Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on October 8, 2004 By COL Gene In Politics
As we move closer to Novemner 2, the polls continue to show a 50/50 split in America. If one were able to step back and look at the facts without the spin both sides use, it would seem to me Kerry should be far ahead.

Polls show that 60% want major changes in our policies and 89 % want some changes. Part of the 50% that are supporting Bush must be part of the 60% and 89% that want change. These Bush supporters must know he will not change in a second term and by voting for him they will get what they claim they do not want - more of the same!

The events in Iraq clearly show the way Bush conducted this war was an error. Even if you supported going to war, few can say he has done the job well. His choices have increased the danger to our military and have turned the Iraq people against the U.S. Why would we want to reward Bush with another term or run the risk of another conflict in which he applied his inept choices.

Look at the economic results:

Job growth that has not produced the jobs needed for our growing population. Bush tells us about the 1.5 million new jobs created during the past 15 months and Kerry tells us about the net loss of 800,000 jobs since Bush took office. What about the over 5 million new workers that enteted the work force in America since Bush took office? Where are the jobs for them? We are 6 million jobs short and the Bush economic policies and tax cuts have not stimulated the economy to create the needed jobs.

We have gone from a national debt of $5.8 Trillion when Bush took office to $7.5 Trillion today. If you turn to OMB and the Bush budget projection, you will find the president predicts that by the end of FY 2008, we will have a national debt of just short of $10 Trillion and never shows a balanced federal budget. His next action is to make all his tax cuts permanent and create even more debt.

Look at the Trade deficit and the jobs that keep going out of this country. What have his policies done to stem that loss?

Look at oil prices. Have we moved away from dependence on foreign oil? NO. Rather then supporting an energy policy that would require increased fuel efficiency, Bush insists on drilling in Alaska that would not produce as much oil as increasing average mileage by one mile per gallon. In addition, drilling in Alaska would take 10 years before any amount of added oil would be produced.

The above are all facts about our situation on October 8, 2004. How can half of America want to continue this by re-electing George W?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 08, 2004
Are we going to see statistics on discouraged workers throughout the decades?
on Oct 08, 2004
I too am not sure Kerry will be great. The reason I will vote for a Democrat is as follows:

The policies we are following are in the long term distructive. The GOP has been taken over by the conservatives and the supply side BS. If Bush and the Republicans continue to control congress and the White House, they will make all the tax cuts permanent which we can not afford. By splitting the power, the GOP can not do that and Kerry can not pass more spending progams so lons as the GOP controlls at least one house of Congress. WQe should not be goverened from the right or the left. Most Americans are toward the center and that is not where Bush and his cohorts are.

I was a Republican that supported the balanced budget ammendment. We either cut spending, increase taxes and a combination of the two. We do not continue the CHARGE AND SPEND policy of the current Republican leadership. Republicans are critical of the TAX AND SPEND Democrats, they are worse with the CHARGE AND SPEND policy because we must pay both for what we buy and the interest from the Charge part.
on Oct 08, 2004
Kerry is going to spend hundreds of billions in new health coverage beyond what Bush wants to spend.

Both candidates have made essentially the same pledge regarding the deficit, to cut it in half in (5 Bush, 4 Kerry) years. I don't like either candidates position on the deficit, but I don't see how Kerry can reign it in while adding another huge health care program.
on Oct 08, 2004
You are correct. But Kerry can not spend what congress does not pass. If Bush and the GOP make the tax cuts permenent, the deficit will not be cut in half. The impact of making the tax cuts perminant is to cut three times more revenue from the Fed then during the first ten years. That is becaure the tax cuts were phased in and in the second ten years (if the GOP makes it permenent) will knock the lid goes off the tax revenue. WE have $7.5 Trillion in debt without another cent. WE need to balance the budget and begin generating a surplus to pay down this amount. If the GOP will not approve new spending that Kerry wants and the tax rates return to the pre 2001 levels on the wealthy, we have a shot at balancing the budget. If we make all the tax cuts permenent, especially the estate tax and the cuts in dividends and the top two income brackets, the ends do not meet. I agree with the tax cuts that removed the marriage penalty and gave a larger deduction for children. Although that does not help me, I would think that part of the tax cuts should be made permenent. The tax rates on the wealthy must go back to the pre 2001 level because we need that revenue to meet our expenses. We could also try and cut the PORK, which is higher under the GOP than under the Democrats.
on Oct 08, 2004
Vote for the Chaotic Neutral Party this November!!

Heh that's like Bruster's Millions saying none of the above.

Kerry has yet to make a solid point on any of the issues at hand. He explained to me loud and clear he's the anti-bush but he has failed to explain to me what he stands for. I am not in the Kerry camp because he's the Anti-Bush. I'm not totally sold on Bush's policies either. Right now I feel closer alligned with Bush's policies then Kerry's because with Bush I know what they are and with Kerry, 3 weeks to go before elections has yet to solidify his stances.
on Oct 08, 2004
Knowing you are headed off a cliff is not where I want to be. We are not safer, the economy is not getting better for the majority of Americans and the fiscal situation with the deficit is off the scale. We have the conservatives who represent 30% of Americans calling the shots for 100% of us. That is not good for this country and I hope either Kerry wins or one house of congress goes to the Democrats. I do not want to see the White House and congress go to the control of the Demoocrats because that will be as wrong as the Conservatives having control. We need the checks and balances on our policies and we do not have that now.
on Oct 08, 2004
The deficit is the biggest issue.  Good god he (Bush) has to go!  (Even if Jesus wants him to be President.  Jesus probably sucked at economics, he was more of a charismatic type.)
on Oct 08, 2004

By: COL Gene
Posted: Friday, October 08, 2004 on Bush Truth
Message Board: Politics
As we move closer to Novemner 2, the polls continue to show a 50/50 split in America. If one were able to step back and look at the facts without the spin both sides use, it would seem to me Kerry should be far ahead.

Problem is that we can't and he ain't!
on Oct 08, 2004
Having only, tax payers, being allowed to vote?

Now there's a plan. Just put most of the, middle class, out of work, ergo, the big guys will always win.
.............and the poor? Well that's out of the question.
They should not be allowed within a six block radius of a voting booth.

Oh, and lets get rid of all the voters that happened to be left-handed as well. I mean, the, left, is the, left, and you never know what, left-handers might be thinking.

Sometimes when trying to make our point, we step over the edge, just a little.

on Oct 08, 2004
Well, "COL Gene", so much of what you have stated is FLAWED, that I really don't know where to start.

First of all, just because YOU believe what you say are FACTS does not make it so. How much more ARROGANT can you be?

The unemployment rate is 5.4%, which is LOWER than it was during this same period in your hero Bill Clinton's first term.

Are you aware that the unemployment rate calculated by our federal government bean counters do NOT include self-employed people? I just wonder how many of the umemployed people that you claim have "given up" looking for jobs have actually gone into business for themselves. I have a difficult time believing that any RESPONSIBLE adult would just throw his hands up, give up looking for a job, and watch his family starve to death. Just a thought.

Are you aware that the unemployment rate does NOT include any new start-up businesses from the past TWO YEARS? Of COURSE you are not aware of that. It takes 2 years for the unemployment business survey to catch up to these new businesses.

You criticize "trickled-down economics", but Ronald Reagan presided over the largest economic expansion in the HISTORY of the United States during the 1980s, or were you too young to remember much about the 80s?

Did you forget that we were ATTACKED on September 11, 2001, "COL Gene"? Our economy took a HUGE hit when that happened. The Dow lost 2500 points OVERNIGHT. The airline industry was almost destroyed, with many airlines STILL either bankrupt or teetering on bankruptcy.

Did you forget that we are AT WAR, in Afghanistan and in Iraq? Wars cost a LOT of money.

Did you forget that a whole new cabinet-level department was created as a result of 9/11? Does the Department of Homeland Security ring a bell? BILLIONS of dollars have been spent by our government to beef up homeland security, hire more airport screening personnel, beef up fire and police departments nationwide, and the list goes on and on and on.

Have you bothered to understand that we have not had ONE attack on American soil SINCE 9/11? Why do you suppose that is?

Well, I could write a BOOK on all of the errors and lies and political rhetoric and half-truths that you spewed in your RANT, but I am not going to waste any more of MY time on you. It wouldn't do any good anyway, because you are just a typical leftie SHEEP, too lazy to spend the time seeking the TRUTH, and too unintelligent to understand the big picture.
on Oct 08, 2004

Reply #26 By: Patriot_Flamethrower (Anonymous) - 10/8/2004 3:39:24 PM
Well, "COL Gene", so much of what you have stated is FLAWED, that I really don't know where to start.

First of all, just because YOU believe what you say are FACTS does not make it so. How much more ARROGANT can you be?

The unemployment rate is 5.4%, which is LOWER than it was during this same period in your hero Bill Clinton's first term.

Are you aware that the unemployment rate calculated by our federal government bean counters do NOT include self-employed people? I just wonder how many of the umemployed people that you claim have "given up" looking for jobs have actually gone into business for themselves. I have a difficult time believing that any RESPONSIBLE adult would just throw his hands up, give up looking for a job, and watch his family starve to death. Just a thought.

Are you aware that the unemployment rate does NOT include any new start-up businesses from the past TWO YEARS? Of COURSE you are not aware of that. It takes 2 years for the unemployment business survey to catch up to these new businesses.

You criticize "trickled-down economics", but Ronald Reagan presided over the largest economic expansion in the HISTORY of the United States during the 1980s, or were you too young to remember much about the 80s?

Did you forget that we were ATTACKED on September 11, 2001, "COL Gene"? Our economy took a HUGE hit when that happened. The Dow lost 2500 points OVERNIGHT. The airline industry was almost destroyed, with many airlines STILL either bankrupt or teetering on bankruptcy.

Did you forget that we are AT WAR, in Afghanistan and in Iraq? Wars cost a LOT of money.

Did you forget that a whole new cabinet-level department was created as a result of 9/11? Does the Department of Homeland Security ring a bell? BILLIONS of dollars have been spent by our government to beef up homeland security, hire more airport screening personnel, beef up fire and police departments nationwide, and the list goes on and on and on.

Have you bothered to understand that we have not had ONE attack on American soil SINCE 9/11? Why do you suppose that is?

Well, I could write a BOOK on all of the errors and lies and political rhetoric and half-truths that you spewed in your RANT, but I am not going to waste any more of MY time on you. It wouldn't do any good anyway, because you are just a typical leftie SHEEP, too lazy to spend the time seeking the TRUTH, and too unintelligent to understand the big picture.

From what I gather from the Col's posts is that he has written a book and considers himself a genius! Well woop-de-do!
on Oct 08, 2004
I want change and I support Bush. Here are some changes I want to see:

I want less dependence on foreign oil, so I support the candidate who has called for tax credits for biodiesel, ethanol and other alternative fuels - George W. Bush. I support the candidate who developed an energy policy that included conservation and new production at home - George W. Bush.

I want an end to the unconstitutional filibuster of judicial nominees. Something that has only happened once in all of American history. In 1998 Democrat Senatory Patrick Leahy said, "I would object and fight against any filibuster on a judge, whether it is somebody I opposed or supported." After Bush was elected, Leahy joined wholeheartedly in filbustering judicial nominees. I want to see that changed and that means voting out 5 Democrat Senators.

I want a change in domestic spending - I want less of it. Kerry has proposed some 2 trillion dollars and counting in new domestic spending. That certainly won't help the deficit either, though frankly the deficit is low relative to GDP in historical terms especially for wartime.

I want a change in Iraq and the war on terror. I want to send terrorists the message that America will not back down, that we will not shift in our positions based on casualties we see on TV, that we have the guts to see this thing through. That if we commit troops to battle, we will support them once they are there. That once the American people vote to fund the troops they won't vote against it. The best way to send terrorists that message - re-elect George W. Bush.
on Oct 08, 2004
You can confuse the issue with the mechaics of how the Fed calculates the unemployment rate . I never claimed I was a expert. I have done a lot of research and do know that the economic policies of Bush have not produced the jobs required to keep up with our population growth. That was not the case during the 1990's.

I have researched the deficit and the impact of the economic policy we are following which is the same policy that created almost 5 Trillion in debt betweem 1980 and 2001. Between 2001 and today our debt went from $5.8 Trillion to $7.5 Trillion. If I take George W. at his word from his budget projection, the deficit will be $10 Trillion by the end of 2008.

If you don't believe the American Tax payer will pay for that irresponsible policy, just wait and see. Print these Blogs and look at them when they come true.

The people who blindly support this VooDoo economics will pay the price along with everyone else. No person, No company and no country can follow the path we are on without paying the consequenses!
Reread this Blog. Every thing is correct even though some may not like it!
on Oct 08, 2004
I want change and I support Bush. Here are some changes I want to see:

I want less dependence on foreign oil, so I support the candidate who has called for tax credits for biodiesel, ethanol and other alternative fuels - George W. Bush. I support the candidate who developed an energy policy that included conservation and new production at home - George W. Bush.

I want an end to the unconstitutional filibuster of judicial nominees. Something that has only happened once in all of American history. In 1998 Democrat Senatory Patrick Leahy said, "I would object and fight against any filibuster on a judge, whether it is somebody I opposed or supported." After Bush was elected, Leahy joined wholeheartedly in filbustering judicial nominees. I want to see that changed and that means voting out 5 Democrat Senators.

I want a change in domestic spending - I want less of it. Kerry has proposed some 2 trillion dollars and counting in new domestic spending. That certainly won't help the deficit either, though frankly the deficit is low relative to GDP in historical terms especially for wartime.

I want a change in Iraq and the war on terror. I want to send terrorists the message that America will not back down, that we will not shift in our positions based on casualties we see on TV, that we have the guts to see this thing through. That if we commit troops to battle, we will support them once they are there. That once the American people vote to fund the troops they won't vote against it. The best way to send terrorists that message - re-elect George W. Bush.

From what you have stated, you sound like you want Kerry.
on Oct 08, 2004
I want a change in Iraq and the war on terror. I want to send terrorists the message that America will not back down, that we will not shift in our positions based on casualties we see on TV, that we have the guts to see this thing through. That if we commit troops to battle, we will support them once they are there.

Yes one of many reasons not to choose Kerry, he will bring Carter style diplomacy back to deal with terrorist. The whole reason terrorists think they can accomplish something with the US using terrorism is because of Carter backing down, giving in is never the right option with terrorists, you only ask for more terror, after all did this kind of diplomacy work with Hitler and the Appeasement deal?

- GX
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