Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on October 20, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

That is the title of the editorial in my local paper today. The issue is the refusal of the GOP controlled Florida House, Senate and Governor to deal with exploding Real Estate taxes and insurance rates. As much as 80% of Floridians are is real trouble because of local property taxes and skyrocketing insurance rates. This is not a small problem that impacts the ability of Florida residents to buy a new car or move into a bigger home. These are problems that impact their ability to live. The problem is so significant that our Governor was forced to call the legislature into Special Session.

Bottom line is that Florida does not have a tax structure at the State level that produces the revenue needed. Their solution is to cut the state budget which makes the problem for the local government and the high real estate tax rates WORSE. The issue is that the spending at the local level is to build roads, schools, water, sewer, police and fire infrastructure. With the ever increasing number of both permanent residents and winter visitors the need for that spending can not be reduced and in fact must be increased. The GOP controlled legislature and the GOP Governor refuse to levy the taxes at the state level to provide relief to what is a crises for as much as 80% of Floridians. Only the wealthy can afford the higher local taxes and increased insurance rates. Thus the editorial question—WHO DO LEGISLATOR’S WORK FOR? Clearly they are not working for the 80%. They protect the huge wealth of the 20% who continue living in nothing less then their gated mansions with their huge yachts and top of the line cars.

We see the same thing at the national level in America. As much as 75% of Americans want the policies changed on things such as Iraq, Trade, Immigration, Social Security and Medicare solutions, Health Care and Education for our children. NOT ONE of these issues is being addresses the way the VAST MAJORITY want. Thus the same question of Washington - WHO DO CONGRESS and the PRESIDENT WORK FOR? It is clear not for about ¾ of the people in America. The Federal Government, like the government in Florida do the bidding of minority and protect the wealthy.

George W. Bush goes all over the world telling everyone how a democracy is the Right of every country. I would like him and any one of his supporters to explain then WHY are we not following what the vast majority WANT in the world’s largest and oldest democracy?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 22, 2007
The inherit the wealth or get lucky in Business and make their money from selling something to the masses.

Umm, actually, of the Forbes 400, only about 10% actually inherited their wealth.

Success is a result of hard work more often than not, not of luck, Col.
on Oct 22, 2007
That is the biggest line of CRAP! The Rich do become wealthy because they are frugal! The inherit the wealth or get lucky in Business and make their money from selling something to the masses.

in other words in your eyes they hold a gun to peoples heads and steal it from them. anyone in here who plays galciv2 buy it because brad held a gun to their head.
on Oct 22, 2007
"in other words in your eyes they hold a gun to peoples heads and steal it from them. anyone in here who plays galciv2 buy it because brad held a gun to their head."

I know that's why I bought GalCiv2.

Luckily, it's a great game.

The average millionaire drives a used car.
on Oct 22, 2007
The source is the State of Florida and the FL Insurance dept.

You stated 100% of Floridians are in "trouble".  Once again you have been caught exaggerating something.

All the GOP Presidential candidates agreed to the 47 Million Number last night on the debate. Since what has the GOP become the DNC? You as usual are full of BS!

Since when do you care what the GOP says?  I see you have constantly ignored the posts that show how this 47 million number is inflated and false. 

The inherit the wealth or get lucky in Business and make their money from selling something to the masses.

Proving once again gene has no real idea how the real world operates.  I believe you hatred towards successful Americans is some type of jealousy.
on Oct 22, 2007
The average millionaire drives a used car.

the average millionaire doesn't ride share. brad says that he does.
on Oct 22, 2007
No, no, Jythier.

Rich people just fell ass backwards into money they don't need, money that should be confiscated by the government for the benefit of people like Gene.
on Oct 22, 2007
I don't ride share and I'm not a millionaire. I thought Brad had two awesome cars anyway?
on Oct 22, 2007
Oh, right! Oops, I'm rich!

No, those rich people have their money confiscated already by salesman and the companies they work for. They're not rich anymore. They might live a little better, but they don't have any money.
on Oct 22, 2007
Rich people just fell ass backwards into money they don't need, money that should be confiscated by the government for the benefit of people like Gene.


SO all this studying and hard work I'm doing is foolishness. I should be looking for rich old women to seduce and swipe all their money.

Silly me. I thought I was onto something trying to WORK towards a better life!
on Oct 22, 2007
Don't knock the rich old woman track to wealth. It's very lucrative, but takes a lot more hard work than 'studying' and 'being employed.' And there's always the risk that you'll die first anyway.
on Oct 22, 2007
It's very lucrative, but takes a lot more hard work than 'studying' and 'being employed.'

Yes, but studying and being employed aren't ways to get rich. The Col. said so!
on Oct 22, 2007
Why bust your ass, work hard or study hard when you got people like our favorite longshoreman Gene around extorting money for you?

If something is worthwhile having, we should acquire it, not depend on others to provide it for us, assuming we are able bodied & of sound mind.
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