence on WMD in Iraq, yesterday Bush was beaming like a new Father when he announced the Census data that shows Median Family Income was UP in 2006 over 2005. That is true and is the ONLY part of the Census Report that Bush acknowledged. The fact that the Median Family Income in 2006 is still BELOW the Median Family Income when he took office was not mentioned. Bush also ignored the Census data that showed that Average Annual Income for both male and female workers was DOWN in 2006 for the third year in a row. HOW then is Median Family Income up? The Average American worker worked MORE hours in 2006 then in 2005 but their actual pay rate was DOWN.
Bush also passed over the Census data that showed one of the largest numbers of people who lost their health coverage. 2.2 Million People lost health coverage in 2006! Yes George is “Staying the Course and Cherry Picking” that data that he wants and ignoring anything that shows the truth about the performance of his policies! That truth is that the Average American is WORSE off financially today then when Bush took office!
on Aug 31, 2007
Cherry Picking information to make him look good

and this makes him different from you how.
on Aug 31, 2007
=Reply By: danielost Posted: Friday, August 31, 2007
“Cherry Picking information to make him look good

and this makes him different from you how.”

I list ALL the information. I listed that the Median income was up but I also showed that it was below what it was in 2000. Bush only said it was up between 2005 and 2006. Bush ignored the fact it was still below what it was when he took office. I showed that Individual Annual Income was down for the third year in a row. Bush ignored this. I showed what happened to health coverage. Bush ignored this. For the President to mislead the American people is not justified. He should tell it like it is THE GOOD AND THE NOT SO GOOD. NOT BUSH!
on Aug 31, 2007
Notice how Gene pretends the dot.com bubble & 9/11 didn't occur when he's jaw-flapping about the economy. Never mentions the economy when he's jaw-flapping about 9/11 or Iraq. To him, everything happens in isolation, which just shows you what a deranged lunatic he really is.
on Aug 31, 2007
Cherry Picking information to make him look good

and this makes him different from you how.

Cookie to danielost.
on Sep 01, 2007

Reply By: Daiwa Posted: Friday, August 31, 2007
Notice how Gene pretends the dot.com bubble & 9/11 didn't occur when he's jaw-flapping about the economy. Never mentions the economy when he's jaw-flapping about 9/11 or Iraq. To him, everything happens in isolation, which just shows you what a deranged lunatic he really is.

I did nothing of the sort. The Dot Com Bubble has NOTHING to do with the current state of the economy.
on Sep 01, 2007
Cherry Picking information to make him look good. Just like with the intelligence on WMD in Iraq, yesterday Bush was beaming like a new Father when he announced the Census data that shows Median Family Income was UP in 2006 over 2005.

DId you not write that the president should have listened to the CIA and act on the information he was given? Then when he does just that you cry and whine that the information was bogus and cherry picked. Proof positive that you are a political hack that is only interested in bashing Mr. Bush. You negate your arguments with hypocrocy.
on Sep 01, 2007
Reply By: Paladin77 Posted: Saturday, September 01, 2007
“Cherry Picking information to make him look good. Just like with the intelligence on WMD in Iraq, yesterday Bush was beaming like a new Father when he announced the Census data that shows Median Family Income was UP in 2006 over 2005.

Did you not write that the president should have listened to the CIA and act on the information he was given? Then when he does just that you cry and whine that the information was bogus and cherry picked. Proof positive that you are a political hack that is only interested in bashing Mr. Bush. You negate your arguments with hypocrisy.”

Better look again at what I said. Bush ONLY used one fact from the Census report-- That Average Family Income was up in 2006. That same report said even after that increase Average Family Income it was lower then in 2000. Bush also ignored the Census data that showed that Average Annual Income was DOWN for both Male and Female workers for the THIRD year in a Row. Bush also ignored the Census data that showed 2.2 Million Americans lost health coverage in 2006. YOU are the HYPOCRIT. As I said, Bush used ONE element from the Census report and ignores THREE others. Bush Cherry Picked one fact from the Census report and IGNORED all the other facts because they did not show he was helping the average American!
on Sep 02, 2007
I did nothing of the sort. The Dot Com Bubble has NOTHING to do with the current state of the economy.

'Scuse me? Your the one who is bleating about the year 2000. Eh, at least you're blatantly open about your ignorance of economics.
on Sep 02, 2007

Reply By: Daiwa Posted: Sunday, September 02, 2007
I did nothing of the sort. The Dot Com Bubble has NOTHING to do with the current state of the economy.

'Scuse me? Your the one who is bleating about the year 2000. Eh, at least you're blatantly open about your ignorance of economics.

What I said is that the Census data that Bush Ignored shows that the Median Family Income in 2006 was below the 2000 amount. Thus even with the terrible RECESSION that Bush claims was in place when he took office, Americans were better off in 2000 during the "Clinton Recession" then after over 6 years of the "Bush Economic Growth"!
on Sep 02, 2007
lets see 8% unemployment is better than 4% unemployment.
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