Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on December 14, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

For the second time Bush vetoed the bill that would provide millions of children health care. The compromise bill changed the two major objections Bush had to the first bill he vetoed. It lowered the income levels and eliminated illegals from coverage.

For anyone to say Bush is a Compassionate Conservative is a LIE! Bush is an evil man who acts in a way that shows he is a hypocrite when he claims to be a Christian! What a disgrace to our great country to have a leader the likes of George W. Bush. I hope his father is proud of little George! This is what comes from a child that is handed everything and produced almost nothing of value by his own efforts!

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on Dec 18, 2007
have you ever thought that some of those new wealthy people were middle class or even lower class.
on Dec 18, 2007
Reply By: Island DogPosted: Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The shift in wealth from the middle income to the wealthy that is the result of the Bush Tax Cuts has done MORE to fuel Class warfare then anything!
Wealth wasn't taken away from the "middle class", people just have to pay less taxes which included people in the middle income range.

Yes wealth is being shifted by taxes, higher energy costs and the loss of manufacturing and high Tec jobs that are going to other countries. The Bush policies are in part responsible for these changes.

This how you twist your way out of an debate. Their "spending" won't be impacted, but their investment in business and employees will as has been stated to you several times by people who run businesses. Your problem is you think all rich people are greedy and don't do anything with their money.

That is the supply side economics that did not work in the 1980'2 or during the past 7 years. Voodoo economics Bush 41 called it and the fact remains that tax cuts to the middle income workers is far more effective in stimulating economic growth then tax cuts to the wealthy!

on Dec 18, 2007

Tax cuts that stimulate spending (to middle income tax payers) do help the economy. However the Bush and Reagan tax cuts to the wealthy just created a Deficit that has increased the budget because of the interest on the Debt! The Comptroller General has documented that and has said to continue the Bush Tax Cuts will further increase the debt. That was also the conclusion of the Brookings Institute study on the Bush Tax Cuts!

The Brookings Institute is a left-wing think tank.

Moreover, you are doing a bait and switch with your argument. We can argue all day long whether tax cuts for the wealthy create deficits or not. My answer to that is "it depends" on how much of a tax cut it is and under what circumstances.

But your issue had to do with helping the economy. Tax cuts, especially for the wealthy, help the economy. That's not a matter of opinion. That is self-evident fact.


on Dec 18, 2007

Yes wealth is being shifted by taxes, higher energy costs and the loss of manufacturing and high Tec jobs that are going to other countries. The Bush policies are in part responsible for these changes.

Higher taxes on the wealthy will worsen this.

Here's what happens:

Taxes, for the wealthiest Americans, are simply another form of expense that they deal with. If you increase their expenses, you increase the incentive to find more profitable ways to keep doing what they're doing. One way to do that is to move operations overseas.

Bush's policies certainly haven't helped or hurt with regards to tech jobs moving overseas. He didn't do anything to help an already bad situation but he also didn't do anything to hurt.

But if you raise taxes, you will unquestionably cause more outsourcing.

on Dec 18, 2007
But your issue had to do with helping the economy. Tax cuts, especially for the wealthy, help the economy. That's not a matter of opinion. That is self-evident fact.

Tax cuts to middle income taxpayers are far more effective to stimulate the economy then to the wealthy. With all the tax cuts to the wealthy we have now, the economy should be BOOMING! IT IS NOT!!!!!
on Dec 18, 2007
flow to

As in "came from" in the first place.
on Dec 18, 2007
the economy should be BOOMING! IT IS NOT!!!!!

Economies can't "boom" all the time. Basic economics. And the government has imperfect means to influence the economy in the short run. The economy depends on far more than government policy, unless of course you live in a socialist country where the economy is 100% dependent on the government. That seems to have worked out well where it's been tried, don't ya think?
on Dec 18, 2007

Tax cuts to middle income taxpayers are far more effective to stimulate the economy then to the wealthy. With all the tax cuts to the wealthy we have now, the economy should be BOOMING! IT IS NOT!!!!!

Simply stating something to be a truth doesn't make it a truth.

I don't think I've ever heard anyone support the argument that middle class tax cuts would have much of an effect.  The middle class doesn't pay enough in taxes to make a cut do much.

The top 25% (i.e. "upper class") pay 85% of the taxes. The remaining 75% pay the last 15%.  So I'm not sure exactly on what basis you think that a middle class tax cut would do this stimulating.

Moreover, the middle class would simply consume such a tax cut by purchasing commodities. While that's nice for retailers and manufacturers (increasingly foreign as you regularly point out) it doesn't have much long-term impact. Once the money has been consumed, it's gone.

The upper class, by contrast, generally makes their money by producing things (making stuff, moving stuff, growing stuff). Tax cuts provide more capital for them to invest in what they are doing which creates jobs, higher profits and in the long term more taxes.

on Dec 19, 2007
Reply By: DraginolPosted: Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tax cuts to middle income taxpayers are far more effective to stimulate the economy then to the wealthy. With all the tax cuts to the wealthy we have now, the economy should be BOOMING! IT IS NOT!!!!!
Simply stating something to be a truth doesn't make it a truth.I don't think I've ever heard anyone support the argument that middle class tax cuts would have much of an effect. The middle class doesn't pay enough in taxes to make a cut do much.

That is not true. Middle income families pay $5-10,000 per year in federal Income taxes. When this group receives a tax cut, they spend almost all of it and the economy grows because of that added spending. When the very wealthy receive a tax cut very little is spent and the increase demand does not develop to the same extent as when middle income taxpayers get the tax cuts. These are not opinions but established fact. It is true the middle income taxpayers did not receive the big bucks from Bush the big cuts went to the upper income tax payers who do not spent most of that added money.

In 2006, the average tax cuts for the second 20% was $400. The middle 20% was $687. The top 1% in 2006 received $51,745 on the average.

The proof that tax cuts to the wealthy does not work can be scene from what took place in the 1980’s and again since 2001. Big Tax Cuts to the wealthy increased spending produced huge deficits!

Source: Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy Tax Model, March 2007.
on Dec 19, 2007
Don't ya just love how gene knows how everyone spends their money?
on Dec 19, 2007
Reply By: Island DogPosted: Wednesday, December 19, 2007Don't ya just love how gene knows how everyone spends their money?

It is called Economics. There are many studies and data that clearly shows that the higher the income the less of each added dollar is spent. When you make stupid statements that middle income taxpayers do not pay much in taxes you show just how little you know. Relative to their income middle income taxpayers pay a significant amount in taxes!
on Dec 19, 2007
Relative to their income middle income taxpayers pay a significant amount in taxes!

(sigh) Do you know what a percentage IS, Col?

I'm betting NOT!
on Dec 19, 2007
Reply By: Gideon MacLeishPosted: Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Relative to their income middle income taxpayers pay a significant amount in taxes!
(sigh) Do you know what a percentage IS, Col?I'm betting NOT!

The key is Relative to their income. It requires a certain amount to provide the essential things such as housing, food, energy, health, transportation, clothing etc. When you look as a family with an annual income of $60,000 they pay $5-6000 in income tax, payroll taxes of $3,500, real estate tax if the own a home and sales taxes. If you add the 5,000 income tax; 3,500 payroll taxes, 3,500 Real Estate tax and 1,500 in sales tax you have $13,500 out of $60,000. That is significant.

If a person has an income of $1,000,000 they pay 4/10 of one percent in Social Security Taxes. The person with a $60,000 income pays 4 % or ten times the rate of the person making a million dollars. It is also true that the wealthy got MOST of the tax cuts since 2001 and have the ability to pay more then the middle income family because they got a drip in tax cuts compared with the wealthy.
on Dec 19, 2007
The key is Relative to their income. It requires a certain amount to provide the essential things such as housing, food, energy, health, transportation, clothing etc. When you look as a family with an annual income of $60,000 they pay $5-6000 in income tax, payroll taxes of $3,500, real estate tax if the own a home and sales taxes. If you add the 5,000 income tax; 3,500 payroll taxes, 3,500 Real Estate tax and 1,500 in sales tax you have $13,500 out of $60,000. That is significant.

If a person has an income of $1,000,000 they pay 4/10 of one percent in Social Security Taxes. The person with a $60,000 income pays 4 % or ten times the rate of the person making a million dollars. It is also true that the wealthy got MOST of the tax cuts since 2001 and have the ability to pay more then the middle income family because they got a drip in tax cuts compared with the wealthy.

1,000,000 x 32%= 320000 income tax
1,000,000 x 16%= 160000 payroll tax(i doubled this because this guy is probable
self employed so he/she is paying both halfs of
the payroll tax)
1,000,000 ----= 3500
1,000,000 -----= 1500 i left these two the same because i don't know
what you based them on.0

total 485000
of course this is wrong because i am sure the rich guy lives in a better house and drives/owns a better car.
on Dec 19, 2007
the above numbers look like 50% to me
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