Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on October 21, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics
I do not think anyone on JoeUser has had more criticism then me. I believe most of these comments were a way of trying to deny the truth of what I have been saying. Below are a series of statements that accurately describes how the major issues facing America have changed since January 2001. Every one on these issues has been a MAJOR thrust of GWB and the factual summary I have included below can be easily verified from various official government agencies.

Budget - We went from a balanced annual budget in 2000 to an annual deficit of as much as $600 billion in a single year. We took the National Debt from $5.7 Trillion to just over $9 Trillion. That is an average of $470 Billion per year.

Trade deficit - We took the annual trade deficit from just under $400 Billion to over $800 billion. We have lost 3 million manufacturing jobs and the majority of the newly created jobs is in the service and retail areas with salaries and benefits far below the manufacturing jobs that have been lost.

Foreign Policy – We went from no major wars in 2000 to two major wars that have not gone well and that have brought our ground military close to the breaking point. We have less support from other countries and the level of distrust of America is far greater then ever. The danger from Islamic terrorists is greater today then ever and is growing.

Energy – We are MORE dependent of foreign oil then in 2001 and the price of oil has more then doubled. This despite the fact that Bush and Cheney were former oil executives.

Education – Test scored K-12 have not shown any significant improvement, graduation rates are far too low and SAT scores have declined during the past three years.

Immigration – Over 3 million illegals were able to cross our borders despite the attack on 9/11. We are NOT enforcing our existing laws to protect our borders or deal with illegal immigrants.

Social Security – We have not moved any closer to being able to pay the Baby Boomers their retirement. The Bush plan took us further from being able to fund the Boomers and was soundly rejected by the voters and Congress.

Medicare – We have added the largest new entitlement program to Medicare and brought it to the tipping point in 2007. Next year, for the first time, the expected Medicare tax will not cover the Medicare benefits. The acceleration of this situation is because we did not fund the new Prescription Drug Plan. We made a bad situation worse.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 22, 2007
Your Non answer to everything.

i use the answer one time and now it is my answer to everything
on Oct 22, 2007
“Reply By: danielost Posted: Monday, October 22, 2007
Your Non answer to everything.

I use the answer one time and now it is my answer to everything”

You NEVER offer a response that makes sense. You just attack me. I provided factual information on eight major issues that Bush has tackled during the past 7 years and provided an accurate summary of what his policies have accomplished with each of these issues. All I get from the Joe User respondents is BS or attacks against me.

The problem is that 99 out of a 100 people would look at the results I listed and conclude that Bush was ineffective in dealing with ALL of these major issues. That is something many on this site refuse to acknowledge and because there is no way to refute these results they either change the subject or attack me.
on Oct 22, 2007
but of those 8 major issues you didn't get any of them right.

1 you attack the wrong person or persons.

2 your figures are as usual 6 to 8 years old.

3 you blame bush for things that are not under his control.

4 i am waiting for you to blame bush for burning San Diego down.


5 you give credit to Clinton. when all he did was sit on his butt and apologize every time we were attacked. and who did he apologize to the American people no he apologized to the people who attacked us. and don't say that he attacked some empty training camps that is getting old.
on Oct 23, 2007

“Reply By: danielost Posted: Monday, October 22, 2007
But of those 8 major issues you didn't get any of them right.” Better look again—The results are straight from the Federal Government sources!

“You attack the wrong person or persons.” Every one of the eight issued was a Bush Major Policy initiative. How can we be blaming the wrong person? He got HIS policies through Congress on all these issues except Social Security.

“2 your figures are as usual 6 to 8 years old.” Not True. The Debt is as of Sept 30, 2007. The trade deficit is as on Sept 30, 2007. The test scores are as of spring 2007. Energy is as of Today. Medicare is as on 30 Sept 2007. You are full of BS. The results are as of TODAY and show the results of the past 7 years.

3 you blame bush for things that are not under his control.” Every issue is not only under his control but was the thrust of HIS POLICIES that he got through the GOP congress except for Social Security. WHO is to blame when YOU ideas do not work?

“ 4. 4 i am waiting for you to blame bush for burning San Diego down." YOU show just how stupid you are by statements like this.


“5 you give credit to Clinton. When all he did was sit on his butt and apologize every time we were attacked. And who did he apologize to the American people no he apologized to the people who attacked us. And don't say that he attacked some empty training camps that are getting old.” The subject was the BUSH YEARS not Clinton.

on Oct 23, 2007
The test scores are as of spring 2007.

these are the same test scores that they have been crying about for 20 years. the government is not the ones controlling education in this country. it is the teachers union.

Medicare is as on 30 Sept 2007.

this is a 50 year old problem or how ever old Medicare is.

Energy is as of Today.

the democrats will not allow us to do anything about being on foreign oil.

The trade deficit is as on Sept 30, 2007.

this is a 200 year old problem.

The subject was the BUSH YEARS not Clinton.

the subject is the same one that you use every time you write on here blame bush for everything. and when you get called on it you cry fowl.

on Oct 23, 2007
"These are the same test scores that they have been crying about for 20 years. The government is not the ones controlling education in this country. It is the teachers union."

It was Bush who took on this issue- remember the Education President. He got the No Child Left behind act passed and promptly abandoned it. He FAILED on an initiative he started and said was so important.

“This is a 50 year old problem or how ever old Medicare is.”

Bush took a bad situation and made it far worse with the Prescription Drug Plan with NO FUNDING! He brought the time when Medicare was unable to fully pay claims up about 15 years with that move.

“the democrats will not allow us to do anything about being on foreign oil.”

From January 2001 Bush and the GOP controlled congress were in charge. Bush is the one that appointed Cheney to have a commission to find a solution to our dependence on foreign oil. They accomplished NOTHONG. Then in 2005 Bush restated the danger and has done nothing but give Big Oil more tax cuts.

“His trade deficit is as on Sept 30, 2007.

This is a 200 year old problem.”

The size of the problem when Bush took over was less then $400 Billion per year. He had 8 years of the Clinton Trade Plan that failed. What did Bush do? He expanded the Clinton plan that failed and took an almost $400 billion dollar per year problem and turned it into more then an $800 billion per year problem. Great way to fix the problem.

“The subject is the same one that you use every time you write on here blame bush for everything. And when you get called on it you cry fowl.”

I suggest you read the title of this Blog. "The Bush Record"
on Oct 23, 2007
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for coming. Today I have been discussing the Medicare Part D reforms that Congress passed and I signed, and that Mike Leavitt and a lot of other people helped to implement.

This reform of Medicare has been a great success. Most importantly, it's been a great success for our senior citizens. The cost of the prescription drug plan has been less than anticipated. The individual stories about people saving money and getting better health care has warmed my heart.

on Oct 23, 2007
No Child Left Behind
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, signed into law by President Bush on Jan. 8, 2002, is a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the central federal law in pre-collegiate education. The ESEA, first enacted in 1965 and last reauthorized in 1994, encompasses Title I, the federal government's flagship aid program for disadvantaged students.

on Oct 23, 2007
At a time when the percentage of Americans living in severe poverty has reached a thirty-two-year high, NCLB seeks to improve the schools poor students attend through threats and sanctions rather than the serious investments in education and welfare such an effort truly requires. As Gloria Ladson-Billings, former president of the American Educational Research Association, has noted, the problem we face is less an "achievement gap" than an educational debt that has accumulated over centuries of denied access to education and employment, reinforced by deepening poverty and resource inequalities in schools. Until American society confronts the accumulated educational debt owed to these students and takes responsibility for the inferior resources they receive, Ladson-Billings argues, children of color and of poverty will continue to be left behind.
on Oct 23, 2007
In the English colonies the apple pie had to wait for carefully planted pips, brought in barrels across the Atlantic, to become fruit-bearing apple trees, to be selected for their cooking qualities, as apples do not come true from seeds. In the meantime, the colonists were more likely to make their pies, or "pasties", of meat rather than of fruit; and the main use for apples, once they were available, was in cider. But there are American apple-pie recipes, both manuscript and printed, from the eighteenth century, and it has since become a very popular dessert.

A mock apple pie made from crackers was apparently invented by pioneers on the move during the nineteenth century who were bereft of apples. In the 1930s, and for many years afterwards, Ritz Crackers promoted a recipe for mock apple pie using its product, along with sugar and various spices.

Although apple pies have been eaten since long before the discovery of America, "as American as apple pie" is a common saying in the United States, meaning "typically American". The dish was also commemorated in the phrase "for mom and apple pie" - supposedly the stock answer of soldiers in WWII, whenever journalists asked why they were going to war.

Advertisers exploited the patriotic connection in the 1970s with the TV jingle "baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet". There are claims that the Apple Marketing Board of New York State used such slogans as "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" and "as American as apple pie!", and thus "was able to successfully 'rehabilitate' the apple as a popular comestible" in the early twentieth century when prohibition outlawed the production of cider.

An apple pie was also the subject of a running gag throughout the movie American Pie (film), where Jason Biggs' character masturbates with a "homemade American apple pie".

And that's why Bush sucks.
on Oct 24, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Tuesday, October 23, 2007
“THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for coming. Today I have been discussing the Medicare Part D reforms that Congress passed and I signed, and that Mike Leavitt and a lot of other people helped to implement.

This reform of Medicare has been a great success. Most importantly, it's been a great success for our senior citizens. The cost of the prescription drug plan has been less than anticipated. The individual stories about people saving money and getting better health care has warmed my heart.”

I agree it is helping many people. The issue is that it was passed without ONE CENT to pay for the added cost which in the first year was $60 Billion. It is the same for the Iraq War-- NO money to pay for the hundreds of billions we have spent on the war. In every other war we passed a tax to pay the added cost. Bush added it to the deficit so our children will be obligated to pay for the war just like Medicare!
on Oct 24, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Tuesday, October 23, 2007
“No Child Left Behind
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, signed into law by President Bush on Jan. 8, 2002, is a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the central federal law in pre-collegiate education. The ESEA, first enacted in 1965 and last reauthorized in 1994, encompasses Title I, the federal government's flagship aid program for disadvantaged students.”

The No Child Left behind Act went beyond reauthorization of the law you mentioned. It also required, by the Presidents own estimate, more funding which Bush did not request and the GOP controlled Congress did not provide. The act has been under funded by over $26 Billion since Bush signed it into law. Many of the provisions were predicated on the so called Houston miracle which turned out to be a FRAUD of the man Bush appointed as the first Sec of Education in his administration.
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