If the GOP members of Congress in the House and Senate refuse to change course in Iraq as the VAST majority of Americans want, November 2008 could prove to be a blood bath for the GOP.
If as we reduce the troop levels from April thru August 2008, violence in Iraq continues at the current pace or gets worse, the GOP who plan to run for reelection are in TROUBLE. The Democrats must press for a change in the war policy and if the GOP members of Congress up for reelection prevent that change, voters need to be reminded of that for the November 2008 elections.
It is doubtful that the Senate can muster 60 votes to enable cloture and pass any bill that is approved in the House. It is even less likely that any bill that would significantly alter the Iraq war policy that would reach the President’s desk would be passed over a Bush Veto. Thus, it is important that the voters know in November 2008, that any lack of change the majority wants in Iraq is placed at the door steps of the GOP and not because the Democrats did not attempt to alter the war policy! 70% of Americans want a change in Iraq. If the GOP prevents that change they must pay the price at the next election for IGNORING the will of the American People! GOP support of the Bush Iraq War policy could result in a complete shift in power in both the Congress and The White House in 2008!