Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on December 26, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

When I listened to Ron Paul being interviewed on Meet the Press and while watching the Republican debates, two of the most fundamental conservative axioms we hear from Republicans were shown to be fabrications.

First is an individual make better spending choices then government.

Second is that government spending is ineffective and wasteful.

Spending Choices

Does anyone believe that if all or most spending choices were made by individuals that they would say I need to spend money to help replace that tank the 1st Armored Division needs? I will repair the section of I95 between, mile marker X and Y in George. Baby Carol Smith needs formula today and I will buy it for her. We need another border guard to stop illegals and possibly terrorists from crossing into the U.S.

The truth is none of those and many other choices that are essential for our country to survive and prosper would be made by individuals. The spending choices must be made by BOTH individuals to provide for individual needs but the needs of our society and to insure our security and to facilitate commerce, banking, law enforcement and many other items must be made collectively by government.

That is not to say that some spending choices by government, like to build the bridge in Alaska where about 50 people lived, are the best choices. However if the choice were to repair a bridge that enabled tens of thousands to get to work each day that spending choice would be sound and could be essential.

Government spending is Wasteful

In most cases when the government spends tax dollars that money returns to the economy and helps individuals and business. If the Federal Government buys that tank the 1st Armored Division needs, Americans are put to work and the companies that make the tank earn a profit. That helps the people who own the stock of the companies who make and assemble that tank. It also provides something we NEED to protect our freedom. If the Federal government adds that Border Guard, that person spends the salary they are paid from taxes and that helps the economy. An expenditure the government makes that does not help our people is the interest on the debt that is paid to foreign investors. That tax money does not return to our economy.

If an individual takes their tax cut and invests it in a business that employs people outside the U.S. that investment takes money from our economy. In that case the spending choice by an individual harms the economy. Thus these two GOP axioms above are not true and it is time the American Voters understand the true nature of Federal spending. We do need to pay for our spending and STOP deficit spending! The GOP is supporting political ideas that are NOT in agreement with the majority of Americans. As a Republican I can not understand HOW the GOP got so far from the mainstream of the American People. Most Republicans can not complete a sentence without using the word “Conservative”. The majority of Americans are NOT Conservatives.

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on Jan 04, 2008
They know when they run out of money before the end on the month or before the next pay check.
Because of their personal chocies and bad financial decision.

Because wages after inflation ARE NOT keeping up with increased costs. Gas has increased 31% in one year and home heating oil is up over 38%. Food is up, Health care, insurance premiums. New jobs pay far less with few if any benefits. Bush would not be talking about helping middle income families if the GOP were not scared. He spent the past 7 years IGNORING the poor and middle income Americans!

The choices people make this year are no worse then they have been in the past. There are some who do not make good choices but the mortgage problems, the impact of lost manufacturing and high Tec jobs and the increased costs are the problem not that people are making worse choices now then in the past!
on Jan 04, 2008
Reply By: DraginolPosted: Friday, January 04, 2008If my taxes go up, I'll have to lay people off. It's as simple as that. How does that help the economy?

BS. You will have to layoff people if the economy goes into RECESSION and people can not BUY what you produce or sell!
on Jan 04, 2008
the impact of lost manufacturing and high Tec jobs

I'm going to tell you for a fact, Col, that the reason we lose high tech jobs is because we do not have a properly trained workforce.

As an IT pro, I can assure you, there is no shortage of work in the field. That is why companies outsource, because they're hard pressed to find enough American employees to do the job.
on Jan 04, 2008
Reply By: ParaTed2kPosted: Friday, January 04, 2008If you really want to see things get fixed, start the fixes at the local and state levels first... where most the real government work gets (or doesn't get) done.

The problem is not because local and state governments are going into debt. They are being given more of a problem as the Fed pushes more on to their plate. A good example is the reduction in Medicaid Funding from the Fed. That ADDS to the State burden. The requirements of the “NO Child Left Behind” add to the cost of education and both local and state taxes must increase to pay the added cost imposed by the Federal law which Bush and the GOP DID NOT FUND!!!!!!!!!
on Jan 04, 2008
There are some who do not make good choices but the mortgage problems, the impact of lost manufacturing and high Tec jobs and the increased costs are the problem not that people are making worse choices now then in the past!

Are you kidding me?  The mortgage "problem", remember it wasn't a problem until democrats and the media got a hold of it.  It is the problem that people choose mortgages they couldn't afford, and their poor financial decisions made it.  Only you could blame that on Bush.

BS. You will have to layoff people if the economy goes into RECESSION and people can not BUY what you produce or sell!

I love how gene tries to tell everyone what they will have to do.  You have absolutley no idea about the world gene.

Remember that genes solution to everything is to tax employers, and let the federal government take care of you.  What a great idea gene!  LOL.

on Jan 04, 2008
gene also doesn't understand that the plane that went down in pa. would not have gone down if there hadn't been any Americans on board. because almost every person in every other country is used to sitting around and waiting for the government to solve the problem.

meaning that the fourth plane would have hit it's target.
on Jan 04, 2008
Reply By: Island DogPosted: Friday, January 04, 2008
There are some who do not make good choices but the mortgage problems, the impact of lost manufacturing and high Tec jobs and the increased costs are the problem not that people are making worse choices now then in the past!
Are you kidding me? The mortgage "problem", remember it wasn't a problem until democrats and the media got a hold of it. It is the problem that people choose mortgages they couldn't afford, and their poor financial decisions made it. Only you could blame that on Bush.

YOU are so full of BS!!! 3 million homes have gone into foreclosure and another two million are in trouble. NEITHER the Democrats nor the press caused this problem. It is the result of two factors-- One the rapid increase in housing prices and the mortgage industry that was allowed to create mortgages that made it look as if people could afford the higher cost homes when the truth is they could not. The Fed took hands off policy and the MARKET did what was best to sell mortgages and the Hell with the long term consequences. Now the loans are in trouble and it is affecting a lot more then JUST the individual Home Owners.
on Jan 04, 2008
BS. You will have to layoff people if the economy goes into RECESSION and people can not BUY what you produce or sell!
I love how gene tries to tell everyone what they will have to do. You have absolutley no idea about the world gene.

I successfully managed the fiscal operations of large companies for 35 years and I have a lot better understanding of how business works then most people on this Web Site.
on Jan 04, 2008
Reply By: Gideon MacLeishPosted: Friday, January 04, 2008
the impact of lost manufacturing and high Tec jobs
I'm going to tell you for a fact, Col, that the reason we lose high tech jobs is because we do not have a properly trained workforce.

That is ONLY part of the problem. The lower wages and no benefits of foreign workers is the PRIME reason jobs leave this country!
on Jan 04, 2008
I successfully managed the fiscal operations of large companies for 35 years and I have a lot better understanding of how business works then most people on this Web Site.

lets see if you started at 18 + 30 years military + 35 years managing companies is lets see 83 years.

meaning that either you are 83 years old or you are lieing. and i don't care if you were in the national guard.
on Jan 04, 2008
That is ONLY part of the problem. The lower wages and no benefits of foreign workers is the PRIME reason jobs leave this country!

Col, I'm telling you from firsthand experience that is bovine excrement when it comes to high tech jobs. Juan Valdez can't manage a firewall, and no amount of increased coffee beans per day is going to change that!
on Jan 04, 2008
I successfully managed the fiscal operations of large companies for 35 years and I have a lot better understanding of how business works then most people on this Web Site.

That really means nothing when your socialist views take over.  Time has shown you really have no idea how the world works. 

You and your advocacy of a nanny state prove that.

on Jan 04, 2008
Reply By: danielostPosted: Friday, January 04, 2008
I successfully managed the fiscal operations of large companies for 35 years and I have a lot better understanding of how business works then most people on this Web Site.
lets see if you started at 18 + 30 years military + 35 years managing companies is lets see 83 years.meaning that either you are 83 years old or you are lieing. and i don't care if you were in the national guard.

WHAT AN IDIOT YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I spent 5 Years on Active Duty and 25 years in the Army Reserve. YES I worked in financial management for 35 years and 5 years on active duty in the Army for a total of 40 Years!!!!!!!

Reply By: Gideon MacLeishPosted: Friday, January 04, 2008
That is ONLY part of the problem. The lower wages and no benefits of foreign workers is the PRIME reason jobs leave this country!
Col, I'm telling you from firsthand experience that is bovine excrement when it comes to high tech jobs. Juan Valdez can't manage a firewall, and no amount of increased coffee beans per day is going to change that!

I said that is part of the problem and the one you experienced. I know of people with experience in High Tec and manufacturing that can not get jobs in their fields and there jobs have been sent to other countries! I worked for Ford who sent the manufacture of IC’s to Taiwan because the wage rate in Taiwan was 1/20th of the U.S. Rate.

There are thousands of workers in Iowa for example at the old Maytag plant that have lost their jobs. Textile workers in New England that have lost their jobs. If you are saying the main reason jobs are going outside the U.S. is not because of lower labor costs, you do not know what you are talking about. We may need to improve education and training of U.S. Workers n but that is not the principal reason for the loss of manufacturing and high paying jobs to other countries!

on Jan 04, 2008
If your friends' training was so specialized that there was no comparable position with another company, then they weren't really well trained, were they?

No, you're right that a major reason companies outsource labor is lower labor costs, but that isn't the only reason. And how conveniently you forget it was a DEMOCRAT who ushered in the eras of NAFTA and GATT.
on Jan 04, 2008

BS. You will have to layoff people if the economy goes into RECESSION and people can not BUY what you produce or sell!

No.  I MAY have to lay people off IF the economy goes into recession.  By contrast I WILL have to lay people off IF taxes go up.

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