Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on December 26, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

When I listened to Ron Paul being interviewed on Meet the Press and while watching the Republican debates, two of the most fundamental conservative axioms we hear from Republicans were shown to be fabrications.

First is an individual make better spending choices then government.

Second is that government spending is ineffective and wasteful.

Spending Choices

Does anyone believe that if all or most spending choices were made by individuals that they would say I need to spend money to help replace that tank the 1st Armored Division needs? I will repair the section of I95 between, mile marker X and Y in George. Baby Carol Smith needs formula today and I will buy it for her. We need another border guard to stop illegals and possibly terrorists from crossing into the U.S.

The truth is none of those and many other choices that are essential for our country to survive and prosper would be made by individuals. The spending choices must be made by BOTH individuals to provide for individual needs but the needs of our society and to insure our security and to facilitate commerce, banking, law enforcement and many other items must be made collectively by government.

That is not to say that some spending choices by government, like to build the bridge in Alaska where about 50 people lived, are the best choices. However if the choice were to repair a bridge that enabled tens of thousands to get to work each day that spending choice would be sound and could be essential.

Government spending is Wasteful

In most cases when the government spends tax dollars that money returns to the economy and helps individuals and business. If the Federal Government buys that tank the 1st Armored Division needs, Americans are put to work and the companies that make the tank earn a profit. That helps the people who own the stock of the companies who make and assemble that tank. It also provides something we NEED to protect our freedom. If the Federal government adds that Border Guard, that person spends the salary they are paid from taxes and that helps the economy. An expenditure the government makes that does not help our people is the interest on the debt that is paid to foreign investors. That tax money does not return to our economy.

If an individual takes their tax cut and invests it in a business that employs people outside the U.S. that investment takes money from our economy. In that case the spending choice by an individual harms the economy. Thus these two GOP axioms above are not true and it is time the American Voters understand the true nature of Federal spending. We do need to pay for our spending and STOP deficit spending! The GOP is supporting political ideas that are NOT in agreement with the majority of Americans. As a Republican I can not understand HOW the GOP got so far from the mainstream of the American People. Most Republicans can not complete a sentence without using the word “Conservative”. The majority of Americans are NOT Conservatives.

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on Dec 28, 2007
Anyone who would argue that the DEFICIT is needed is so far off the reservation there is NO HOPE for them.

then the very first congress, along with George Washington. were so far off the reservation that there was NO HOPE for them.

yes, that is right gene, the first congress and George Washington decided that the USA should deficit spend.
on Dec 28, 2007
No it is because countries like China use what amounts to slave labor and pay NOTHING for that labor.

brad did not state why their labor costs were lower. he just stated that they were lower.
on Dec 28, 2007

No it is the refusal to do what is required to balance the budget. Anyone who would argue that the DEFICIT is needed is so far off the reservation there is NO HOPE for them

But you just said before that if congress votes for something then that program is needed. No qualifiers.

Therefore, congress must need there to be a deficit.

Now, I might agree with you that the real reason congress hasn't balanced the budget is because it doesn't have the will. But once you do that, the rest of your argument falls apart because I can just as easily argue that there's a heck of a lost of watseful spending that congress just doesn't have the will to get rid of.

on Dec 28, 2007

The wealthy squander far more energy per person the low and middle income people.

Certainly.  However, there just aren't enough of them damn rich people to make much difference.

By contrast, there's LOTS of middle class people.  They use the vast majority of the energy in this country because there's so many middle class.

rich live high on the HOG while increasing numbers of middle income families are in trouble

Define "in trouble"? Can't go to Starbucks twice a day? Can't easily afford a third car? Have to put off that 52 inch HD TV? What trouble do you think that the American middle class is in?  Perhaps you can cite some genuine evidence even.  A samll number of numbskulls who over bought on houses possibly having to move into an apartment is not represenative of the middle class.

on Dec 28, 2007

WHY should the compensation of the average CEO go from 40 to 400 times what the average worker makes?

For the same reason why actors, sports stars and other people make 40 to 400 times the average worker gets (and btw, the "average" CEO doesn't make 40 to 400 times, the average fortune 500 CEO does but there's only, by definition, 500 of them).

They make a lot more because the number of people capable and willing to do what they do is in short supply but demand is high.  Sure, YOU might be able to play basket ball and you might be able to act and you might even be able to act in a movie, but you aren't and if you did, you probably wouldn't be able to make it anywhere near to the top.

Asking why someone makes what they makes is like asking why tooth paste costs a couple bucks and a bottle of wine can cost hundreds.  It's the result of milllions of free choices made by individuals around the world.

on Dec 28, 2007

No it is because countries like China use what amounts to slave labor and pay NOTHING for that labor. They exploit women and children and ignore the most basic safety needs. They take the property rights of others manipulate their currency values and use dangerous cheep materials to make their products. Our government allows then to destroy both the health and safety of our consumers and the jobs of our workers.

How the Chinese have such cheap products is irrelevant to this discussion.  The net result is that their labor is cheaper than ours and American consumers shop on price and thus force American companies to hire on price to compete.

Should our goverment do something about this? Probably. But don't blame American companies for doing the exact same thing American consumers are doing - going with the cheapest product.

on Dec 28, 2007
Have to put off that 52 inch HD TV?

Actually, I live in an area where the median income is about $24,000/year, and I'm one of three people I know personally with a TV smaller than 32 inches.

The people I know are not rich.

And I drive a vehicle worth almost $10k, and it is one of the cheaper vehicles among my friends.

The truth is, the middle class may be "suffering" in some parts of the country, but it is likely because of their excess, NOT Bush's policies.
on Dec 28, 2007
gid i am going to beat gene to this and no i don't mean it.

you have to be lieing because the democrats keep saying that the middle class is getting worse and worse. and it is all brads fault. sorry brad.
on Dec 29, 2007
Gideon, I feel for ya buddy but $24k is not middle class. The median household income in the US is over $45k now.
on Dec 29, 2007
According to Wiki the median for family in L-Town is $38,594. $24K sounds really low.

on Dec 29, 2007
According to Wiki the median for family in L-Town is $38,594. $24K sounds really low.

When I checked the area, they said the median income for the area is $24k. You have to remember the high percentage of jobs in this area at WalMart, quick stops, etc. Even the nursing home south of us only pays $8/hour for CNA's

Actually, it says the median household income is $27 on that article, TW. It says the median FAMILY income is $38 (since most married families are 2 income, that would seem about right). It further puts the per capita income at $13, but because there are a lot of retirees, that seems normal.

So I may have confused another figure for the $24k, but I was only $3k below the mark...lol!


I realize $24K isn't middle class. My point was that people WELL below middle class are enjoying these luxuries, people that Col Gene insists are suffering.

To use a direct illustration, there's a young couple from this area who are currently out of work, who are complaining about their situation. They have two vehicle payments; one is $500/month, the other is $700/month. They have a $200/month payment on a trailer. They have a motorcycle with I don't know how much of a payment. Then you have to figure in credit cards, the oh-so-important big screen and stereo, and there you go. These people pay more for their TOYS than I pay for all of our bills put together. The wife is barely out of high school and has work experience only in fast food, the husband was a police officer, but decided it didn't suit him (after being a corrections officer and deciding it didn't suit him), but neither thinks their lifestyle is remotely excessive.
on Dec 29, 2007
Reply By: Gideon MacLeishPosted: Friday, December 28, 2007
Have to put off that 52 inch HD TV?
Actually, I live in an area where the median income is about $24,000/year, and I'm one of three people I know personally with a TV smaller than 32 inches.

I have no idea where you live but that not even close to the area where I live. CNN just reported that in the past 7 years the American Consumer has been forced to pay an additional $1.3 TRILLION dollars because of higher energy prices. They also said that is far more of a tax increase then democrats are talking about and this hits all income groups including the low and middle income families. The report also indicated that because of the sizeable increase in energy, the pressure on middle and low income families has been significant. The only economic group that is not suffering from the higher energy prices is the wealthy. Although they also are paying more it does not harm their ability to pay their bills and live the same life style!

A one bedroom apartment in the suburban Philadelphia area is $700-800 per month and that does not include utilities, TV or Phone. An apartment for a family is over $1100 per month plus utilities. To be able to live on $24,000 is a JOKE!
on Dec 29, 2007
To be able to live on $24,000 is a JOKE!

maybe but you are a bigger joke.
on Dec 29, 2007
Actually, it says the median household income is $27 on that article, TW. It says the median FAMILY income

According to Wiki the median for family in L-Town is $38,594. $24K sounds really low.

on Dec 29, 2007
A one bedroom apartment in the suburban Philadelphia area is $700-800 per month and that does not include utilities, TV or Phone. An apartment for a family is over $1100 per month plus utilities. To be able to live on $24,000 is a JOKE!


When you document the deaths in mass numbers from starvation in Philadelphia, I will believe you. Until then, you completely lack credibility, as people CAN and DO live on the numbers that you insist are "starvation wages" in all parts of the country.


I was going with the median household income (a different number, yes, I know...and I admittedly missed by $3k), but my point holds. I know a heck of a lot of people making $8 an hour who have 52 inch screen TV's, cable, and PS3's. Yes, they're in debt up to their eyeballs to get them, but that was a personal choice. Nobody twisted their arms.
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