Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

We have never had a Commander- in- Chief that has been worse for our military. I am so glad that I was not asked to serve any of my 30 years while GWB was President. Below is what Bush has done to our military:

He avoided service in Vietnam by getting Daddy to get him a commission in the National Guard he did not earn and did not deserve.

He disobeyed orders and regulations while an officer in the Air National Guard by failing to take a required physical which resulted in him being grounded. He then avoided the penalty for disobeying his orders when Daddy got his an Honorable Discharge that Bush did not earn or deserve. We now have a Commander-in-Chief who would have members punished for doing the same things he did while he served in the military.

He committed our military to sacrifice their lives in a war that was unjustified and against a country that did not pose any danger to America.

He failed to send the force levels needed to accomplish the mission in Iraq which caused the needless death of 3,800 U.S. troops and the injury of another 27,000.

He overcommitted the military to the point where both the Army and Marines have been compromised and near the breaking point.

He has caused mid level officers to leave the service at an alarming rate including West Point Graduates who are leaving the Army at twice the rate as in the past. That will have an adverse impact for many years in the future.

He has over committed the National Guard to the point where that may be unable to meet the need within the United States if we have future disasters. Bush had destroyed most of the equipment of the Army, Marines, Army National Guard and the Army Reserve.

He has not requested sufficient funding for the VA to properly deal with the injured veterans that his invasion of Iraq created.

He diverted needed military forces from the war on terrorism in Afghanistan to invade Iraq. Now the situation in Afghanistan is becoming worse and will require more dead and injured then if Bush had finished the destruction of al-Qaeda in 2002-2005.

He has caused parents to try and prevent their sons and daughters from serving in our military.

His attitude has prevented the needed cooperation of other countries and placed a much bigger burden on the U.S. Military.

He opposed a bill to give our military another 1% pay increase proposed by the democrats while approving the payment to civilian security contractors 6 times the amount we pay our military for the same services.

ANYONE who can look at the above results on our military that were caused by George W. Bush and his policies is NOT a supporter of the brave men and women who serve in our armed forces.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Oct 16, 2007
Rinse, repeat.
on Oct 16, 2007
Rinse, repeat.

on Oct 16, 2007
looky gene you got your wish.

WASHINGTON - Commanders in Iraq have decided to begin the drawdown of U.S. forces in volatile Diyala province, marking a turning point in the U.S. military mission, The Associated Press has learned.


Instead of replacing the 3rd Brigade of the 1st Cavalry Division, which is returning to its home base at Fort Hood, Texas, in December, soldiers from another brigade in Salahuddin province next door will expand into Diyala, thereby broadening its area of responsibility, several officials said Tuesday.

In this way, the number of Army ground combat brigades in Iraq will fall from 20 to 19. This reflects President Bush's bid to begin reducing the American military force and shifting its role away from fighting the insurgency toward more support functions like training and advising Iraqi security forces.

this isn't for you i know you won't look but others might.

WWW Link
on Oct 17, 2007
“Reply By: danielost Posted: Tuesday, October 16, 2007
looky gene you got your wish.

WASHINGTON - Commanders in Iraq have decided to begin the drawdown of U.S. forces in volatile Diyala province, marking a turning point in the U.S. military mission, The Associated Press has learned.”

When we have reduced the force levels in Iraq to that which is needed to deal with any left over al-Qaeda ( 20,000) I and the vast majority of the American Public will be satisfied. Bush has no choice in reducing the 30,000 surge because the Army does not have fresh troops available to replace them. Thus the first 30,000 reduction has NOTHING to do with a new policy just the reality of the size of the Army!
on Oct 17, 2007
You can be sure that when troop reductions occur & we eventually withdraw from Iraq, Gene will not be happy - it will be for the "wrong" reasons by the "wrong" people.
on Oct 17, 2007
i know

i am beginning to think that he is mad because he didn't get a star.
on Oct 17, 2007
Nothing but more Bush support BS. Most Americans will be happy when we are OUT of Iraq. This is why I have not supported the Bush choice to invade Iraq:

Every one of the dead and injured American troops in Iraq has made their sacrifice for no valid purpose. Anyone that believes we are any less likely to be attacked by our enemies because of the sacrifices we have made in Iraq is dreaming. The only reason we have not had another attack in the U.S. is that we are doing much more to protect our homeland not because of the 3,800 who died in Iraq and not because of the 27,000 that were injured in Iraq. Every family who has lost a loved one or must watch how the lives of the 27,000 injured have been effected want to think the sacrifice their family member made was to make us safer at home. That is not the case. Our invasion has created more enemies that could attack us in the future. If you lost a son or daughter and knew their death made our homeland LESS safe, how would you feel? People do not want to admit this but it is the SAD truth about the Iraq War.
on Oct 17, 2007
The Gene version of "truth":

Find selectively prejudicial "facts" (almost always opinions, actually) taken out of context.

Ignore any intellectually inconvenient things like the big picture and incompatible information.

Assume the reader is an idiot.

Publish said "facts" as part of yet another rehash of all your prior, unsubstantiated prejudicial opinions & inuendo in an effort to give those "facts" undeserved weight.

When someone disagrees or presents contradictory "facts", publicly call them the idiot you assume them to be.

Rinse, repeat.

Wait a minute, you're confusing me, are you talking about Col or the Democrats?
on Oct 17, 2007
into a life and death situation when I know our country was not in any danger from Saddam.

When you know? You knew we were not in any danger but everyone in Cogress and the Senate didn't? How is it that you are not working for the intelligence community?
on Oct 17, 2007
Wait a minute, you're confusing me, are you talking about Col or the Democrats?

on Oct 17, 2007
Wait a minute, you're confusing me, are you talking about Col or the Democrats?


on Oct 17, 2007
Reply By: CharlesCS1 Posted: Wednesday, October 17, 2007
“The Gene version of "truth":

Find selectively prejudicial "facts" (almost always opinions, actually) taken out of context.”

That is a LIE. I use ALL the facts not just some of the facts. A good example is the issue of Jobs. I acknowledge that we have been creating jobs as Bush and many on this Blog site have said. I have also presented data that clearly shows that the wages and benefits of the newly created jobs are lower. Bush sights the stock market and increasing corporate profits to show the economy is doing well. I acknowledge these as well but also look at Average Wages AFTER inflation which has dropped for the past three years. I also point out that higher corporate profits are not improving the welfare of the middle income workers just the top executives and people who own the stocks. I have also shown that only 10% of the population owns 90% of the stocks. Thus the Bush claim that a booming stock market only means the top 10% are doing well. It does not help the vast majority of Americans. I have pointed out the loss of millions of manufacturing jobs that paid living wages and had health benefits and retirement. These jobs have been replaced with low paying service jobs with few or no benefits.

Bush and some on this Blog site Cherry pick facts and ignore information that does not support what they want to develop. I sight all the data to develop a total picture not just part of the picture like sighting the higher stock market, GDP and corporate profit increases to prove the average American is doing well which is NOT the case.
on Oct 17, 2007
“The Gene version of "truth":

on Oct 17, 2007
Wait a minute, you're confusing me, are you talking about Col or the Democrats?

Hey, don't lump us in with this kind of crazy.

on Oct 17, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Wednesday, October 17, 2007
“The Gene version of "truth":

What I post is a lot closer to the truth then what Bush tells us. He cherry picks only those facts and information that he can use to support his positions and ignored everything else.
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