Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on October 30, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

This is the cry of most Republicans and some Democrats. It is time to stop making this generalized statement and take an HONEST look at the Federal Budget. To help with that please take a look at the following Web Site: www.thebudgetgraph.com . It will give you a very clear picture of just where the Federal Government is spending YOUR tax dollars.

I have looked at this issue as well at the major issues that face our country and will impact spending for the foreseeable future. The objective was to see just where the spending cuts can be made to solve the nation’s fiscal problems.

First we need to understand ALL Federal spending falls into one of two types. One is “mandatory spending” and the other is termed “discretionary spending”. Both types have been increasing at a fast pace. When we talk about cutting the budget we must understand the items which are mandatory are NOT subject to cutting without violating promises that have been made by the Government of the United States. The three biggest elements in this category are Interest on the National Debt, Medicare and Social Security. In round numbers that mandatory spending is about $2 Trillion Dollars per year.

The other category is discretionary spending and is made up of elements that CAN be cut without violating the promises made by our country. The amount of that type of spending is about $800 Billion per year. If you fail to look at what is included in that $800 Billion one can come to the conclusion we can solve our fiscal problems by simply cutting this discretionary spending. Now it is time to take a look at the budget graph I referenced.

You will see the largest element in that category which comprises more then half of discretionary spending is National Defense. Another large component is Homeland Security. Help for the poor for Food Stamps and Medicaid rounds out the major items. These three make up MOST of the discretionary spending.

Let’s take a look at the largest spending items within the budget and the prospect for cutting them in the future.

Mandatory Items:

Social Security- this will increase at a growing rate as the Baby Boomers retire which will start in February 2008.

Medicare – This will increase for the same reason as Social Security plus the addition of the Prescription Drug Program and the increasing cost of health care. This will increase far more then Social Security.

Interest – This will continue to increase so long as we add to the National Debt. The national debt on Sept 30, 2006 was $8.5 Trillion. The National Debt on September 30, 2007 was $9 Trillion. Despite the lie Bush told that the annual deficit was $168 Billion that actual amount we added to the total debt was $500 Billion in FY 2007. Go to the U.S. Treasury web site for the actual amounts to the penny.

Discretionary Items:

National Defense – That will increase substantially because of the increase in the Active Duty strength, pay increases and because of the replacement of most of the equipment for the ground forces.

VA- This will expand in a major way to pay for the injured veterans from the Iraq war.

Homeland Security - That will need to increase as we build the border fence and add the needed border guards. The new equipment and new ID cards and systems will also require added spending. The Coast Guard will see an increase in spending as will federal law enforcement and intelligence services.

Medicaid - As more and more people are becoming eligible and medical cost increase, the cost of this program will increase.

Pell Grants – The lower interest rates for student loans will increase the overall cost of this program.

Federal Road and Bridge maintenance – This will increase given the condition of the ageing roads and bridges.

The above are the areas that surely will require added spending. These items make up the BULK of the overall spending. When you look at the magnitude of these items it will not be a surprise that spending will continue to increase. I would like to have ANYONE provide specifics as to where and by how much the so called “spending cuts” can take place that will both balance the budget and then provide a REAL Surplus to be used to pay down the over $9 Trillion dollar national debt.

The time has passed for statements like - “the problem is our Spending”. We need to provide specifics areas and amounts where spending can be CUT to come up with the money needed to balance the budget and begin paying down the debt! I believe the chance of spending cuts solving our fiscal problems to be about the same as winning the Power Ball Lottery! Remember, mandatory spending is just that!

Comments (Page 4)
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on Nov 01, 2007
Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Thursday, November 01, 2007
. Anyone that claims otherwise has not taken an honest look at the budget nor is just how much of a difference there between the tax revenue and the spending even after the cuts that can be made.

“Yes we have. You are obsessed with taxing that you ignore everything else.

Just like the rest of your "facts"....debunked again.”

YOU ARE SO FULL OF BS IT COME OUT OF YOUR EARS., Everything I have posted can be verified by looking at the budget and going to the treasury web site. In addition what I have said is just what the Comptroller General has been saying. You and the other Bushies do not want to look at the truth concerning the fiscal mess we are in and neither do most of the democrats. Everyone wants to either ignore the problem or make believe it can be fixed with no pain. That is not correct. It will take the pain of some cuts in spending and the pain of increased taxes. I have not only researched the federal budget but have spent my working career dealing with the issues of fiscal management. I have challenged all on this web site to show where and by how much you will cut the budget with the reality that mandatory spending can not be cut and within the discretionary spending maintaining the essential functions for both security and the operation of the government which is essential for our society to function. It is too easy to just say lets Cut the budget and fix the problem. That WILL NOT solve even the majority of the problem !!!!!!!
on Nov 01, 2007
It is too easy to just say lets Cut the budget and fix the problem. That WILL NOT solve even the majority of the problem !!!!!!!

It's too easy to say "raise taxes" on one class of people and think that will solve a problem.  You sit here and whine all day about the budget and deficits, and then whine some more about how the government needs to "help" more people and increase social programs.  Unbelievable!

Several months ago there was a thread which showed what can be cut and eliminated from the budget, I believe it was one of those posts you ignored which usually means it was backed up by facts or something you can't BS your way out of with DNC talking points.

As usual you exaggerate everything like your $900 apartment nonsense that you constantly use to make excuses for everyone else. 

on Nov 01, 2007
“This just goes to show your stupidity; you decry that we spend to much and your solution is to add more to the debt and balance it by raising taxes.”

You are the stupid one. If you current income is not enough to pay all your bills and you have cut everything you can cut you likewise seek a higher paying job, try and work OT or get a second job to provide the money to meet you bills. The Tax increase to the wealthy is like the second job or getting a better paying job. If you decide you need or want to buy something additional and do not have the money or the credit, you either seek a job that pays more, get a second job or see if overtime is available to INCREASE you income to make the new purchase you want to make. I understand the wealthy are greedy and want to keep all their money even though they have everything and more then they need. However for the welfare of the country and our long term financial health, it is time to reverse the tax cuts to the wealthy which are not paying for themselves. That has been proven by the Comptroller General. He has shown that for every dollar of tax cuts we are only recovering fifty cents in new tax revenue form the economic growth.
on Nov 01, 2007
BTW, I never called you an SOB. I may have come close but did not say it so I think you own me an apology.

When people stop calling me names when they do not like the facts I provide I would be glad to.
on Nov 01, 2007
Look gene, you got yourself a fan, your evil twin brother Artysim. But if he's your evil twin, what does that make you? The other black sheep?

Hey, I resemble that remark   
on Nov 01, 2007

Reply By: ParaTed2k Posted: Wednesday, October 31, 2007

By your "logic" if you have a mortgage you can't possibly have money in the bank?

I did a little checking around the net. In 2006, the total revenue of the US Treasury was 2,500,000,000,000, the highest since 2000. After 2000, when Clinton's tax increases and the recession affected the economy negatively, the total revenues dropped to just under 2,000,000,000,000. Since 2003 the total federal revenues has increased. Which proves that tax increases decrease revenues, tax cuts increase revenues. Check out the chart: Chart (wouldn't it be great if YOU learned how to use links instead of making anyone interested to cut and paste the URLs you cite?)

“Btw, Clinton NEVER actually Balance the budget, he merely stated that he did and idiots like you believed it. After all, Clinton wouldn't lie, right?” LIE We had a balanced Budget in 2000!!!!!!!!!!!

HOW can you be so DUMB? The bottom like is that the Federal Government is collecting in tax revenue about $500 Billion LESS then we are spending. LOOK at the National debt balance Sept 30, 2006 - It was 8.5 Trillion. The national debt Balance one year later was $9.0 Trillion or $500 Billion higher. That PROVES in FY 2007 we spent as a country 1/2 Trillion Dollars MORE then we Taxed. Since 1981 we have SPENT $8 Trillion more then we taxed. LOOK at the Treasury Web Site.
on Nov 01, 2007
ou are the stupid one. If you current income is not enough to pay all your bills and you have cut everything you can cut you likewise seek a higher paying job, try and work OT or get a second job to provide the money to meet you bills. The Tax increase to the wealthy is like the second job or getting a better paying job.

Col, you first have to eliminate the unnecessary before you can figure out if you need the part time job or not. What you are suggesting is to add more crap to the crap we already have and raise taxes to make up for it. That is stupid economy. You don't add more problems to the current problems we have and then try to compensate by finding another job. That's like fixing a leaky pipe with duck tape rather than replacing the pipe. Stupid economics, and I should now. I have plenty of experience with stupid economics.

I understand the wealthy are greedy and want to keep all their money even though they have everything and more then they need.

Are you wealthy Col? Cause if you are not, how can you understand anything about wealthy people. You have just stereotyped every single rich person into a greedy monster who only thinks about themselves. Well let me tell you something Col, if I worked my butt off and made a lot of money, don't expect me to be giving my money up to a bunch of freeloaders who refuse to look for work and instead chose to live off the tits of the Federal Gov't.

You know nothing about people in general, everyone wants to keep their money, rich or poor. I can not believe you have the nerve to single out a certain group of people who most have worked hard to earn what they have and all they get from the great people of this nation is put downs. I can not believe we have reached a point in life where we live in a country where people have all chances in the world to reach the American dream, the we strive to make this country better by pouring billions into the school system, that we do everything within our power to provide those less fortunate chances to improve their lives and for what? So jerks like Col can round them up, stereotype them and insult them because they achieved that which this country gave them the ability to do.

Is this what being American is all about? Being given all chances to better your life by people like the Democrats and once you achieve that goal they set for you they insult you for reaching that goal? This is so sickening I almost want to throw up. How can a political party care about a group of people and want to help them succeed but once they succeed they prize is insults because they make too much money.
on Nov 01, 2007
When people stop calling me names when they do not like the facts I provide I would be glad to.

That's OK Col. I would never expect a person like you to admit when you are wrong. Regardless of what you say you owe me and I will make sure you never forget that.
on Nov 01, 2007
Reply By: CharlesCS1 Posted: Wednesday, October 31, 2007
OK, I've had just about enough of your BS Col gene. You better be prepared to own up to your own words when I start throwing them in your face you hypocrite.

I have no idea nor do I support any new programs that we can not pay for and until we pay for what we are doing.

You lying Son of a (beep). Let me line up all your articles that disprove this BS reply of yours:

I thought you did not call me an SOB! What do you think "You lying Son of a (beep)." is?
on Nov 01, 2007
Recent true story:

A couple with 7 children, on Medicaid, recently sold enough of their food stamps to buy an iPod. The iPod was then stolen so, as one of the kids said, "We didn't have any food or music." The state in its wisdom has since fostered out all 7 of the children. The parents are now free to party hearty & see the kids whenever. And Gene thinks these people need more of our money.
on Nov 01, 2007
The Tax increase to the wealthy is like the second job or getting a better paying job.

except that it will cost more to collect than what is collected.

havent you been paying attention. we are collecting more taxes now than we were in 1999.

on Nov 01, 2007
You know Gene, if I could just take money out of your paycheck to pay my bills, I could be out of debt too.
on Nov 01, 2007
You lying Son of a (beep). Let me line up all your articles that disprove this BS reply of yours:

I thought you did not call me an SOB! What do you think "You lying Son of a (beep)." is?

What do you think it is? All you can do is assume I said SOB but you can not prove I did. And just in case you think there is nothing else it could have been, try watching the movie Toy Story, close to the end where Mr PotatoHead clearly says "Son of a Building Block". There is also "Son of a Gun". So unless you can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt I said SOB, you still owe me an apology.
on Nov 01, 2007
You know Gene, if I could just take money out of your paycheck to pay my bills, I could be out of debt too.

Not unless you have no problem dealing with dirty money, cause any money made by this man can not be seen as anything other than dirty.
on Nov 01, 2007

Reply By: Daiwa Posted: Thursday, November 01, 2007
Recent true story:

“A couple with 7 children, on Medicaid, recently sold enough of their food stamps to buy an iPod. The iPod was then stolen so, as one of the kids said, "We didn't have any food or music." The state in its wisdom has since fostered out all 7 of the children. The parents are now free to party hearty & see the kids whenever. And Gene thinks these people need more of our money.”

I know there are examples just like you gave us. There are also MILLIONS who need the help and do not abuse the system. You and many of the so called Compassionate Conservatives want to treat all the poor like they are trying to abuse the system when the vast majority just need the help. No matter what you say, Bush and the GOP have shifted the wealth from the middle income to the rich and that is not healthy for our country. You talk about class warfare. Nothing contributes more to that then to have the poor and middle income working Americans who do work hard be unable to live watch the wealthy become more and more wealthy. I saw the incomes of the top 100 hedge Fund Managers and they are ridiculous. They do not deserve nor is their function worth anything like 100 Plus Million per year. I would have surtax for people in at that level much higher then the 4.5% proposed by the Ways and Means committee.

Reply By: ParaTed2k
Posted: Thursday, November 01, 2007
You know Gene, if I could just take money out of your paycheck to pay my bills, I could be out of debt too.

That is BS. Returning to the higher tax rates for the wealthy would help this country and would not cause the wealthy any change in their lavish life style!

Reply By: danielost

The Tax increase to the wealthy is like the second job or getting a better paying job.

Except that it will cost more to collect than what is collected.

Haven’t you been paying attention? We are collecting more taxes now than we were in 1999. And we are spending far more, It is you that does not listed—WE SPENT $500 Billion more last year then we TAXED!

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