Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

This is a stinging rebuke of George W. Bush and the entire Iraq War policy. The White House was stunned and the only comment from the Bush Spin Machine was to thank General Sanchez for his service. General Sanchez not only blasted the way the war was handled but said, the current surge strategy is a desperate move that will not achieve long-term stability. General Sanchez also said the Bush Administration handling of the Iraq war was incompetent with no end in sight. As our most senior military leaders retire and are able to tell it like it is, the picture of Bush as Commander-in-Chief and the entire Iraq war becomes worse and worse.

This is a direct quote from what General Sanchez had to say:

“There was been a glaring and unfortunate display of incompetent strategic leadership within our national leaders,” he said, adding later in his remarks that civilian officials have been “derelict in their duties” and guilty of a “lust for power.”

Friday, October 12, 2007
General Sanchez, Former Commander in Iraq, Harshly Criticizes the Administration in Speech
By Dr. Steven Taylor
Via the NYT: Former Top General in Iraq Faults Bush Administration
In a sweeping indictment of the four-year effort in Iraq, the former top American commander called the Bush administration’s handling of the war incompetent and warned that the United States was “living a nightmare with no end in sight.”
In one of his first major public speeches since leaving the Army in late 2006, retired Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez blamed the administration for a “catastrophically flawed, unrealistically optimistic war plan” and denounced the current “surge” strategy as a “desperate” move that will not achieve long-term stability.
“After more than fours years of fighting, America continues its desperate struggle in Iraq without any concerted effort to devise a strategy that will achieve victory in that war-torn country or in the greater conflict against extremism,” Mr. Sanchez said, at a gathering here of military reporters and editors.
Funny, this sounds pretty much like what every critic of the war has been saying for some time. I wonder how the hard-core war supporters will deal with this? My guess is that they will attack Sanchez–which will be interesting to watch, given that the drum beat for months has been that we have to show deference to high level military leaders like General Petraeus, as they know better about these things than the rest of us. Of course, much of the counter-punch will be along these lines:
his role as commander in Iraq during the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal leaves General Sanchez vulnerable to criticism that that he is shifting the blame from himself and exacting revenge against an administration that replaced him as the top commander in the aftermath of the scandal and declined to nominate him for a fourth star, forcing his retirement.
I certainly have to admit that despite my early assumptions that this administration had assembled a team of competent policymakers, that they have come to be exemplified as follows:
“There was been a glaring and unfortunate display of incompetent strategic leadership within our national leaders,” he said, adding later in his remarks that civilian officials have been “derelict in their duties” and guilty of a “lust for power.”

on Oct 13, 2007
I SEE THE BUSHIES ARE LOST FOR WORDS! Just like the White House.
on Oct 13, 2007

COL Gene,

For me the "oh shit" point when I realized that any military action in Iraq was going to be directed by incompetent ass-clowns who have read too much Tom Clancy came before the invasion had even begun. If you'll harken back to Feb 2003, the Chief of Staff of the United States Army, General Eric Shinseki publicly stated that the post-invasion force Rumsfeld was planning for was way too small. He said that after the "war" was over, occupation forces would neet to be kept at

"something on the order of several hundred thousand soldiers are probably, you know, a figure that would be required. We're talking about post-hostilities control over a piece of geography that's fairly significant, with the kinds of ethnic tensions that could lead to other problems. And so it takes a significant ground- force presence to maintain a safe and secure environment, to ensure that people are fed, that water is distributed, all the normal responsibilities that go along with administering a situation like this"

Now in a sane world the administration would have listened to the commander of the entire fricking army and said "hey, maybe the guy's right!". Instead, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz completely crucified Shinseki, called his estimates "wildly off the mark" and said ridiculous things like within six months of post-hostilities there would only be 30 thousand or so US servicemen in a few big bases in country. Oh yeah, Iraqi oil revenue was gonna pay for the whole thing too right? 800 billion dollars later..... anyway. They even forced Shinseki to retire 10 months early so that they could put a general more willing to say yes to their plans (We wouldn't want good military strategy to get in the way of political agendas now, would we!)

The truth behind this war is that the military decisions have not been made by the military, but by members and appointees of the administration pursuing their own agendas- namely Rumsfeld while he was still in office, Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz and Paul Bremer, may they all burn in hell for what they've done. The fact that the entire war is being run from a bureaucrats desk in Washington and not the general's CP (which is how it should be) couldn't be made more evident than the revolving door of theatre commanders. Why have there been so many different generals moved in and out theatre as " the man running the show"? Because after awhile, each one has seen that they don't really have the control necessary for a field commander to do their job, and will only allow so much smoke to be blown up their ass by the SECdef and the POTUS and his tough guy posturing in front of the cameras before they say "fuck it, find someone else to be your puppet". Petraeus is the man in charge right now, and to his credit he's a tough, smart bastard. Let's see how long he plays the game of professional yes man before he too sees the losing hand the administration has dealt him.


on Oct 13, 2007
according to john mccain today on fox.

sanchez was the man insisting on the military policy in iraq when he was in command.

now he is attacking bush over it. sounds like a true lefty to me
on Oct 14, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Saturday, October 13, 2007
"according to john mccain today on fox.

sanchez was the man insisting on the military policy in iraq when he was in command.

now he is attacking bush over it. sounds like a true lefty to me "

Gen. Sanchez said when he took command in Iraq and saw the situation, he realized just how major of a proiblem Bush created. Thius has NOTHING to mto with left or right. It has to do with a realistic assessment of how this war was fought and just how big of a mistake Iraq is for our country. It is more proof of just how inept Bush and the people he appointed have been in Iraq and is just like the performence of Bush after katrina, in NOT securing our border, in creating a hige deficit, in doubling the trade deficit and in the faiulure of his education policy, solution for Social security and medicare. One thing is clear EVERYTHING Bush touched he made far worse and Gen. Sanchez has told the truth about Iraq.

on Oct 14, 2007
Lieutenant General Ricardo S. Sánchez (born 1953) was a United States Army general who served as the commander of coalition forces in Iraq from June 2003 to June 2004. He was the highest-ranking Hispanic in the United States Army when he retired on November 1 2006. At the time of his retirement, Lieutenant General

the war had been going for all of three months when he took command. he had 1 year to fix the problem. all we got was the prison Abu Ghraib. which is why he got fired and didn't get his promotion. which i guess he is still mad about.
on Oct 14, 2007
One thing is clear EVERYTHING Bush touched he made far worse and Gen. Sanchez has told the truth about Iraq.

the only thing that is clear is that you will use anyone or anything to attack bush.

including truth or lies.
on Oct 14, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Sunday, October 14, 2007
“One thing is clear EVERYTHING Bush touched he made far worse and Gen. Sanchez has told the truth about Iraq.”

“The only thing that is clear is that you will use anyone or anything to attack bush.

Including truth or lies.” SHOW US WHAT LIES General Sanchez has said in his statement about the way Bush and his minions handled the Iraq War!

The statements of General Sanchez are not my attacks on Bush. They are a very real statement by a former commander of the Iraq forces that Bush and the civilians he appointed are inept and have created the disaster we see in Iraq. There are no lies but a stinging rebuke of Bush and his entire policy in Iraq. General after General when they retire and are able to speak freely say the same thing-- Iraq was a series of mistakes that has brought us to the no win situation we find ourselves in today. The problem is that Bush has no real basis to contradict what General Sanchez has said. Abu Grab did take place during his command and the general has accepted responsibility for it. Abu Grab had nothing to do with the inept way Bush and his appointees conducted this war.
on Oct 14, 2007
SHOW US WHAT LIES General Sanchez has said in his statement about the way Bush and his minions handled the Iraq War!

did i say sanchez lied. no i said you will do anything including lie to attack bush.

on Oct 14, 2007
He said the Iraq war plan from the start was "catastrophically flawed, unrealistically optimistic," and the administration has not provided the resources necessary for victory, which he said the military could never achieve on its own.

Still, he said, the U.S. cannot pull out of Iraq without causing chaos that would have global implications.
on Oct 14, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Sunday, October 14, 2007
SHOW US WHAT LIES General Sanchez has said in his statement about the way Bush and his minions handled the Iraq War!

did i say sanchez lied. no i said you will do anything including lie to attack bush.

It is General Sanchez that is attacking Bush

Reply By: danielost Posted: Sunday, October 14, 2007
He said the Iraq war plan from the start was "catastrophically flawed, unrealistically optimistic," and the administration has not provided the resources necessary for victory, which he said the military could never achieve on its own.

Still, he said, the U.S. cannot pull out of Iraq without causing chaos that would have global implications.

That is what he ment by this statement:

the Bush Administration handling of the Iraq war was incompetent with no end in sight.
on Oct 19, 2007
So? Now what?