Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on December 14, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

For the second time Bush vetoed the bill that would provide millions of children health care. The compromise bill changed the two major objections Bush had to the first bill he vetoed. It lowered the income levels and eliminated illegals from coverage.

For anyone to say Bush is a Compassionate Conservative is a LIE! Bush is an evil man who acts in a way that shows he is a hypocrite when he claims to be a Christian! What a disgrace to our great country to have a leader the likes of George W. Bush. I hope his father is proud of little George! This is what comes from a child that is handed everything and produced almost nothing of value by his own efforts!

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on Dec 14, 2007
Reply By: Adventure-DudePosted: Friday, December 14, 2007
whose heart is hardened to only what he wants.
oh so you can see into the hearts of men?

Just like Bush could see into the heart of Putin for example!
on Dec 14, 2007
Reply By: Adventure-DudePosted: Friday, December 14, 2007
whose heart is hardened to only what he wants.
oh so you can see into the hearts of men?

The best way is by his actions. Killing our Military and denying children health care for example!
on Dec 14, 2007
There is always HOPE!

Hope in what? Or is that the name of your god?

Just like Bush could see into the heart of Putin for example!

I didn't ask about Bush I asked about you!
on Dec 14, 2007
The best way is by his actions.

What about you? Your actions condemn the President rather than pray for him.

1I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2)
on Dec 14, 2007
Reply By: Adventure-DudePosted: Friday, December 14, 2007
There is always HOPE!
Hope in what? Or is that the name of your god?

That the American Voters will choose to end the GOP's ability to BLOCK the change that MOST people want! Anyone can see what is going on in Washington. No matter what change is proposed Bush and the GOP BLOCK action. I wish the democrats had used the same tactic when Bush sent his policies to Congress.
on Dec 14, 2007
I wish the democrats had used the same tactic when Bush sent his policies to Congress.

they did
on Dec 14, 2007
That the American Voters will choose to end the GOP's ability to BLOCK the change that MOST people want! Anyone can see what is going on in Washington. No matter what change is proposed Bush and the GOP BLOCK action. I wish the democrats had used the same tactic when Bush sent his policies to Congress.

So you put your hope in man and not your god?

or is your "hope in man" your god?
on Dec 14, 2007
The best way is by his actions. Killing our Military and denying children health care for example!

How pathetic.

The lies and propganda coming from you are amazing.  You are a true democrat.

on Dec 14, 2007
Reply By: Island DogPosted: Friday, December 14, 2007
The best way is by his actions. Killing our Military and denying children health care for example!
How pathetic.The lies and propganda coming from you are amazing. You are a true democrat.

There nothing but TRUTH in the above. If you are saying Bush is not responsible for the death and injury of our military you are a LIER. If you are saying Millions of Children will not have the health care they need is not true you are a LIAR!
on Dec 14, 2007
The best way is by his actions.

What about you? Your actions condemn the President rather than pray for him.

1I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2)

on Dec 14, 2007
Your sense of humor is Morose!

Your sense of melodrama is hysterical.

You are one sad, pathetic mouthpiece, Gene. You should be screaming at the freakin' Dems who insisted on sticking provisions in the bill that were not only unnecessary expansions of the federal tit, but would guarantee a veto, shit-for-brains. If you so give a shit about "the children" then you are bitching in the wrong place - go to DU and condemn the fruitcakes who purposely crafted a dead bill for their own political gain, fuck the children. Dems & terrorists both use children in the same way. Let them submit a bill that doesn't extend to stay-at-home adults of 25, that even comes close to being only for those truly in need. You are apparently too stupid to even understand the definition of the words "children" and "poverty" and your rhetoric tells me you don't give one rat's ass about the "children" - only for any fucking agenda that you can use to accuse one man, ONE MAN, of being evil. You make the Hollywood shirtsleeve liberals look good, and that's sayin' something.
on Dec 15, 2007
If you are saying Bush is not responsible for the death and injury of our military you are a LIER.

Once again gene, if you want to insult me at least take the time to learn how to spell the insult right!

The only thing you care about gene is Bush, with some weird obsession you have with him.

on Dec 15, 2007
If you are saying Millions of Children will not have the health care they need is not true you are a LIAR!

And that is the fault of the parents, not Bush.  If you can't provide for your children, don't have them.

Personal responsibility, look it up gene.

I have never seen someone who wants so much government assistance.

on Dec 15, 2007
Reply By: Adventure-DudePosted: Friday, December 14, 2007
The best way is by his actions.
What about you? Your actions condemn the President rather than pray for him.

He will not change so prayers are of no help!

They would not help. Bush will not change!
Reply By: DaiwaPosted: Friday, December 14, 2007
Your sense of humor is Morose!
Your sense of melodrama is hysterical.You are one sad, pathetic mouthpiece, Gene.

Not nearly as pathetic you anyone that supports a President that kills our troops and denies children health care!
on Dec 15, 2007
Reply By: Island DogPosted: Saturday, December 15, 2007
If you are saying Millions of Children will not have the health care they need is not true you are a LIAR!
And that is the fault of the parents, not Bush. If you can't provide for your children, don't have them.Personal responsibility, look it up gene.I have never seen someone who wants so much government assistance.

If the parents have the type of jobs that are being created that pay $10-12 per hour and have no health benefits, they CAN NOT AFFORD HEALTH CARE FOR THEIR CHILDREN! Bush and the GOP place their political ideas ABOVE the needs of Children that CAN NOT provide for themselves!
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