The Bush Administration has turned more and more to private contractors to provide functions in war torn Iraq. These are PLUMS that have been given American Companies and have cost the American tax payers double and triple the cost to provide the same service by our military that in the past were responsible for security in a war zone like Iraq.
Bush has ignored the fact that the size of our military and the missions they have been given are out of balance. Some believe the Army needs to be increased buy 120,000 and the Marine Corps from 20-40,000. Bush sat on his hands from 2001 -2006 and did not attempt to increase the size on the military despite Afghanistan and Iraq. He was content to spend tax payer money to use civilian firms at 2 and 3 time the cost of using American troops and the service is not as good as would have been provided by our military.
Now the largest security firm operating in Iraq has been ordered OUT of Iraq by their Interior Minister. If that happens, Bush is faced with the loss of 25,000 security personnel who protect OUR State Department and most civilian contractors. To replace those security personnel should Backwater be expelled from Iraq will take almost ALL the troops Bush sent to Iraq with his Surge.
The concept of using civilian contractors in a WAR ZONE has been shown to be ineffective and expensive. This is just another example of the incompetence of the Bush Administration!