Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Two of the most important domestic initiatives of the Bush Presidency are the Economy and Education. We continue to hear how great a job the Bush policies have done in these two areas. This week we have definitive data on the results of the past 6 years on how well the economy has impacted most Americans and how well the Public Education system is performing (No Child Left Behind).

First the Census Bureau has just released the data on the Economy and health Care in America. Here are the results from the past 6 years:

Average Annual wage after Inflation is down for both men and women workers.

Median Family Income after Inflation is below the level at the start of 2000.

Number of people without health coverage jumped from 44.8 Million in 2005 to 47 Million in 2006.

One out of every nine children has no health care and Bush threatens to VETO a bill to add health coverage to another 3.3 Million Children.

SAT scores in Math and Reading are down for the 8th year in a row.

NO MORE BS about how the Bush Policies have impacted the Economy, Health Care and Education. The results are in and Bush gets an “F”. The sources are The Educational Testing Service for the SAT scores and for the economic and health care results we have the U.S. Census Bureau!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 29, 2007

Reply By: Daiwa Posted: Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Deranged is too kind a word anymore.

You are probably correct. It is far too mild a word to describe most of the Bloggers I have noted on Joe User.
on Aug 29, 2007
I did not say ALL. What I said is that increase of 2.2 Million was not from the added illegal’s that came into our country in one year!

Nice way to avoid answering but you won't get away that easily. Since you seem to believe that number of illegals in that 2.2 million estimation is pretty low, not enough for you to care, take out those illegals out of the equation and I ask again:

Can you prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that a little less than 2.2 million (minus the illegals) of these people lost insurance from companies cutting it as you just claimed above?
on Aug 29, 2007
The truth about the need for a tax cut was properly addressed by Gates and Buffet when they wrote to Bush in 2001 and said the wealthy do not need a tax cut. Our country has far more important needs for that money! There two Billionaires understood and anyone that argues that people in the top 10% NEEDED the Bush Tax Cuts have no concept of the word "NEED".

That is your opinion Col. You want to believe people don't have a concept of the word "NEED", that doesn't mean you are correct. Just because 2 people said it doesn't make it right. If I found 2 people, billionaires, that said otherwise, would that change your mind or are you just looking for what tickles your fancy?

You are probably correct.

Nice of you to agree considering it was you she was talking about.

It is far too mild a word to describe most of the Bloggers I have noted on Joe User.

Nice try, but your efforts to spin this insult are as lame as, as you would put it, Bush's policies.

on Aug 29, 2007
Charles, how dare you question the all-knowing, all-powerful sole arbiter of truth himself? Don't you understand that answers are not part of his job description, even if he had them? In his mind, he's too important and brilliant to be troubled with actually proving any of the wild-ass claims he makes; it's our job as commoners to simply swallow the shit he decides we need to be fed. If any of us commoners happen to prove him wrong about something, he just picks up and moves to another street corner to spout the same shit over again. This emporer most definitely has no clothes. In time, maybe he'll tire of never convincing anyone of anything & disappear.
on Aug 29, 2007
who are you to tell someone that they don't need that much money.

on Aug 29, 2007
In time, maybe he'll tire of never convincing anyone of anything & disappear.

I'm trying to google the odds of me winning the lottery 3 times in 1 month. I'm almost positive they are better than the above quote's odds.
on Aug 29, 2007
Charles, how dare you question the all-knowing, all-powerful sole arbiter of truth himself?

Whats even funnier is that he lives here in South Florida, I run the risk of him tracking me down and making me buy his book.
on Aug 29, 2007
Most Important Bush Domestic Policies Have FAILED

of course this took place before bush took office
on Aug 29, 2007
We have a cable phone company commercial running here - total nerd calls the cable guy over to check his system because he gave his number to 3 "smokin' hot ladies" the night before & "not one called." When asked what the odds that they all called at once & locked up the company's system, the cable guy says, "Maybe a billion to one." To which the nerd replies, "So you're saying there is a chance."

Please, whatever you do, Charles, allow us some hope. Have you no mercy?

Talk to the feds - maybe they can get you in the WPP. Oh, wait a minute, Gene may be in that. Second thought, skip that idea.
on Aug 29, 2007
Talk to the feds - maybe they can get you in the WPP. Oh, wait a minute, Gene may be in that. Second thought, skip that idea.

If anything the entire nation should be put under WPP to hide from Col's Borg invasion.
on Aug 29, 2007
Reply By: CharlesCS1 Posted: Wednesday, August 29, 2007
“I did not say ALL. What I said is that increase of 2.2 Million was not from the added illegal’s that came into our country in one year!

Nice way to avoid answering but you won't get away that easily. Since you seem to believe that number of illegal’s in that 2.2 million estimation is pretty low, not enough for you to care, take out those illegal’s out of the equation and I ask again:”

Can you prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that a little less than 2.2 million (minus the illegal’s) of these people lost insurance from companies cutting it as you just claimed above?

Very Few people whose company pays for health care insurance would just say, "No Thanks". Unless the data from the Census Bureau is incorrect, and I have no reason to believe that is the case, we have another 2.2 Million Americans with no health care. Thus, the only way that could happen, excluding the increase in illegals, is if employers who formerly offered coverage stop providing insurance or from newly created jobs that do not include health insurance. Regardless, the census Data says that in ONE YEAR 2.2 million more Americans do not have health insurance. To argue that is a good thing would be ridiculous!
on Aug 29, 2007
Reply By: CharlesCS1 Posted: Wednesday, August 29, 2007
“I did not say ALL. What I said is that increase of 2.2 Million was not from the added illegal’s that came into our country in one year!

Nice way to avoid answering but you won't get away that easily. Since you seem to believe that number of illegal’s in that 2.2 million estimation is pretty low, not enough for you to care, take out those illegal’s out of the equation and I ask again:”

Can you prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that a little less than 2.2 million (minus the illegal’s) of these people lost insurance from companies cutting it as you just claimed above?

Very Few people whose company pays for health care insurance would just say, "No Thanks". Unless the data from the Census Bureau is incorrect, and I have no reason to believe that is the case, we have another 2.2 Million Americans with no health care. Thus, the only way that could happen, excluding the increase in illegals, is if employers who formerly offered coverage stop providing insurance or from newly created jobs that do not include health insurance. Regardless, the census Data says that in ONE YEAR 2.2 million more Americans do not have health insurance. To argue that is a good thing would be ridiculous!
on Aug 29, 2007
Reply By: CharlesCS1
Posted: Wednesday, August 29, 2007
"The truth about the need for a tax cut was properly addressed by Gates and Buffet when they wrote to Bush in 2001 and said the wealthy do not need a tax cut. Our country has far more important needs for that money! There two Billionaires understood and anyone that argues that people in the top 10% NEEDED the Bush Tax Cuts has no concept of the word "NEED".

That is your opinion Col. You want to believe people don't have a concept of the word "NEED", that doesn't mean you are correct. Just because 2 people said it doesn't make it right. If I found 2 people, billionaires, that said otherwise, would that change your mind or are you just looking for what tickles your fancy?"

From Websters Dictionary NEED—to be necessary, to be compelled or required, a condition requiring relief, a condition of poverty.

To argue multi millionaires "NEED" the tax cuts they received from the Bush tax cuts is ludicrous. NEED has NOTHING to do with it. WANT, GREED - YES -NEED Hell NO!
on Aug 29, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Most Important Bush Domestic Policies Have FAILED

of course this took place before bush took office

The Median income every year Bush was in office is LESS then the year BEFORE Bush took office. How is that BEFORE Bush took office? What an IDIOT!
on Aug 29, 2007
who are you to tell someone that they don't need that much money.

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