Some would say that if George Bush’s lips move tonight in the State of the Union address he will be telling us more lies. If he tells us the economy is fundamentally sound we will know he is telling more lies.
In every sector of the economic news is bad. New home sales are the latest and many are predicting Real Estate will continue to decline into 2009. Existing home values have dropped 25% and millions may be close to the point where what they owe on their mortgage and home equity loans exceed the current value of their homes.
The census bureau has reported the median family saw their costs increased $1,700 more then their wages last year. Retail sales are in trouble and only stores that cater to the very wealthy are doing well. Ford is in another phase of early retirements. The deficit that Bush said was declining is again on the rise per the CBO and that is BEFORE the cost of the rebate plan. Credit card debt has increases as more and more people turn to credit to make up for increasing prices. Inflation is up and unemployment is increasing.
The basics in our economy are either weak or in serious trouble and there is no end in sight. The Senate needs to act quickly and CUT the income level for the Bush rebates to families with annual incomes below $100,000 per year. They need to take those savings and extend unemployment and increase the benefits to people who receive Food Stamps. They need to limit tax cuts to business to those who create NEW living wage jobs in the U.S. If Bush does not agree and vetoes these changes, the Democrats need to attempt to pass it OVER a Bush Veto and see how many GOP members of Congress are willing to commit suicide by sustaining any Bush veto of these changes!