Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on October 21, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics
I do not think anyone on JoeUser has had more criticism then me. I believe most of these comments were a way of trying to deny the truth of what I have been saying. Below are a series of statements that accurately describes how the major issues facing America have changed since January 2001. Every one on these issues has been a MAJOR thrust of GWB and the factual summary I have included below can be easily verified from various official government agencies.

Budget - We went from a balanced annual budget in 2000 to an annual deficit of as much as $600 billion in a single year. We took the National Debt from $5.7 Trillion to just over $9 Trillion. That is an average of $470 Billion per year.

Trade deficit - We took the annual trade deficit from just under $400 Billion to over $800 billion. We have lost 3 million manufacturing jobs and the majority of the newly created jobs is in the service and retail areas with salaries and benefits far below the manufacturing jobs that have been lost.

Foreign Policy – We went from no major wars in 2000 to two major wars that have not gone well and that have brought our ground military close to the breaking point. We have less support from other countries and the level of distrust of America is far greater then ever. The danger from Islamic terrorists is greater today then ever and is growing.

Energy – We are MORE dependent of foreign oil then in 2001 and the price of oil has more then doubled. This despite the fact that Bush and Cheney were former oil executives.

Education – Test scored K-12 have not shown any significant improvement, graduation rates are far too low and SAT scores have declined during the past three years.

Immigration – Over 3 million illegals were able to cross our borders despite the attack on 9/11. We are NOT enforcing our existing laws to protect our borders or deal with illegal immigrants.

Social Security – We have not moved any closer to being able to pay the Baby Boomers their retirement. The Bush plan took us further from being able to fund the Boomers and was soundly rejected by the voters and Congress.

Medicare – We have added the largest new entitlement program to Medicare and brought it to the tipping point in 2007. Next year, for the first time, the expected Medicare tax will not cover the Medicare benefits. The acceleration of this situation is because we did not fund the new Prescription Drug Plan. We made a bad situation worse.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 21, 2007
Waaahhh! Waaaahhh! Waaahhh!

PLENTY of people on JU have received as much criticism as you, if not more so.

We don't like you because you're an asshole, not because of your political positions, Col. If you would debate reasonably, and rationally (AND if you would realize there are 535 Congresspersons that need to be put on the hot seat as badly as the President), we might actually be able to have reasonable, rational discussions.

Instead, you treat people like garbage, you hold Bush responsible for every bad thing on the planet (INCLUDING things that happened LONG BEFORE he took office), and you refuse to allow an intelligent rebuttal. Maybe in your reserve unit you were allowed dictatorial control, but in real life, you would do well to listen to the opinions of others.

Add to that the second account you once made specifically to harass me, and you'll get the idea why I don't like you! (Thought I'd forgotten that, didn't you?). It has NOTHING...repeat...NOTHING to do with your politics.

But I suppose you get more mileage by crying and playing the victim, so...carry on!
on Oct 21, 2007
What in this Blog is political? There are straight forward statements of HOW these issues have changed since Bush took office. Every one of these issues has been a MAJOR policy issue of Bush.
on Oct 21, 2007
Every one of these issues has been a MAJOR policy issue of Bush.

Wow. So he suspended the House and Senate and instituted them by edict, Col? By jove, you've stumbled onto a MASSIVE scandal!

The truth is, Bush is only effective in implementing his policies because Congress has ALLOWED him to be.
on Oct 21, 2007

“Wow. So he suspended the House and Senate and instituted them by edict, Col? By jove, you've stumbled onto a MASSIVE scandal!

The truth is, Bush is only effective in implementing his policies because Congress has ALLOWED him to be.”

My question is are these statements accurate as to what has take place over the past 7 years on these issues? Congress has supported Bush on all these issues with the exception of Social Security.
on Oct 21, 2007
Budget -- True. I have long been appalled that Congress, who DEMANDED a balanced budget from Clinton, to the point of shutting down the government over it, gave Bush a pass.

Trade Deficit -- I have to disagree with you there. Unemployment has stayed at remarkable lows and I can tell you from personal experience that there are a lot of jobs out there. I could work 2-3 times the hours I'm working. It's almost impossible to keep good employees in these jobs.

Foreign Policy -- I have to disagree with you there as well. Clinton kept our military busy blowing up things as well. Or do Kosovo and Serbia not exist? I again don't agree with Bush's actions here, but there were very few in the House and Senate who spoke out when we went into Iraq.

Energy -- True, but with an asterisk. It must be noted that the Bush Administration, an administration in which no official has ever expressed a commitment to sound energy policy, immediately followed the two term Clinton Administration, which did absolutely nothing to set a enchmark for the Bush team to follow.

Education -- Should fall to the states, not to the fed. NCLB was a horrendous mistake by the Bush Admin. However, it was a mistake based on the priorities of an agenda called Goals 2000, which was co-authored by none other than William Jefferson Clinton, when he was Governor of Arkansas.

Immigration -- No argument. Again, however, Clinton did nothing either. Let's let the chips fall where they may here.

Social Security -- I happen to be a believer in privatization, while taking care of those to whom we've already committed support. It should have started back when the program started, but we can't revisit past mistakes now, can we?

Medicare -- No argument.

I agree that we're in a mess, Col. Where I disagree is to the cause of the mess. You say that Bush and Bush alone is responsible, I say that every sitting member of Congress and the Presidents for the last forty years are responsible. If you're right, everything will get better in a year and a half. If I'm right, things will only continue to worsen until we get ALL these bozos out of office!
on Oct 21, 2007
Another question is why are all the GOP candidates trying to prove they are either the TRUE conservatives or at least no threat to true Conservatives? Given that Republicans account for 23% of all registered voters and that not all Republicans are conservatives, it is clear that at most 20% of all voters are conservatives. Why would one of the two political parties try to elect a person to the ONLY National Office (President) that agree with only 1 out of 5 voters? I do not hear the Democrats trying to show they are far to the left. Most of them are more centrist which seems to make far more sense given where the majority of the voters are in the country.
on Oct 21, 2007
I, and my wife, are both Conservative.....and neither of us are "republicans".

And what democrats are you talking about being so centrist?
on Oct 21, 2007
I do not hear the Democrats trying to show they are far to the left

Right. Making criminals out of people who refuse to carry health insurance is a "centrist" agenda, Col.

You are so bought and sold by the DNC it is shameful!
on Oct 21, 2007
Social Security – We have not moved any closer to being able to pay the Baby Boomers their retirement. The Bush plan took us further from being able to fund the Boomers and was soundly rejected by the voters and Congress.

Medicare – We have added the largest new entitlement program to Medicare and brought it to the tipping point in 2007. Next year, for the first time, the expected Medicare tax will not cover the Medicare benefits. The acceleration of this situation is because we did not fund the new Prescription Drug Plan. We made a bad situation worse.

Now even Hillary is saying we need to let people move more money into their 401k plans to help with retirement. This after trashing Bush for trying to "privatize" 2% of SS retirement funds. Suddenly that risky old market looks good to her? How can a Democrat possibly let anything other than the government manage our lives for us?

The problem with Medicare is not that we didn't fund Part D, it's that we created Part D in the first place.

I wish there was something nice & generous I could say about your demagoguery here, but there just isn't anything nice or generous to say.
on Oct 21, 2007
I'd like to think that in a perfect world, mandatory health insurance on a national basis would be struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional. But that would be in a perfect world.
on Oct 21, 2007
Test scored K-12 have not shown any significant improvement,

and who is charge of teaching the teachers union which is a democrat run union as are all unions in this country.

- We went from a balanced annual budget in 2000 to an annual deficit o

the budget was balanced for one year. and the gop was in charge of the money.

Unemployment has stayed at remarkable lows and I can tell you from personal experience that there are a lot of jobs out there. I

and again when unemployment is below 5% people are waiting to find a better paying job. which means that there are going to be lots of jobs out there that no one wants to work.

We went from no major wars in 2000 to two major wars that have not gone well and that have brought our ground military close to the breaking point

we went from cowering under the bed to standing up for ourselves.

We are MORE dependent of foreign oil then in 2001 and the price of oil has more then doubled.

we are more dependent on foreign oil 1. because we are using more. 2. the democrats have had enough votes to keep us from drilling in anwar and off shore.

by the way anwar was set aside for drilling.

Over 3 million illegals were able to cross our borders despite the attack on 9/11. We are NOT enforcing our existing laws to protect our borders or deal with illegal immigrants.

the democrats want to open the border up completely

We have not moved any closer to being able to pay the Baby Boomers their retirement. The Bush plan took us further from being able to fund the Boomers and was soundly rejected by the voters and Congress.

this is a 50 year old problem. who was in control of congress for 40 of those years.

on Oct 21, 2007
“Trade Deficit -- I have to disagree with you there. Unemployment has stayed at remarkable lows and I can tell you from personal experience that there are a lot of jobs out there. I could work 2-3 times the hours I'm working.”

I did not sight unemployment-- yes we have created jobs mostly in the service area. The issue I sighted is that the trade deficit more then doubled and we have lost 3 million manufacturing jobs since January 2001.

“Energy -- True, but with an asterisk. It must be noted that the Bush Administration, an administration in which no official has ever expressed a commitment to sound energy policy,”

This was the first task Bush tackled with the Cheney Energy Commission.

“Foreign Policy -- I have to disagree with you there as well. Clinton kept our military busy blowing up things as well. Or do Kosovo and Serbia not exist? I again don't agree with Bush's actions here, but there were very few in the House and Senate who spoke out when we went into Iraq.”

Can you sight how many Military were killed or injured during the Clinton years? How much did we spend fighting wars during the Clinton years?

“Education -- Should fall to the states, not to the fed. NCLB was a horrendous mistake by the Bush Admin.”

So we agree "No Child left Behind" was a mistake of Bush?

“Social Security -- I happen to be a believer in privatization, while taking care of those to whom we've already committed support.”

Can you show one expert that agrees that private accounts will resolve the inability to pay the promised benefits to the Baby Boomers? The private account potential benefit did not help the Boomers (they are too old for that to have any chance of working) and would further reduce the money available to pay the boomer benefits. My statement was that neither Congress not the vast majority wanted to change the Social Security System as Bush suggested. That is correct.

“I agree that we're in a mess; Col. Where I disagree is to the cause of the mess. You say that Bush and Bush alone is responsible,”

What I said is that the policies we have been following for the past 7 years have not moved us toward a solution of ANY of these issues.
on Oct 21, 2007
“Reply By: MythicalMino Posted: Sunday, October 21, 2007
I, and my wife, are both Conservative.....and neither of us are "republicans".

And what democrats are you talking about being so centrist?”

That is interesting. However, I believe my point that the MAJORITY of voters are NOT Conservative is correct. I believe the top three democratic candidates are far closer to the center then any of the GOP candidates.
on Oct 21, 2007
I believe the top three democratic candidates are far closer to the center then any of the GOP candidates.

which one do you mean

the one that wants to force everyone onto universal health care.

the one that wants to attack our friends and lie down with our enemies.


the one that wants to give everyone a house.

or all three that want to raise taxes to pay for all of that.
on Oct 21, 2007
“Now even Hillary is saying we need to let people move more money into their 401k plans to help with retirement.”

She is correct but she is saying this as an ADDITION to Social Security not as a substitute for that safety net. Not one of the people responsible for the operation of Social Security OR ANY PRIVATE ACTUARIES agreed that private accounts would resolve the issue at hand-- HOW do we pay the promised retirement to the Baby Boomers!
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