Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on December 14, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

For the second time Bush vetoed the bill that would provide millions of children health care. The compromise bill changed the two major objections Bush had to the first bill he vetoed. It lowered the income levels and eliminated illegals from coverage.

For anyone to say Bush is a Compassionate Conservative is a LIE! Bush is an evil man who acts in a way that shows he is a hypocrite when he claims to be a Christian! What a disgrace to our great country to have a leader the likes of George W. Bush. I hope his father is proud of little George! This is what comes from a child that is handed everything and produced almost nothing of value by his own efforts!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 14, 2007

there is a big difference between helping and doing it for them

what should be going on is no one enrolls in schip.

child goes to doc. office, or er. if parents can't pay schip does.
on Dec 14, 2007
You claim to be a Christian and yet you won't pray for your President.

Why won't you pray for your President?
on Dec 14, 2007
Reply By: Gideon MacLeishPosted: Friday, December 14, 2007
See, there's where your ignorance shines through. If you actually READ my blog rather than just ranting on your own, you'd know I very rarely support Bush's actions. I just disagree that he is evil incarnate, unlike you who see Hillary Clinton as the Messiah, and George W. Bush as the devil (odd choices for a man who makes dubious claims to believe in Christ).

I never said Bush was a devil I said he is EVIL. Evil is, “Causing pain, harm or injury". Bush has caused death and injury of our troops in Iraq first because he invaded Iraq and second because he did not send enough troops to secure the country to prevent the attacks that has resulted in MOST of the dead and injured American Military. Now he has prevented health care for millions of Children that will result in PAIN and DEATH for some children that will not receive the health care they need. Bush is EVIL!!!!!
on Dec 14, 2007
OK, so now the truth conmes out. You believe Hussein was a good man.

By your definition, the intervening years of sanctions against Iraq were evil. That indicts your buddy, Bill Clinton. Also, FDR was evil, as was Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, and a host of others. In fact, your definition of "evil" is so broad, it could apply to just about anyone.

In fact, you served 30 years for the very military that you are condemning. If "doing harm to others" fits your definition of evil, Col, you are, by your very own definition, an evil man.

Get the splinter out of your eye.
on Dec 14, 2007
Reply By: Gideon MacLeishPosted: Friday, December 14, 2007OK, so now the truth conmes out. You believe Hussein was a good man.

Show me where I said that! I have said Saddam was a evil dictator.

The issue here is BUSH. His actions show him to be EVIL. Killing our troops and preventing millions of Children from receiving health care they may need is EVIL. No matter what you say those are the facts.
on Dec 14, 2007

Why won't you pray for your President?

Is the god you believe in NOT big enough to change a man's heart?
on Dec 14, 2007
Reply By: Adventure-DudePosted: Friday, December 14, 2007
Why won't you pray for your President?
Is the god you believe in NOT big enough to change a man's heart?

The President is a stubborn man whose heart is hardened to only what he wants. He continues to harm our country and shows NO sign of changing. He should experience the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future. He turned his back on millions of Tinny Tim's when he vetoed the S-Chip Bill! He does not have any real compassion just the show for the cameras.
on Dec 14, 2007
He turned his back on millions of Tinny Tim's when he vetoed the S-Chip Bill! He does not have any real compassion just the show for the cameras.


on Dec 14, 2007
The President is a stubborn man whose heart is hardened to only what he wants. He continues to harm our country and shows NO sign of changing. He should experience the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future. He turned his back on millions of Tinny Tim's when he vetoed the S-Chip Bill! He does not have any real compassion just the show for the cameras.

Even more of a reason to pray for the President?

JC prayed, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:34)

He didn't say, Smite them for their stubborn hearts.
on Dec 14, 2007
Reply By: Island DogPosted: Friday, December 14, 2007
He turned his back on millions of Tinny Tim's when he vetoed the S-Chip Bill! He does not have any real compassion just the show for the cameras.

Your sense of humor is Morose!
Reply By: Adventure-DudePosted: Friday, December 14, 2007

The President is a stubborn man whose heart is hardened to only what he wants. He continues to harm our country and shows NO sign of changing. He should experience the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future. He turned his back on millions of Tinny Tim's when he vetoed the S-Chip Bill! He does not have any real compassion just the show for the cameras.
Even more of a reason to pray for the President? JC prayed, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:34)He didn't say, Smite them for their stubborn hearts.

How about YOU pray for him. I will pray for the defeat of the GOP in November 2008 so that the change Americans want can take place!

on Dec 14, 2007
How about YOU pray for him.

I don't remember anywhere where it said to pray for the defeat of a political party, but I see a lot about intercession for other PEOPLE. George W. Bush is a person, Gene. It would do you well to remember that, regardless of how much you hate his politics.
on Dec 14, 2007
How about YOU pray for him. I will pray for the defeat of the GOP in November 2008 so that the change Americans want can take place!

I'm not the one touting judgment on the President now am I?

If the god you believe in can't change the heart of a President what makes you think your god is big enough to defeat the GOP?
on Dec 14, 2007
Reply | Edit | DeleteReply By: JythierPosted: Friday, December 14, 2007
How about YOU pray for him.
I don't remember anywhere where it said to pray for the defeat of a political party, but I see a lot about intercession for other PEOPLE. George W. Bush is a person, Gene. It would do you well to remember that, regardless of how much you hate his politics.

You pray for the person Bush and I will pray for the persons that oppose the GOP persons in November 2008!
on Dec 14, 2007
whose heart is hardened to only what he wants.

oh so you can see into the hearts of men?
on Dec 14, 2007
Reply By: Adventure-DudePosted: Friday, December 14, 2007
How about YOU pray for him. I will pray for the defeat of the GOP in November 2008 so that the change Americans want can take place!
I'm not the one touting judgment on the President now am I?If the god you believe in can't change the heart of a President what makes you think your god is big enough to defeat the GOP?

There is always HOPE!
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