Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on December 14, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

For the second time Bush vetoed the bill that would provide millions of children health care. The compromise bill changed the two major objections Bush had to the first bill he vetoed. It lowered the income levels and eliminated illegals from coverage.

For anyone to say Bush is a Compassionate Conservative is a LIE! Bush is an evil man who acts in a way that shows he is a hypocrite when he claims to be a Christian! What a disgrace to our great country to have a leader the likes of George W. Bush. I hope his father is proud of little George! This is what comes from a child that is handed everything and produced almost nothing of value by his own efforts!

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on Dec 16, 2007
As Gene is quick to point out, we already have too many people behaving irresponsibly & living beyond their means. How will making it even less onerous to behave irresponsibly and live beyond one's means help the situation, exactly? What message would that send to our younger generations?

Once real welfare reform worked (to their horror), people like Gene went into control withdrawal & started looking elsewhere to satisfy their craving - hence, the artificially pumped up "healthcare crisis." May there be enough sane people remaining in the US to save us from the nanny-state liberals of Gene's ilk who would kill us with their faux kindness and never have a clue what went wrong.
on Dec 16, 2007
CNN Just had a segment about health insurance. They were talking about the reasons why families do not have either ANY coverage or have coverage that does not pay for some medical treatment. The major reason families do not have coverage is COST!!!!! The AVERAGE COST for a family health insurance policy today is $12,000 per year. The Clip said even a family with a $60,000 income can not afford 1/5 of their GROSS income just for medical Insurance premiums! That is WHY the S-CHIP is needed and Bush is EVIL for casting a VETO against Children! He is truly a 21st Century SCROOGE!
on Dec 16, 2007
CNN Just had a segment about health insurance. They were talking about the reasons why families do not have either ANY coverage or have coverage that does not pay for some medical treatment. The major reason families do not have coverage is COST!!!!! The AVERAGE COST for a family health insurance policy today is $12,000 per year. The Clip said even a family with a $60,000 income can not afford 1/5 of their GROSS income just for medical Insurance premiums! That is WHY the S-CHIP is needed and Bush is EVIL for casting a VETO against Children! He is truly a 21st Century SCROOGE!

this is a lie

if i wanted it i could have insurance with a wife and 2 kids for 150 a month.
and that is with preextening problems

on Dec 16, 2007
this is a lieif i wanted it i could have insurance with a wife and 2 kids for 150 a month.and that is with preextening problems

Not insurance that would cover most of your medical expenses. I have personal knowledge of the cost of GOOD health insurance. Blue Cross for example in the Philadelphia area is about $900 per month for family coverage! You are the Liar!
on Dec 16, 2007
on Dec 16, 2007
Reply By: danielostPosted: Sunday, December 16, 2007whatever'

"Whatever" is your response when your posting is shown to be BS?
on Dec 16, 2007

CNN Just had a segment about health insurance. They were talking about the reasons why families do not have either ANY coverage or have coverage that does not pay for some medical treatment. The major reason families do not have coverage is COST!!!!! The AVERAGE COST for a family health insurance policy today is $12,000 per year. The Clip said even a family with a $60,000 income can not afford 1/5 of their GROSS income just for medical Insurance premiums! That is WHY the S-CHIP is needed and Bush is EVIL for casting a VETO against Children! He is truly a 21st Century SCROOGE!

Then perhaps they should not have children they can't afford to care for.

Please explain why I should have to pay for someone else's children? You never answer this. What is the legal basis in which my family should be forced to pay for someone else's health insurance?

on Dec 16, 2007

Not insurance that would cover most of your medical expenses. I have personal knowledge of the cost of GOOD health insurance. Blue Cross for example in the Philadelphia area is about $900 per month for family coverage! You are the Liar!

So now I'm not only expected to pay for the health insurance of others but I'm now being told that I need to pay for "GOOD" health insurance for other people.

The parasite class needs to just get a grip and start taking some responsibility for their lives rather than leeching off the productive class.

on Dec 16, 2007
For a self-proclaimed religious guy, you seem to have forgotten the "Give a man a fish & he eats for a day..." proverb, Gene. You want to steal fish from me to give it to whoever you decide needs it. I want people to learn to fish for themselves.
on Dec 16, 2007
The parasite class needs to just get a grip and start taking some responsibility for their lives rather than leeching off the productive class.

actually the parasite class wants to make sure no one is leeching off of them isn't that right gene.
on Dec 16, 2007
Reply By: danielostPosted: Sunday, December 16, 2007whatever'

"Whatever" is your response when your posting is shown to be BS?

this is what i say when whatever you just said made no sense what so ever. not that a lot of your stuff makes much sense in the first place.
on Dec 16, 2007
The parasite class needs to just get a grip and start taking some responsibility for their lives rather than leeching off the productive class.

Gene is an embarrassment to me. I am a lower income wage earner who doesn't WANT to be a part of the parasite class, and is, frankly, OFFENDED like assholes like Gene who make 3-4 times what I make and stand there and tell me "what's good for me!"


You do not speak for me, you do not speak for ANY lower income Americans; if you did, you'd actually SELL those books that make such convenient paperweights!
on Dec 17, 2007
He will not change so prayers are of no help!

They would not help. Bush will not change!

Then please do not call yourself a Christian because you are no better then your accusations.
on Dec 17, 2007
lease explain why I should have to pay for someone else's children? You never answer this.

And I'm sure he won't. 

Anybody with real experience can tell gene is posting the most exaggerated numbers there are, and to qutoe them from CNN is just too funny.

That is WHY the S-CHIP is needed and Bush is EVIL for casting a VETO against Children! He is truly a 21st Century SCROOGE!

Someone is not evil for the reasons you stated.  You have really gone off the deep end.

on Dec 17, 2007
do you know what is wrong with america.

it is the fact that the WORKING poor in this country do not think of themselves as poor.

thus since they don't think that way they don't act that way.

oh wait did i say what was wrong. i meant what is right.
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