Lack of Ground Forces is the Reason for Air Attacks!
The use of U.S. Air power in Afghanistan is creating tension between the people and government of Afghanistan and the U.S. American military commanders claim they need to use the air assets because of the lack of ground forces in Afghanistan. The collateral damage, as it is called, from air strikes is turning many Afghanis’ against the U.S. effort to destroy the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in that country.
It is another result of Bush sending the bulk of our ground forces into Iraq and not dealing with the terrorists in Afghanistan who are responsible for 9/11. Hamid Karzai is now DEMANDING that Bush cut the use of U.S. Air Power in Afghanistan. The problem is that so long as Bush refuses to withdraw our ground forces from Iraq, we do not have the resources needs to deal with the Terrorists in Afghanistan.
The refusal of President Bush to address the REAL enemy in the war on terrorism is hard to believe. The vast majorities of our ground troops in Iraq are NOT fighting terrorists but are involved in the fighting between the Iraqi factions. Congress needs to act to curb a Commander-in-Chief who has lost his perspective on just WHO the REAL terrorists are that endanger our country!