Violence in Sothern Iraq Flairs Since British Reduced Force Levels!
Bush got two more jolts this week. Yesterday the Joint Chiefs told Bush and Cheney that the Army and Marines CAN not sustain the troop levels in Iraq. The Joint Chiefs said we should cut the troop strength to 80,000. The Army Chief of Staff also wants to cut the tour length to 12 months from the current 15 month tour. This may be at odds with what General Petraeus may want but the limits of the overall size of the ground forces will force the reduction of the troop levels in Iraq.
The second issue is the resumption of fighting in the southern portion in Iraq. This is the area that the British troops held and now that they have reduced there troop levels the factions are resuming the fighting. We are not moving toward stability and this increase in the fighting threatens the oil production in the south. It is a clear indication that the issues that are at the root cause of the fighting have not been resolved and is a precursor of what will take place when we draw down our troop levels in Iraq.
In addition are two other reports one that indicates the Iraqi Police have very substantial problems and the GAO report that says Iraq is not moving in the right direction. WHEN WILL BUSH WAKE UP? It is time for Congress to pull the plug and phase out the funding for the Iraq War which will force Bush to accept reality!