Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on September 15, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

If the GOP members of Congress in the House and Senate refuse to change course in Iraq as the VAST majority of Americans want, November 2008 could prove to be a blood bath for the GOP.

If as we reduce the troop levels from April thru August 2008, violence in Iraq continues at the current pace or gets worse, the GOP who plan to run for reelection are in TROUBLE. The Democrats must press for a change in the war policy and if the GOP members of Congress up for reelection prevent that change, voters need to be reminded of that for the November 2008 elections.

It is doubtful that the Senate can muster 60 votes to enable cloture and pass any bill that is approved in the House. It is even less likely that any bill that would significantly alter the Iraq war policy that would reach the President’s desk would be passed over a Bush Veto. Thus, it is important that the voters know in November 2008, that any lack of change the majority wants in Iraq is placed at the door steps of the GOP and not because the Democrats did not attempt to alter the war policy! 70% of Americans want a change in Iraq. If the GOP prevents that change they must pay the price at the next election for IGNORING the will of the American People! GOP support of the Bush Iraq War policy could result in a complete shift in power in both the Congress and The White House in 2008!

on Sep 15, 2007

Loser!  It isn't the job of the Congress to decide how a war will be fought.  Fighting the war from Washington is what lost the war in Vietnam.  The Democrats are dooming themselves by showing how incredibly innane they are at leadership of Congress.  So far they have accomplished nothing.  Hillary expects us to believe that she knows more about what's going on in Iraq than Gen. Patreaus, and none of them have any interest in anything but total surrender.

Yeah, The GOP might take a hit because of this war, but not because of the facts.

on Sep 15, 2007
well he lost the last post so here we go again.
on Sep 15, 2007
Reply By: ParaTed2k Posted: Saturday, September 15, 2007
Loser! It isn't the job of the Congress to decide how a war will be fought.

IT IS UP TO Congress IF the War should be fought. The original authorization was to allow the invasion, AFTER ALL OTHER MEANS FAILED TO remove Saddam. That has long since taken place. Most Americans want us OUT of the Iraq war!

Reply By: danielost Posted: Saturday, September 15, 2007
well he lost the last post so here we go again.

BETTER look again-- I Proved EVERYTHING I SAID!
on Sep 15, 2007
Notice how the more he is ignored, the more useless articles pop up.  I have to read the dates on these posts because you can never tell the difference otherwise.

on Sep 15, 2007
Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Saturday, September 15, 2007
Notice how the more he is ignored, the more useless articles pop up. I have to read the dates on these posts because you can never tell the difference otherwise.

WE will see just how USELESS it is after the November 2008 Election!
on Sep 15, 2007
bush for 2008
on Sep 15, 2007
WE will see just how USELESS it is after the November 2008 Election!

What does it really matter to you gene?  You are a political hack for the democrats, and it seems you are just writing the same articles over and over.  Your 70% number, which I'm sure you got from a media poll, is about as accurate as your blogs.

Democrats haven't really pushed to get out of Iraq, because they know it will be disaster for them.  America is already started to see how the far-left despise the military and the latest moveon.org ad pretty much proves that.  Keep being an apologist for the democrats gene.

I'm not wasting anymore time with your nonsense.  If I want to read anti-military and anti-Bush trash, I will just read the latest DNC talking points.
on Sep 16, 2007

Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Saturday, September 15, 2007
WE will see just how USELESS it is after the November 2008 Election!

What does it really matter to you gene?

It will enable as reversal of the policies that have harmed this country. It will enable the changes the MAJORITY of Americans want for our country.

The GOP I supported has all but been lost to the radicals who call themselves CONSERVATIVES!
on Sep 16, 2007
The GOP I supported has all but been lost to the radicals who call themselves CONSERVATIVES!

You don't support the GOP, COL. You are a flat out Democrat shill and you know it.

A NUMBER ONE strategy for DNC talking points is to express a former solidarity with the GOP. You're operating straight out of the playbook.
on Sep 16, 2007

Reply By: Gideon MacLeish Posted: Sunday, September 16, 2007
The GOP I supported has all but been lost to the radicals who call themselves CONSERVATIVES!

You don't support the GOP, COL. You are a flat out Democrat shill and you know it.

I support what the GOP stood for in the past:

Balanced Budgets
No Nation Building
Spending control
Regard for our Military

None of these things are the GOP of today!
on Sep 16, 2007
Spending control

You're advocating for a massive INCREASE in spending. That's not spending control, that's the same old, same old!
on Sep 16, 2007
Reply By: Gideon MacLeish Posted: Sunday, September 16, 2007
Spending control

You're advocating for a massive INCREASE in spending. That's not spending control, that's the same old, same old!

Not True. What I advocate is ending the Iraq war which would save about $100 billion per year. Balancing the Budget and reducing the debt which will reduce the interest we must pay on the debt. That will require a return to the tax rates on the upper 10% that were in effect prior to Bush and an end to the Pork that was never higher then during the first sic years of bush and the GOP controlled Congress!.

I would also restore the IRS Agents that Bush cut and increase the enforcements if tax collections. I would simplify the tax code and eliminate MOST of the special interest tax deductions and treatment. Only basic deductions should be retained such as for local and state taxes, mortgage interest, cash charitable deductions, uncovered losses and personal deductions and exemptions for children.